My Empire

Chapter 183 - Empty city

“Okay! Gentlemen! It’s time for us to play!” Lean leaned on the turret hatch, and ordered his comrades on the throat communicator: “Go ahead! Cover the infantry brothers!”

“Dang Cang, Dang Cang…” The tracks of the tank began to roll, and the 4 tank he commanded began to move forward.

Originally, Ryan was the commander of the instructor, but because of the need to support Gricken, he was transferred to the 9th Army. It is precisely because of being transferred to the front line, his tank has also been replaced with a more advanced “magic tank.”

The defense of these armored tanks with magic inscriptions is much stronger than that of ordinary 4 tanks. The only drawback is that the defense cannot be kept on, which will affect the radio communication system.

4 The tank rolled forward amidst the noise of the engine and the sound of metal crashing. Ryan, who was half of his body exposed, squinted and looked at the surrounding scene.

The ground here seems to be contaminated, and there is a disgusting smell everywhere. Even Ryan, who was accustomed to the smell of gasoline, could still clearly distinguish this unpleasant smell in the air.

It’s not that the smell is poisonous, but that it is similar to the smell that permeates the boys’ dorms: socks that have not been washed for several weeks are mixed in the quilt that has never been dried, and then mixed into the insole under the bed to diffuse the smell. …That’s a sour and refreshing.

“With this taste, these guys are more than dead…” Covering his nose with his hands, Ryan frowned and gave a very pertinent evaluation.

“Left wing! Found a devil dog!” Inside the headset, the captain of another tank found a distant target, and suddenly became nervous on the radio.

Ryan picked up his binoculars and saw the devil dogs rushing over on the ridge. There were probably dozens of them. They looked fierce and moved quickly.

“The direction at 0 o’clock!” Following a reminder from Ryan, the turret turned with the sound of a motor. The 90mm long-barreled tank gun on the turret pointed accurately in the direction of the demon dog’s attack.

“Ready to fight!” The infantry following the two wings of the tank also began to move. They leaned on the sides of the tank or formed a temporary line of defense behind the roadbed. The machine gun has been set up, and everyone is watching the enemy’s movements vigilantly.

“Roar!” A demon dog rushed to the side of the road, and countless long guns and short cannons poured out ammunition at the hapless demon dog.

“Boom!” Ryan felt the tank under his feet tremble, and a shell rushed out of the muzzle. The smog of gunpowder made his facial features twisted together, and in the next second he saw the dead trees in the jungle far away without cannonballs flying away.

A demon dog swiftly avoided the cannonball, but was hit by the explosion fragments. It wailed and struggled on the ground, and the black blood was thrown everywhere.

“Tutu! Tutu!” On the armored anti-aircraft vehicle following the tank, two 30mm caliber machine guns ejected dazzling flames. A row of tracers rushed into the formation of the devil dog densely, knocking over several devil dogs at once.

“Pretty! Keep firing!” The commander of the self-propelled anti-aircraft gun was holding his binoculars and shouted loudly, because he had already seen the amazing effect of his shooting this time.

Finally, another demon dog rushed onto the road, and the weapons in the hands of the infantry fired fiercely again. Countless tracer bullets hit the demon dog, immediately causing it to roll back to the other side of the roadbed.

“Roar!” On the other side of the battlefield, another demon dog army appeared. They quietly approached the human army, and then began to show their hunter instincts at a very close distance.

An Ailan Hill grenadier was bitten in his body, and several devil dogs tore him, causing him to scream.

The Ailan Hill soldiers who heard the sound began to realize the threat behind them. They turned their guns and started attacking the **** enemies behind them.

Several demon dogs that rushed into the crowd killed dozens of soldiers and were all sieved by bullets. The demon dog that subsequently rushed over was also blocked by a bullet at a safe distance.

A **** battle suddenly broke out on a small path. Hundreds of devil dogs fought fiercely with a mortal force in a mixed battalion, and the victory was finally decided.

On the battlefield full of gunpowder smoke, human soldiers held their weapons and inspected the dead devil dogs one by one. At the cost of 30 people killed in battle, they wiped out all the demons that gathered nearby.

A four-legged orangutan-like demon threw a boulder at a tank. The tank was hit by a stone and its armor was deformed. However, the members inside were only slightly injured.

The four-legged orangutan was then pierced in the chest by the armor-piercing bullet fired by the Ryan car crew, and it has long since died out.

Such battles broke out in every corner, and the advance of Ailan Hill’s troops was obviously not as smooth as Cape Luna had estimated. The attack to capture Alan soon encountered desperate resistance from the Devil Dog, and the 9th Division that attacked Brenno also encountered some trouble.

After paying the price of more than 400 soldiers, the 9th Division and the 9th Division took the lead in invading Alan, but the 9th Division and the paratroopers still did not occupy Brenno. This made Alan’s mortal troops lonely Within a narrow sharp protrusion.

“It’s so miserable…” The Alan Hill soldiers who entered Alan City held their weapons, looked at everything in front of them, and sighed in their hearts.

The houses have all been broken and ruined, and the city walls have also collapsed and destroyed. The armor and swords of the defenders were scattered on the ground, and dried blood can be seen on them.

Only, no corpses could be found, because everything that can be eaten here has been swallowed up by the demon dog. In a huge city, apart from the devil dogs circulating everywhere, there was nothing alive.

The imaginary terrible street fighting did not break out. The devil dogs scattered in the city did not have strict organizational discipline, so they were eliminated one by one by the more organized Ailan Hill grenadiers, and they were quickly wiped out.

However, the remaining large and lifeless city also made the soldiers of Ailan Hill realize that what they were facing was a group of things that had no bottom line at all.

These demons have no concept of right and wrong and no discipline to follow. They devour everything they encounter, and the weak and the strong retain the oldest laws of the jungle.

“If we let them go to our hometown…I can’t imagine…” Holding a weapon, a soldier looked at the snow-white skull that was only half bitten on the ground, and said with a disgusting spit.

“For our family, we have to keep these guys here when we die.” Another soldier, holding a dazzling bayonet, slammed into the demon dog’s body that had just been killed by them.

The military stabbing pierced the head of the dead demon dog at once, and pierced through a disgusting big eye. The black blood flowed out along the bleeding trough and penetrated into the cracks in the stone road.

“Armored troops! Cooperate with the infantry to build defenses on the periphery! The soldiers of the 3rd Battalion searched the whole city! See if you can find the survivors!” A lieutenant colonel’s eyes were red, and he ordered.

“I heard that more than 80% of the civilians were evacuated…I guess the rest are gone.” A staff officer pressed the pistol around his waist, and his nose was sour when he spoke: “There are about 300 soldiers left to guard. The city… it seems they tried their best.”

“Find me! It’s good to find one!” The lieutenant colonel repeated sharply while gritting his teeth.

“Yes! Sir!” Several officers stood at attention and saluted, and then dispersed with their troops.

“Before I was still thinking, what on earth did we walk all the way from Veronsa to here? Let the **** of the magic empire fend for themselves and die?” The lieutenant colonel reluctantly squeezed out of himself. With a dumbfounding expression, he shook his head and muttered to himself.

When he said this, he stopped and looked at the staff around him: “But when I see these, I know that even the **** of the magic empire are humans. They have shame and have their own bottom line… …”

“And these demons, they have no bottom line…” After speaking, the lieutenant colonel looked in the direction of the magic eye: “I now know why we walked all the way from Veronza here…for protection What we should protect!”

“In order to protect everything we already have!” The staff officer also followed firmly and said: “For Ailan Hill!”

In front of him, four tankards drove one after another, and the tracks were crushed on the stone road, leaving cracks and marks on it. These roads were not originally designed to carry tanks, and soon because there are too many tanks passing by, they will become broken and muddy roads.

However, the Alanhill soldiers who walked here were not afraid. They carried their weapons and sang Alanhill’s songs, with perseverance and hatred on their faces. They want to get justice for mankind and fight for their hometown to the last minute.

“Establish an ammunition reserve base! Check the water source! Let the reconnaissance troops go out!” The lieutenant colonel wiped his eyes, restored his state, and began to arrange the tasks that should be done one by one: “Set up the high-power radio and let the artillery themselves Pick a position!”

“Let those **** and demons regret coming to Alan!” In the sound of his command, a 55mm caliber howitzer raised its barrel and boxes of shells were carried off the truck.

“Let them regret coming to Alan!” All the Ailan Hill soldiers echoed this sentence in their hearts. They dug trenches, built defensive positions, and built solid lines of defense after another among the ruins.

Behind them, a black king flag of Ailan Hill was fluttering in the wind, above this king flag, groups of Ailan Hill fighter jets swept across the battlefield——

Today, Long Ling is in a bad state, just two more…Don’t wait, good night.

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