My Empire

Chapter 1638: Broken Power Mech

When Hill broke free from the floating soil on his body, the whole person was still dizzy. Just now, a cloud of black energy exploded beside him, and the flying mud buried his whole person.

He tried to raise his arm, but he couldn’t feel his arm reacting. His ears were full of ringing, and he couldn’t hear other sounds at all.

Even earphones that can actively isolate most of the noise can’t fully protect Hill’s ears at this distance.

He can feel it. There should have been black blood oozing out of his ears, and he probably also had such bleeding wounds on his body.

“I seem to be injured…” He said this, or he wanted to talk like this. But he wasn’t sure whether he said it or not, because he didn’t hear his own voice.

The explosion just now was very close, so Hill felt that the not-so-advanced power mech on his body must be out of order.

The shock wave and the flying gravel will surely penetrate the mecha on his body, and even destroy most of the functions of this mecha.

If there is no problem with his mech computer, he will always prompt various battle damage reports at this moment, but he has not heard anything now.

This means that maybe his ears have not recovered, or the headset of his mecha is broken, of course, it is also possible that the mecha is completely broken.

The enemy? Is the enemy very close? Has it already rushed up? Where is my weapon? Where are the weapons? He thought anxiously, hoping to cheer up again.

With the passage of time little by little, he finally recovered from the feeling of dizziness caused by the shock wave of the explosion.

He realized that he should be injured, and his power mech should have been damaged. Now, this **** mecha has become a burden on his body, so he can’t feel his hands moving.

Finally, as his consciousness gradually stabilized, he could feel that his power was returning to his body. His arm is still there, but now he needs to work harder to move it.

“Are you okay?” Suddenly, Hill vaguely heard someone calling him. He wanted to see his face clearly, but the visual enhancement system seemed to be completely scrapped. Various intermittent signals flashed in front of him. Completely projected accurate image information.

The distant and familiar sound gradually floated, mixed with the sound of guns and guns outside, making Hill’s ears who had just restarted and resumed work a little busy for a while: “The connection to the main power system of the mecha was interrupted, and the backup system of the mecha failed to turn on. .”

“What did you say?” Hill Zou raised his eyebrows, he didn’t know who he was asking, and he didn’t know if the other party could hear him.

“I said you are okay?” The voice that was near and far away came again, and this time it was much clearer.

It’s just that when this sentence entered Hill’s ears, another voice echoed in his ears: “Weapon and ammunition residual quantity is zero, weapon and ammunition residual quantity is zero, please change your magazine in time… …”

“I can’t hear what you said…” Hill raised his arm vigorously. He could feel that his fingers seemed to be able to do grasping movements, but he still could only see the beating pictures, as if they were not stopping. The cut screen is the same as your own computer monitor.

Finally, Hill could hear that it was Sun Rui talking to him: “Damn, you stay here for now! Don’t move! Those **** **** are here!”

He didn’t know why he suddenly relaxed a little. It seems that Sun Rui is fine, and the new friends he makes here are fine.

Since he can still hear the voice of his friend, it proves that he will be fine for the time being, and the position is still there, so he doesn’t have to worry about being eaten by the sweeper.

“Suddenly!” Immediately afterwards, a burst of intensive electromagnetic rifle shooting sounded, and it seemed that Sun Rui was firing.

At the same time, among the sound of the electromagnetic rifle, another seemingly non-existent sound echoed in his ears: “Automatic detachment failed… Automatic detachment failed… Repeat, automatic detachment failed.”

Hill snorted. He wanted to find his weapon and then go to help Sun Rui, but it was very difficult for him to move his body now.

He felt that he was really unlucky. The last time he seemed to be desperate, he was rescued by Sun Rui.

“Damn… where’s my sword?” He muttered, hoping that someone could help him find his sword.

Unfortunately, there is no feedback. The mechanical computer prompt in the ear has become clearer and clearer: “The hydraulic system is leaking, please return to the repair point in time…”

“Shut up…” Hill was a little depressed. He knew that his mecha had been damaged, so he didn’t need anyone to remind him… he was not stupid.

It is a pity that his mecha computer did not respond to his orders, but still mechanically performed its prompting duty: “The mecha is damaged, your mecha has been penetrated, please check your physical condition in time, you are very likely Already injured…”

It’s just that because of the damage of the earphones, the sound is not the usual female reminder, but has become a weird tone, and it sounds very awkward.

“Turn off the voice prompt system.” Anyway, it is difficult to move his body, so Hill simply concentrated on dealing with this annoying and broken system.

“Are you okay? Medical soldiers! Someone is injured here!” Sun Rui’s voice came again at this time. It seems that he has already killed the cleaners who approached him. This is at least good news.

Hill tried his best and shouted loudly. He felt that his communication system might not be working. He had to let the other party hear his voice as much as possible: “Help, help me turn over…I want to get out!”

“Okay! I’ll turn you over…but don’t come out! There are sweepers everywhere!” Sun Rui’s voice came again, making Hill feel extremely relieved.

“My mech is scrapped.” Hill said to Sun Rui outside the mech.

I could hear that Sun Rui was also very anxious. He seemed to have seen Hill’s wound, and said nervously, “See it! Don’t move! Damn! You’re bleeding!”

At this time, the still chattering system is still meticulously reporting the damage of the mecha: “You are using the valuable main system power reserve… If it is not necessary, please close the power consumption program…”

“Shut up…” The irritable Hill finally couldn’t help it. He was really fed up with this **** system.

“?” Sun Rui beside Hill was trying to help him, when he heard Hill shout hysterically through the visor……——

Raise your body for two days, write less, prove that you are still alive… Recently, Long Ling is so miserable… It’s really unlucky…

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