My Empire

Chapter 1656: It\'s really time

Sorens opened his eyes again, stretched out his hand, and after touching the four dry eyes on his face, he stretched out with satisfaction.

“Ah…These low-level life forms still have a lot of details on the evolutionary path.” He exclaimed, looked at his five fingers, and stood up comfortably from his resting place.

He now looks a lot like a human, but there are still four eyes on his face, which looks terrifying and weird.

And his body has been separated from the huge flesh ball-like subject and can move freely.

At this moment, he was naked, walking in the dark space without any consideration, as if he didn’t care about the naked body at all.

“Congratulations, sir! The transformation has been completed.” A guardian commander standing by, bending over slightly, congratulated with a hoarse voice.

Sorens ignored the other party, just walked forward, stepping gracefully. He has adapted to this body very well, and since he started to transform, his strength has been continuously rising.

The power of the Watcher is also constantly rising! The sneak attack on the Higgs 7 was only a small part of the Watchers’ offensive plan. The success of the sneak attack on the Higgs 7 was only a side manifestation of the number of the Guards’ troops.

Although the fleet of the Ailanhill Empire is also huge in number, it has begun to lose ground for the Watcher fleet, which can regenerate almost infinitely.

As more and more warships of the Watchers join the battle, the frontal battlefield of the Ailan Hill Empire has actually begun to feel the pressure.

Even if there are thousands of planets, the strategic deployment of the Alanhill Empire in the Higgs region still depends on transportation.

Once a critical point is reached, transportation and logistics material deployment will not be able to support more troops.

This kind of thing is actually the embarrassment of normal civilization. If you want to gather an army, you need to consume a lot of manpower and material resources to transport the materials to the edge of the battlefield where you need it.

In fact, the Ailan Hill Empire War Machine is already strong enough, and it has been insisting until now, before it began to become stretched…

According to Solrance’s plan, as time goes by, more and more Wardens warships will infiltrate the rear of the Aranhill Empire from various places.

You don’t need much at a time, you just need to change a planet, or destroy a transport fleet of the Ailan Hill Empire, even if it is a victory.

This kind of consumption accumulates bit by bit, and in the end it will become the last straw that crushes the camel. At that time, the defense of the entire Ailan Hill Empire will collapse in an instant.

According to the previous Sorens battle plan, the current Ailan Hill Empire should have collapsed long ago.

It was only because of the technological advancement of the Ailanhill Empire, which happened to help the Ailanhill Empire to make up for its quantitative disadvantage at a critical time and barely maintained the situation.

It is as if the Tiger tank was developed as a breakthrough tank, but it did not catch up with the German offensive battle, and eventually evolved into a defensive tank with holes.

The new technological weapon of the Airanhill Empire, that is, Zaku, maintained the situation for the Ailanhill Empire at a critical moment.

Where there should be loopholes, because only one Zaku aircraft carrier needs to be invested, dozens of Zakus can maintain the defense line, so the thickness of the Ailanhill Empire’s defense has increased significantly.

The problem that can only be solved by the previous patrol fleet can be achieved by a new type of Zaku aircraft carrier with an **** warship.

Under such circumstances, the Ailan Hill Empire can maintain the defense line with fewer new aircraft carrier warships, and complete the patrol tasks behind the defense line, so the number disadvantage becomes less lethal.

After more than a month of tug-of-war, although the offensive and defensive balances of the two sides still began to tilt toward the guards, there was no fundamental change as Sorens had expected.

“Did the fleet disperse?” Finally, Sorens still spoke. His voice was already normal, and there was no problem at all. The original unpleasant voice disappeared, and the pitch no longer changed inexplicably.

Obviously, he has completely adapted to this body and can master every part of this body proficiently.

“My lord! Today alone we sent more than 100 fleets to penetrate the defense lines of the Ailan Hill Empire.” The commander immediately replied.

He is waiting here just to report to Sorens about the fighting that happened in the last day.

He only continued to report: “Among them, 73 fleets were discovered during the infiltration process, and these fleets have been lost.”

“Of the remaining 27 fleets, 26 were found attacked by the patrol fleet, and they have all lost contact.” Before Sorens could question him, he went on to say: “The remaining one successfully attacked a love The ore planet of the Lanhill Empire is codenamed Higgs 55…There are not many minerals on it, and the population is very small, only more than 5,000 people.”

This time the attack was successful. In fact, the loss was not much. Moreover, there are not many iron ore on Higgs 55, so there are no large factories on the entire planet, only some robots and a small number of immigrants.

Losing such a resource planet is nothing to the Alanhill Empire. However, in the eyes of the guards, such things as successful attacks are always exciting.

Because they win by absolute numbers, as long as they can consume the enemy, even if it is only a tiny bit, it is meaningful to them.

“Successful?” Even Sorens himself was a little surprised. He turned around, looked at his subordinates, and asked a little uncertainly.

“Yes, the only fleet that successfully infiltrated a planet. Because the nearby Alanhill Empire fleet heard the wind, they only had time to restore Planet Higgs 55, and they were sent to the enemy. Annihilated.” The Guardian Commander replied with some regret.

Sorrens nodded, with a triumphant smile on his face: “Very…very good! It can weaken the enemy, even if one point…is our victory!”

“Yes, my lord! You are right!” The guardian’s commander immediately agreed.

“Now that I have completed the transformation, then…how is the preparation of the frontline fleet going?” Sorens asked immediately.

“My lord! We have assembled a super-large fleet five times the size behind us, and we can enter the battlefield at any time!” The commander immediately replied, “Moreover, while gathering our forces, we also maintained the front line. Attack posture!”

“Very good! Attack immediately! Don’t go anywhere else, just attack the space near Higgs 3! Completely surround Higgs 3! Let them take a good look and see how powerful our guards are! Sorens nodded and walked into the darkness with pride.

In the bridge of the flagship Serris of the 1st Fleet of the Ailan Hill Empire, Marshal Lawnes was staring at the holographic map, frowning and saying nothing.

Behind him, a colonel put the report on the table together with the tablet, and said: “Sir! The enemy’s attack force curve in the last two days… just checked it out!”

The chief of staff who has been standing there looked at the data curve, and said with a frowning brow: “This comparison, there is indeed a change…”

“Yes, the enemy has not significantly reduced the number of troops invested in the past five days!” The colonel confirmed this judgment.

Although it is not obvious, and it can be said that it is not obvious, this data change still has not escaped the eyes of the data analysis department of the Ailan Hill Empire.

The guards are still increasing the strength of all the troops on the front line, but the speed at which they can increase their strength has slowed down a bit.

It’s like a country’s economic growth, which has always maintained a 10% growth before, and the next 9-8% growth, although the base is larger and the growth is more, will still cause People’s ideas.

The commanders of the Ailan Hill Empire noticed this slight change and also counted the recent changes.

“If it’s not that they are really weak in the successor, then they have drawn a part of the troops they invested from the front line!” The chief of staff stared at the data and spoke out his own thoughts.

“The enemy’s army formation is too thick, and our reconnaissance spacecraft can’t find the specific number and location of the enemy’s rear warships…” An officer of the reconnaissance unit complained annoyedly.

His army is not without warriors, nor is it lack of effort. Every loss is a big pain, but the specific number and location of the Watcher fleet is still insufficient.

Many times, the spacecraft ventured into the reconnaissance, and the result was still the reflection of the dense enemy fleet, and there was no end in sight.

In the face of such data, speculative analysis has become almost the only source of intelligence, and such battles really give commanders a headache.

There is no way, the enemy’s situation is unknown, if you can’t know yourself and the enemy, then you can only fight steadily and dare not take any strategic risks.

A staff officer opened his mouth and put forward his own opinion: “It is possible that…the enemy’s successor is weak…or the troops are deployed to support Higgs 4 and Higgs 11…”

“This is the data analysis on those two sides. The number of troops invested by the enemy…has not increased!” The colonel of the data analysis department pointed to the two stacks of data analysis reports on the table next to the tablet computer, and said.

“On the contrary, the increase in the number of enemy warships in these two directions has also slowed down.” He added at last.

“Weak successor?” The staff blushed, but in the end he could only suffocate a word.

The other staff officer shook his head and said, “It’s not like it. If they really start to lack troops, how could they put hundreds of fleets every day to try to penetrate our defenses.”

The staff officer said while looking at his colleague: “It’s almost in a state of nothing. Our interception rate is over 90%! And the patrol fleet will be there as soon as possible.”

“In the last week, the enemy sent out more than two thousand small fleets to infiltrate, only one success…” The colonel of the data department spoke about a data comparison, which proved what the staff officer who spoke later said.

Here, another officer spoke about the latest loss: “The Higgs 55 resource planet was attacked. We lost more than 5,000 civilians, more than 10,000 clones, 300,000 puppet robots…”

This is the second resource planet recently lost by the Allan Hill Empire. The first is Higgs 60, which is also a small resource planet that is not very good. There are even 30 immigrants on it, and most of the rest are Puppet robot.

This kind of loss is really nothing, even if it is the official Ailan Hill Empire, this kind of loss is not regarded as the same thing.

However, the increase in losses is indeed a fact. After the loss of Higgs 5, the Ailan Hill Empire was attacked by three resource planets, as well as an immigrant planet Higgs 7…

Before the comparison, it can be seen that the enemy’s penetration success rate is indeed increasing. The reason is that the pressure on the front line is increasing, which has caused loopholes in the Ailanhill Empire fleet.

But even so, the increase in the enemy’s frontal forces slowed down, which still made Lawnes feel dangerous.

That’s why he convened this meeting and started the discussion in this area, in order to remind everyone that the enemy might have a back hand.

The chief of staff shook his head, and set the tone for the debate just now: “Take 2,000 small fleets and tens of thousands of warships, and you can change to such a resource planet…Although you are the caretaker, if you are the commander, you will In the case of weak successor forces, should we make such a deployment?”

“This…” The questioning staff blushed even more.

“Or, do you think that the guards are not strong enough. In the next few days, they will stop attacking, and then we will be defeated and collapsed in our counterattack?” The Chief of Staff continued to ask.

“Of course not…” The staff shook his head quickly, feeling that he was really sloppy.

The chief of staff finally changed his comforting tone and reminded: “Questioning is a good thing, but it must be supported by intelligence analysis and data, and it must be based on facts!”

“I’m sorry!” The officer was even more ashamed and bowed his head to apologize.

“So… Since it’s not that the follow-up troops are not enough, we are ready to hoard our troops for a bit…” Lawnes looked at the map and said, “…the problem is, Higgs 3, Higgs 4, and There is Higgs 11…Which direction is it?”

“No matter which direction it is, the problem is not small…We have to make preparations for the planetary line of defense to be broken through.” The chief of staff said.

“Maybe, the entire defense line will be penetrated…” Lawnes agreed with the Chief of Staff’s judgment: “So, although it is risky, I have to say…Your Majesty is really time…”

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