My Empire

Chapter 1639: Vest

Hill felt that he might really be dying. When Sun Rui helped him to lift the slightly deformed steel plate on his body, he saw black blood.

This set of power mechs is not the most advanced mech of the Ailan Hill Empire, it seems that the workmanship is just like that.

After finally breathing the fresh air with a smell of gunpowder again, Hill could finally feel the severe pain from his body.

“You have a wound on your body! But it doesn’t look like a big deal!” Sun Rui forcefully helped Hill to tear open the armor that was pressing on his arm, letting his hand out.

“It hurts me so much! You don’t need to comfort me, I know I’m going to die.” Hill felt that he was really dying, and he felt that Sun Rui was comforting him.

Sun Rui heard Hill say this, lifted the mask on his face, and shouted: “Sorry, I’m not comforting you, you really just suffered some minor injuries…”

Hearing his good friend say this, Hill was taken aback, and then he finally mustered up the courage to look at his torso.

At this point, he thought it might be better that he was dead. Although he looked very embarrassed, his body was indeed protected by the power mecha.

The source of the blood is mostly a stone that penetrated the joint of the steel plate, and also penetrated the side ribs of Hill. Although; a lot of blood was shed, but there were no vital organs there.

Even Hill did not feel that there was a hole in this place, which was a fatal wound that was difficult to treat.

Even, he felt that he pulled out the medical kit, pressed the wound with a hemostatic kit, and then wrapped a few bandages, it was more suitable than calling a medic.

“Cover me! I will bandage myself!” Hill moved his arm, sat up from the powered mecha that had lost his power, and looked back to touch the medical kit on the waist of the mecha.

He tore off his earphones, and his loose hair was stuck to his forehead because of sweat. His face was not ugly, because he was a relatively advanced demon, not a low-level subspecies.

However, on this battlefield, there are more ugly existences than low-level demons, so everyone is not surprised by demons.

“You’d better wear headphones… the explosion of the shell may hurt your ears!” Sun Rui probed his head, looked at the location of the attacking sweeper in the distance, and then retracted his head to warn Hill.

Hill waved his hand, pulled out what he needed from the first aid kit, gritted his teeth and pressed it on his wound.

It was the instant pleasure of a drug to kill bacteria, making Hill as if his whole person was sublimated instantly.

After a short period of sourness, he was still fortunate. I thought I was dead, but looking at it now, I’m still relatively lucky.

“If you don’t die today! You will definitely get the medal you want!” Sun Rui checked the ammunition on his weapon and said to Hill who was bandaged on his body.

The medal he said is the Service Medal of the Higgs 11 planet, and it will be awarded as long as the battle lasts for 30 days.

This medal is a commemoration and encouragement for other soldiers of the empire, but it has another important meaning for the demons.

With this medal, you can live equally and freely in the Aranhill Empire as a citizen of the Aranhill Empire.

This is a blessing from the empire, this is the only way for them to redeem themselves! As a former enemy of the empire, if the demons want to integrate into this big family, they must do more and better than others!

Before Hill could say anything, Sun Rui buttoned the mask on his face, took up the electromagnetic rifle in his hand, and started an attack towards the distant target.

Even swordsmen, in such a tragic battlefield, gradually discovered that their flying swords are actually far less useful than the electromagnetic rifles in their hands.

So, more often, they are more willing to use electromagnetic rifles to attack when the enemy is far away, retain their strength, and wait until the enemy is close before using the flying sword to fight the enemy at close range.

And these swordsmen, after being strengthened by the mecha, made up for their own lack of combat effectiveness and became stronger and tougher.

The   Guardian commanders also began to discover that the swordsmen strengthened by iron armor and electromagnetic rifles were no longer the swordsmen of the “Heavenly Sword God Sect” they had faced.

These difficult opponents are as powerful as the grenadiers of the Ailan Hill Empire at long range. When fighting at close range, they have lightsabers in their hands to attack frontally, and they have swimming flying swords that sneak attack from other angles. It can be said to be a strong metamorphosis.

Wrapped the bandage, Hill felt that he seemed to be alive, he tried to twist his body, and felt that the state seemed to have recovered a lot.

So he crawled out of the paralyzed power mech, and wanted to find a handy weapon to help Sun Rui who was fighting hard.

“Boom!” Just as he lowered his head to look for his weapon in the trench, a black energy group landed on the edge of the trench not far away, splashing mud in the sky.

Hill squinted his eyes, and a buzzing sound came from his ears again. He really misses the earphones that protect his hearing now, but it’s a pity that the thing is broken now.

“They are too many! Damn it!” Sun Rui flew off the magazine on his gun, drew a new magazine from his waist and filled it, then turned back and shouted to Hill: “Help me find your ammunition. I am about to hit a photo bullet!”

“Okay!” Hill did not hear what Sun Rui said, but he still made a gesture to Sun Rui, indicating that he was looking for a weapon.

He thought that Sun Rui wanted him to find a weapon to help him, so the ghostly figure answered “Yes”.

“There are too many of them! I can’t stand it anymore!” Seeing more and more sweepers on the opposite side, Sun Rui shouted again.

This time, Hill, who had recovered some hearing a bit, heard Sun Rui’s shout clearly. He bent down and drew his long sword from the floating soil, and made a good gesture to Sun Rui: “Come on! No matter how many of them there are, I will be here with you today, fighting to the end…”

Just as he was speaking, a black shadow passed over his head, and rushed towards the place where the sweeper was like a bolt of lightning.

Followed by the second black shadow and the third black shadow, followed by dozens, hundreds of such shadows, passing the position where Hill and Sun Rui were stationed.

This dark shadow is even uglier than the sweeper on the opposite side, as if from hell, it is simply a monster in a nightmare. It was also the first time Sun Rui saw such a thing, so for a while he even forgot to continue firing.

That’s a demon dog…the demon dog wearing…the bomb vest…

Seeing these familiar figures, Hill seemed to recall the appearance of the demons in the past. He grinned at our demons, speaking of numbers, that’s a lot! —

Today, Long Ling can finally eat something…It’s not easy. I have never thought that porridge was so delicious.

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