My Empire

Chapter 182 - Offensive plan

“This is the counterattack plan sent by Ailan Hill…Unexpectedly, it was the mortal army who entered the counterattack first.”

The capital of Grecan, the world’s largest magic city, Galenok, is directly above the magic tower. The world’s most powerful magicians are holding their meetings.

The white-bearded old man with a magic wand was the first to speak and talked about the battle in recent days. “They have about 50,000 soldiers already in the war zone, and the line of defense has basically been stabilized.”

Airenhill’s air force gained air supremacy in the local battlefield. These fighter units defeated the demon bats that tried to cross the Ailanhill line of defense, making the attack of the demon forces restrained.

More interestingly, as more aircraft joined the war, the Allan Hill Strategic Air Force began to exert their power. As the bombings proceeded, the areas occupied by the demon forces were all greeted with emphasis.

Stimulated by these positive results, Ailan Hill’s ground troops launched a partial counterattack, recaptured several villages in the lower reaches of the Boer River, processed the nearby devil dog corpses, and dredged the Boer River.

What followed was the arrival of the main force of the 9th Army. After receiving ammunition and receiving heavy fire support, the front-line commander Capeluna and General Alfred all believed that they could counterattack to a limited extent. , Regain some lost ground.

The middle-aged mage who has been with the White Beard Mage recently also said at this time: “Because of the use of the secret weapon twice, the demon’s strength has been significantly reduced. Except for some magical disorders in the area, the radiation they said is not Strong.”

The Ailan Hill notice stated that attacks by secret weapons can cause radiation, cause discomfort, and destroy the local biosphere.

But the toughness of the creatures in the magical world seems to be beyond the earth’s civilization. After the explosion, the nuclear radiation dust was taken away by the rain, and the local ecological circle quickly recovered. The demons immediately filled these cleared areas, and no radiation mutation was found.

After all, these places are still occupied by the enemy, so precise detection cannot be carried out. Only magicians and airplanes can be sent for a hasty investigation, and then a rough answer of “no problem” is obtained.

Despite this, the senior officials of Gricken still have full respect for Ailan Hill’s secret weapon. They are also the first time they have seen such a terrifying attack of pure power. Although the power of the magic curse is stronger, it is powerful in magic. On a level, and the cost of use is also greater.

In Gricken’s view, this attack method that does not require the sacrifice of the magicians’ lives is simply a “forbidden curse” without money, so they made a request, hoping that Ailan Hill would continue to use this weapon to expel the demon forces. …

After hearing this request, Chris really had a dumbfounding life. It was the first time he heard that someone asked to use more nuclear weapons in his own home.

Therefore, Ailan Hill rejected Gricken’s request on the grounds that “there is no way to confirm whether the use of nuclear weapons caused bad consequences”. After all, Chris didn’t want to make Greken the hometown of the Hulk after fighting a war.

A Gricken commander-like figure in armor stood beside the map, pointed his finger at the area where Alan Hill was armed, and said: “They plan to take the lead in regaining the land from Alan to Brenno… It seems that they still have a certain fear of so-called radiation, and do not intend to enter the explosion area of ​​their own secret weapon…”

The Great White Beard Mage looked at the officer and asked, “General, do you mean, let Vivian cooperate with them? Take the lead in regaining Alan and Brenno… it sounds like a morale-boosting thing. “

The general nodded, pressing the magic sword on his waist and replied: “You can let them try first. We support them with a high-level magician army as a backup. If the devil strikes back, we can cover their retreat.”

“Then try it!” The White Beard Mage nodded and agreed with the plan: “The situation seems to be better than we expected, doesn’t it? Gentlemen?”

“Yes! The situation is under control. It seems that the last resort we have carefully arranged can not be exposed for the time being.” The general said: “The power of mortals is too terrifying, and we should also keep our backs.”

“I have to remind you that they are our allies! My dear General Safilal!” The White Beard Mage reminded him.

General Safiral nodded: “I understand, your honorable Lord Lonsadre.”

“The 19th Division starts from this road… After bypassing this mountain, it will bump into the Devil Dog troops head-on… After eliminating these troops one by one, we have to establish our own line of defense between the two mountains!” Capeluna pointed at the hastily built sand table with a pointer and said to several teachers who had arrived on the front line.

“When the engineers are attacking, they are building fortifications on the ridges and fighting steadily. After we take Brunno, we will build an effective defensive zone on the outskirts of the town.” General Alfred lowered his head and continued.

He is responsible for all kinds of trivial matters after the troops have opened up the situation, and his ability is indeed enough to be methodical: “The barbed wire and landmines transported by air allow us to arrange enough obstacles in the front, and the bullets are also abundant. The offense will not encounter resistance.”

General Hart followed with the introduction of the Air Force ground forces’ cooperative combat missions: “The paratroopers will deploy defenses on the flanks of the 19th Division, pulling the line of defense back to the lower reaches of the Pol River.”

General Alfred continued: “The 9th Division is responsible for the frontal Alan’s offensive. After retaking the city, subsequent infantry will organize defenses on the edge of the city. Aerial reconnaissance shows that Alan’s area is already in ruins.”

“The ruins can be a good line of defense. Since there are no civilians, then we can make good use of these ruins.” Capeluna put away the pointer and looked at her men.

The infantry of the 9th and 119th Divisions attacked Alan, and the 19th Division attacked Brenno. The paratroopers established effective defenses on the flanks of the 19th Division. The two units went hand in hand to make a wedge that cut into the demon-occupied area.

With this protruding part, the Alanhill troops that have received follow-up reinforcements can steadily and steadily cooperate with the frontal Gricken troops to encircle the strategically important Bala Suo. There are about 30,000 Demon Dogs and a large number of other types of demons in this pocket. Eliminate them to recapture Baratho and obtain a strategic transit point close to the Eye of Magic.

For Ailan Hill, the capture of Baratho means that they have regained the strategic initiative and further compressed the depth of the devil’s strategy.

General Kelsen, the front-line commander of the Air Force, spoke: “The Air Force will take off in an hour and bomb all targets in the attack area. Battlefield support will be given to the Mustang fighter unit. We have battlefield air superiority.”

When he said this, he was full of pride, because behind him was more than half of the Air Force in Allan Hill. Hundreds of B-17 bombers and thousands of B-25 bombers are the most reliable guarantee of Airenhill Air Force power.

The support of these bombers is the air superiority ensured by the p-51 Mustang fighter jets. At an altitude of more than 10,000 meters, mortal flying chess is invincible across the world.

Capeluna nodded, and said: “Three hours later, the counterattack will begin across the board… Long live Ailan Hill!”

“Long live Ailan Hill!” All the officers stood at attention and saluted, replied with their chins high.

On the defensive position of the Ailan Hill garrison, the soldiers who had just arrived at the front line looked up to the sky. What they saw was densely crossing the line of defense, preparing to bomb the enemy’s strategic bomber group.

The humming noise of the engine turning of the plane covering the sky made everyone feel uneasy.

The soldiers who were ready to attack were whispering, and they were all curious about the intense battle that followed.

A soldier asked his comrades around him: “Listen to those paratroopers? The enemies are almost endless. The devil dogs drawn in the manual can’t be seen at a glance.”

“Of course I heard, and we also heard that these disgusting guys eat everything, even the grass on the ground…” His comrade nodded and replied.

The people around are checking the ammunition. Many people have replaced the stg-44 assault rifle, but some people are using the Mauser 98k rifle. The ammunition between them is not universal, and everyone still organizes their own ammunition.

“Yesterday the troop organized to see the devil dog corpse. I vomited after looking at it. My head was full of eyes. The blood holes on my body were black with bullets. There was an unpleasant smell.” Hearing two people. Discussing, the soldier next to him also interjected.

“Don’t tell me, I also vomited that day. In order to deal with these monsters, it is stipulated that everyone should carry 100 more bullets…” Another soldier nodded while putting a grenade on his body.

“Carry as many bullets as you can! Pile all the ammunition you can find on the truck! Everyone gets out of the car and walks! Stay vigilant! Any creature here can kill you!” The passing officer reminded himself loudly. His subordinates are checking the combat readiness of everyone passing by.

Not far behind the place where they were chatting, one after another M4 tanks with patterned armor drove to the starting position.

Cars filled with oil barrels replenish fuel for each tank, and as much as possible to ensure that when these tanks start to advance, the fuel tank is full.

The armored soldiers began to count their ammunition, and according to the order, piled some infantry ammunition boxes in the sundries basket of their tanks.

Take as many ammunition as you can carry, this is the advice given to them by the predecessors of the paratroopers. In order to save their lives, these Ailan Hill soldiers did the same.

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