My Empire

Chapter 1632: Purgatory

Although the confidentiality level has been lowered, Taiyi, as the killer of the Ailan Hill Empire, is still unknown to most people.

Therefore, on the ground of Planet Higgs 3, the combat troops of the Ailan Hill Empire are still passively defending every line of defense, fighting hard with the guards in front of them.

Unlike the Higgs 11 where Van Kefal is located, everything here is prepared, and every battle here is “premeditated”.

General Medias is best at fighting this kind of planned battle. His defensive tactics of defensive layer by layer and orderly retreat, even in the face of an enemy ten times a hundred times his own, appear calm and unhurried.

However, although it seemed very calm, on the frontal battlefield, the inferior Alanhill Empire forces did start to become passive.

Even with ten times and one hundred times the reinforcements and supplies during the Battle of Higgs 5, Medias was still cautious and did not dare to invest too much force in a full counterattack.

On the one hand, because the counterattack is indeed too cost-effective, the enemy has destroyed the villages and destroyed the fortifications, and even the roads may no longer exist, so it seems that it is not worth the loss to retake these areas.

Since there is already a piece of white ground, wouldn’t it be better to let the enemy be beaten on this piece of white ground?

Allan Hill has been using nuclear weapons madly recently, and sometimes even uses three-phase bombs at any cost, which are more polluting and powerful nuclear weapons.

The purpose is not only to strike at the guards, but also in experiments to see if the guards will mutate due to nuclear radiation.

Unfortunately, although such an attack once weakened the number of guards, it did not delay time.

These terrible watchers, after receiving the power of the gods, seemed to have no end to their ability to reproduce themselves. They copied crazily, and then launched wave after wave of terrible offensives near the front line of the Ailan Hill Empire.

Inside the cracked concrete bunker, the soldiers of the Airanhill Empire are unloading a destroyed machine gun.

In the brutal battle just now, this electromagnetic machine gun was hit by a black energy group and was reimbursed along with its two shooters.

The soldiers hiding in the bunker are generally light infantry, and most of them are clone soldiers. This is no way, because the speed of producing clones has been increasing recently, but the speed of producing mechas is a bit unable to keep up. NS.

Since then, cloned light infantry began to appear on the battlefield. They were not equipped with heavy powered mechas, but equipped with battery equipment and simplified electromagnetic rifles, no different from ordinary infantry in the past.

Such soldiers are probably enhanced versions of puppet robots, but they look more like humans from the outside.

They still have a QR code on their foreheads, which can still be easily distinguished. In the cruel battle, these clones also suffered the greatest loss in the tenacious battle.

“Operation Longsword has started, and the elite troops have launched counterattacks on both sides of us. This is why the enemy suddenly retreated.” An officer passed through the damaged trench and introduced to a young officer who was next to him. .

Under their feet was soft soil, and the trenches reinforced with cement, nearly two meters high, had been completely broken, and there were gaps opened by artillery shells everywhere.

In many places, the cement bunkers that had reinforced the trenches had been blasted into pieces, and there were sandbags filled in between the pieces.

Some gaps were obviously repaired, and an electromagnetic tank was hidden there.

The front of the tank is filled with sandbags and large pieces of broken cement, which are used as a shelter to hide themselves by the way.

Next to the tank, the crew is heating food in a self-heating pot in the shade on the side. Their faces were full of exhaustion, because they had just experienced a cruel battle.

The enemy rushed to the ground for a while, and hundreds of soldiers were killed in the battle just now. If it weren’t for Operation Longsword, they might have been captured here.

Soldiers not far away were helping their companions to bandage the wounds, and some puppet robots were carrying the wounded towards the traffic trench leading to the rear.

Seeing an officer walking by, the soldiers put down their bandages or hemostatic ointment one after another, stood up and saluted.

“Long live the empire!” A soldier with an obvious QR code printed on his forehead greeted the officer who passed by in a loud voice.

“Long live your majesty!” The officer who inspected the entire position returned a military salute at random, and motioned to the young officer around him to follow him: “There is a fixed fort in front of me! Go and take a look over there!”

“Let’s go…” The young officer, who was walking deep and shallow on the tattered defense line, said, while bypassing the electromagnetic tank that was disguised as hardly different from Shizuo.

After bypassing the tank, he was taken aback for a moment, because the scene became more tragic across the other trenches of the tank.

This place seems to have been attacked by conquerors. A thick bunker not far away seems to have been penetrated by an energy ray, and there are the remains of two electromagnetic tanks on the side of the bunker.

The front armor of a tank was punctured, the device for storing electrical energy was destroyed, the turret was blown off, and even the car body was blown apart.

The track was broken due to the explosion, and a road wheel was missing, and further afield, the tank that was also destroyed, even looked rusty, had been lying there for a while.

Obviously, the tank was destroyed earlier, and when the young officer walked to the wreckage of the tank, he discovered that the tank’s tracks and road wheels had been gone.

Even the hatch covers, handles, and internal structures that can be seen on the tank are gone. There is only an empty car body, lying alone on this section of the line of defense that can’t be seen at all.

Indeed, the original look is no longer visible here, the original trenches no longer exist, and the vegetation has been destroyed due to the rain of bullets.

Now here is like a wilderness, with bomb craters everywhere, simple fortifications everywhere, and some faintly discernible shrapnel in the soil.

The soldiers here are still fulfilling their mission, even if they don’t know that a super weapon has been built behind them, they are still holding their positions here.

For them, grassroots officers and soldiers, this is a desperate endless war… Death is the end of this purgatory—

When Long Ling finds his feelings, he will start to make up for it! Today I will offer a watch first.

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