My Empire

Chapter 1657: That young man back then

“Sir!” Just when Lawnes said Chris had arrived on the battlefield in time, an officer rushed in and shouted loudly: “The front-line reconnaissance spacecraft has detected that a large number of enemy spaceships are pressing on! It’s us. front!”

“Okay, don’t guess this time! It’s our side!” Lawnes seemed to be relieved, and finally let go of his hands and feet: “Since they are coming at us, let them see, First Fleet Your will!”

“Order, press the reserve! Enter the first-line defensive position!” Lawnes turned his head, and ordered his adjutant and the chief of staff and others: “Report the position of the other squadrons! Recalculate the relationship with the enemy fleet the distance.”

“Shoot the battle alarm! Let all personnel return!” After issuing the order, Lawnes looked at the captain of his flagship and quietly ordered.

“Yes! Sound the battle alarm! All personnel, return to the combat position!” The captain stood at attention and saluted, then turned around and walked to his command position.

For a time, the entire bridge began to become busy, and the officers walked toward their positions nervously. Many people were talking in low voices, discussing the upcoming battle from all aspects.

“Sir! The news just confirmed! The unmanned patrol ship in the forefront has lost contact, and the radar image transmitted back shows that there are more than 3,000 enemy ships!” The officer of the reconnaissance unit walked over nervously and said.

“It is impossible to have so few!” Lawnes said with a sneer: “It’s just the cannon fodder to explore the way ahead! Looking at this posture, there are more than 30,000 ships!”

“The message from the frontline guard 335 reconnaissance fleet before retreating. At least 30,000 enemy ships are approaching us!” Soon after Lawnes made his judgment, another officer sent a similar message. .

Soon, the Guardian fleet that had crossed the cordon gradually appeared in front of the main fleet of the Aranhill Empire.

A staff officer hurriedly walked behind Marshal Lawnes and reported: “The 1st Squadron has found the enemy ship at a distance of 931, and the main gun is charging!”

On the other side, a staff officer put down the phone and shouted loudly: “The 2nd Squadron is ready for combat!”

“The 3rd Squadron is assembled! The Squadron Reserve has been mixed into the fleet as ordered!” Almost at the same time, another voice came into Marshal Lawnes’ ears.

The entire fleet is entering a state of combat, and inside the battleships one after another, the battle alarm sounded sternly.

In the narrow corridor, the soldiers rushed to their combat positions, one by one soldiers tore off their own spacesuits from the wall where the spacesuits were hung, and hurriedly put them on themselves.

“Check the fixed buckle! Otherwise, the air leaks for a while, and you’re done!” A clone officer helped his subordinates put on a spacesuit and exclaimed.

The new clone soldier nodded, and then began to operate the button on his chest according to the process he was familiar with.

“Squeak…” The automatic air conditioning system turned on, and there was a refreshing airflow in the stuffy spacesuit. The temperature inside the helmet was rapidly approaching the most comfortable 26 degrees. The clone with a QR code on his forehead confirmed the tightness of his spacesuit and ran to his combat position with the others.

“Adjust the angle of the electromagnetic gun! Check the ballistic computer! Calibrate and shoot Zhuyuan!” The gunner sat in his seat and instructed all the men in the turret: “Charge the electromagnetic system! Be prepared to take over the manual operation at any time. Prepare!”

Although there is a unified computer control and shooting orders are all issued by the weapon officer in the commanding position, there are still their own gunners in each turret.

This arrangement is on the one hand to switch to manual control when the remote control system fails or is damaged, and on the other hand to correct the misjudgment of the computer system by relying on manual operation in the melee.

“Yes!” The gunners with transparent helmets who were already seated in the turret replied loudly without looking back.

In another universe, inside the huge Tier 2 aircraft carrier, the tense battle alarm has also sounded.

In the hangar full of Z-type fighters, the clone pilots are arranging their equipment with the help of the ground crew.

“The 3rd Wing takes off immediately! A cordon is established on the periphery of the fleet! The enemy’s Killer fighter jets are likely to have taken off and approached!” An officer passed by the pilots who were ready and commanded loudly.

Behind him, a Z-type fighter has been pulled to the ejection device by a trailer driven by the ground crew. A group of working robots quickly stepped forward and pushed the Z-type fighter onto the ejection device.

“Fault detection is complete!” Not far from the Z-type fighter jet preparing to eject and take off, a ground crew member gave a thumbs up to the pilot sitting in the cabin: “Everything is normal!”

“Nuclear bomb is mounted!” Just below the gangway of this Z fighter, the ground crew responsible for mounting ammunition also confirmed that everything is normal in terms of ammunition mounting: “Everything is normal!”

On the flagship Serris, Lawnes knew that the enemy was already under pressure, so he ordered: “Let the warships fire free! No need to wait for orders! The enemy enters range and starts attacking! Where is our carrier fleet? Where? ”

“Yes! The fleets are free to fire!” An officer took the order and repeated Lawnes’s command loudly: “Don’t wait for the salvo order!”

A few seconds later, directly in front of the 1st Fleet of the huge Elanhill Empire, beams of dazzling light illuminated the dark universe, and the battleship’s ultra-long-range, high-energy star-destroying artillery bombardment kicked off.

Time may have just passed dozens of seconds, and a black energy ray struck on the opposite side. The stout rays hit the magical defensive barriers directly in front of the Ailan Hill Empire battleship, causing shocks in these defensive barriers.

And when the magical defense barrier shattered and disappeared, some other battleships opened fire again, and another dazzling light cut through the darkness and galloped away.

Hearing Lawnes’ question, a staff officer could not resist looking at the fierce artillery battle outside the porthole, and replied: “At the 16th position…Two minutes ago, we had already sent the order!”

“The carrier fleet has entered combat readiness, and all fighter pilots are on standby!” After a pause, the staff officer continued to speak.

“Where is Zagu’s troops?” Lawnes asked again.

“Zaku’s troops are on standby! They have always been counterattacks and attacked last.” The chief of staff looked at the news that was just confirmed and replied.

Luns seemed to be a little dissatisfied with this position, frowned slightly, and ordered: “Let them lean in! Now there is no need to fight back…it is a blessing to be able to hold on!”

“Yes! Marshal!” The chief of staff immediately nodded slightly and agreed to Lawnes.

“Report! The enemy Killer fighter fleet is approaching!” The radar operator reported the latest changes in the battlefield: “Very large!”

Lawens walked quickly over, and then he saw the radar, almost invisible the dense reflection of light spots in the gap.

“There are too many enemy forces…We may suffer from the Z-type fighters alone.” The chief of staff hurried back behind Lawnes with a gloomy expression and said.

“I know! I know! All the nearby Zagu troops are dispatched! Intercept the enemy’s killers as much as possible!” Lawnes said, “Also, let the fleet retreat slowly and make way for Planet Higgs 3. Flank!”

“Marshal!” The chief of staff was taken aback, and then seemed to want to say something.

“Stop talking! I must ensure the safety of the fleet!” Lawnes seemed to have guessed what the chief of staff wanted to say, and interrupted the other party’s explanation.

Then, he didn’t have time to elaborate, but continued to order his adjutant: “Let Medyas share some of the pressure. There is no other way.”

For Lawnes, keeping the fleet stable and avoiding this crazy attack by the enemy is the most important thing. After all, the space fleet is still there, and there is hope of continuing to deal with it, and if the space fleet is completely lost, then the Higgs 3 will not be able to keep it.

It is the so-called loss of land and people, people and land, people and people, people and land, people and land. The Higgs 3 can be abandoned when necessary, but the space fleet must be kept!

After finishing speaking, he looked at the communications officer and continued to order: “Telegraph to Midas, telling him that the fleet must retreat as a last resort, so that he is ready to be surrounded by enemy forces!”

“Yes!” The communications officer immediately turned and left. After he left, a large number of red clouds representing the enemy had been projected on the holographic map image.

Because the number of enemies is too much, it looks like a **** cloud on the reduced holographic map.

“Sir! The first batch of Z-type fighters has been released! Marshal! As a strike group, they will bypass the battlefield, attack from the flanks, and strive to defeat the enemy’s flanks.” The chief of staff reported to Lawns.

“Let them do their best.” Lawnes felt that it seemed a bit unrealistic to expect nuclear bombs carried by hundreds of Z-type fighters to defeat the Watcher fleet of this size.

However, he still didn’t say much, because at this time, I am afraid that the most important thing is morale.

If the fighter force on the flanks can really build up a miracle, then he is also happy to see this kind of thinking, which is basically an unrealistic delusion.

“The second batch of Z-type fighter jets has entered our universe…Should they be pushed up to intercept these approaching killers?” the chief of staff asked in a low voice.

“Push up! Let them intercept each other as much as possible!” Lawnes knew that once this order was issued, these Z-type fighter pilots who intercepted the enemy would not survive.

This is hundreds of thousands of enemy Killer fighters! Even if three or five are replaced by one fighter, these Z-type fighters that intercept enemy aircraft will be swallowed.

“Report! Major Oaken calls. He will lead the new Gundam mech into the battle, and enter the battlefield from the side, dragging the enemy killer fleet as much as possible!” A communications officer walked over and reported that he had just received it. News.

“Huh!” Lawnes, who finally heard the good news, took a sigh of relief, looked at the communications officer, and said: “Answer him! Let him not rush into the battlefield! Try to contain as much as possible on the flanks. Live the enemy fighter!”

“Yes!” The officer received the order and immediately turned and left.

“Let’s delay as long as possible… Now, that’s all we can do.” Lawnes looked at the star sea outside the porthole and said in a low tone.

“Report! General Medeas called back!” The communications officer who had just sent to General Medeas walked back, holding his head up and handing a message to Lawnes.

“Read it!” Out of trust in Midas, Lawnes did not accept the message, but directly ordered.

“Salute to the Marshal! Midas vowed to live and die with the position! Wish the flag to be triumphant! Long live the Allanhill Empire! Long live the Emperor!”

Lawens did not speak, returned a military salute, and then solemnly received the telegram from Midias, neatly folded and placed it in his pocket: “The main fleet is pressed! Ready for the gun battle!”

“Marshal!” Once again, the chief of staff wanted to open his mouth to raise his objection.

But Lawnes still did not give him a chance: “The enemy has invested so much power at once! Once the army is defeated, it will be the end of being hunted and killed! The only way out is for us to go up! Even if we give up the fall behind Strategically deep, we must also put the maximum density on the front to block the enemy’s offensive, stop the opponent’s charge, and enter a state of stalemate against consumption!”

“But! Marshal! We were already overwhelmed by the strategic reserve team! Facing consumption, we will definitely lose strength!” The chief of staff finally couldn’t help but questioned.

“It depends, our reinforcements arrived first, or the enemy penetrated us first!” Lawnes looked at his old partner and explained, “Didn’t you tell your majesty about the battlefield situation?”

“Your Majesty? Do you really want your Majesty to put the Royal Guard Fleet on top?” The chief of staff hesitated for a moment: “Let your Majesty take risks, it is our inability to wait…”

“After this war, I will apologize to your Majesty! But…now…the closest to us is the Royal Fleet.” Lawnes grinned: “Back then, he pierced the wall of the ferry. , The great emperor who stood straight in front of me will definitely come!”

In his mind, he remembered that, on the dock of Ferry City, watching him hack to death the old master, and gave him a young man who trusted him so much.

At that time, he knew that that young man was a person worthy of his lifetime!

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