My Empire

Chapter 184 - Shoot

In the muddy and gravel city of Alan, several soldiers in military uniforms but no weapons were operating a strange tripod.

Their expressions were very monographs, and several officers with not-so-small military ranks opened the box and set up a piece of equipment on a tripod that had been leveled.

The one in the lead watched the machine at work, fiddled with the switches on it, and gestured with his hands to let the soldiers who had been prepared to cooperate with their actions: “Okay! Come here from here! Yes! Be neat! !look up!”

“Yes! That’s right!” The officer on the side also reminded the soldiers passing by this equipment: “One, two, one! Get neater! Show a smile! Smile!”

Wearing neat equipment, these Ailan Hill grenadiers with m42 helmets walked neatly and passed in front of this camera. These valuable video materials will be sent back to China, edited into movies, and played in many military camps and movie theaters in the country.

In front of the camera, everyone remained instinctively shy, with young faces smiling. Their faces were filled with triumphant smiles, and above their heads were m42 steel helmets with a hollow golden eagle national emblem.

A truck that had been prepared a long time ago followed the crowd, and the car was full of soldiers. They are holding stg-44 assault rifles, and everyone wants to leave their own face in front of the camera.

Dragging behind the truck was a brand new 155mm caliber howitzer. The sturdy barrel looked majestic, shining with metal in the sun. Following this cannon, there are still four rows of soldiers marching in order.

Further on, there is a newly-dressed Ailan Hill m4 tank with beautiful magic inscriptions outlined on the tank…

That’s right, this is a normal pose. All people try their best to leave the best side to the lens. There is no cruelty of war, no gunfire or blood. What’s here is just the infinite beauty of defending the home and the country.

In front of the camera of another camera crew, there is no such good picture. They are shooting collapsed walls and destroyed city walls. The camera also records the well-preserved corpses dug out by the grenadiers from under the ruins. .

Some mothers still hold their children, and some soldiers still hold swords that have changed shape. These corpses were dug up by the soldiers from under the rubble and placed neatly on the side of the road, and soon they would be pulled away by the carriage that cleaned the corpses.

“Yes! We found about 200 fragments of helmets in the city. Some of Grecan’s standard helmets have no visors, and some have changed shape…” An officer who was sorting out the fragments of armor patted his gloves. The dust on the wall introduced to the camera.

He pointed to the armor that was neatly sorted and placed on the ground in the distance, and said, “Basically no corpses…just some bones. They are very brave. They should be given a stone monument here.”

The camera swayed and aimed at the armor in the distance, most of the armor still had blood stains, and some still had tooth marks or penetration wounds on them. The masters of these armors fought to the last moment, but did not wait to save their reinforcements.

“There are probably hundreds of corpses still to be found under the ruins. Now, hundreds of corpses have been excavated. Many old people and children… They retreat too slowly. If we were here then it would be fine.” The officer took off his gloves, rubbed his eyes and said.

Those armors can also clearly see the carved runes in the sun. The runes are covered with blood stains of the armor owners, and the dried blood stains are also covered with dust. They just lay there quietly, silently telling their most glorious ending.

Just by looking at these armors, you know what kind of **** battles have been experienced here. Every Gricken faced his own death frankly. They fought to the last second, and no one survived to give up their position.

A soldier carrying a weapon and guarding the surroundings appeared in the camera. His indifferent eyes were filled with incomparable anger: “I am going to kill 100 demons here! I will feel ashamed of one less! They are dead! We should have come here earlier.”

“Are there any atomic bombs? Throw them to those demons! Let them die!” another soldier interjected.

Every Ailan Hill soldier who came to Alan was angry. They saw more and more cemeteries outside the city, and saw the corpses that were constantly being dug up from the ruins. As they walked into the city full of ruins, they sorted out their emotions that were about to reach the edge of an explosion.

They walked from Seris to Arrant, from Arrant to Higgs, from Higgs to Veronza… Their footprints have traveled all over the eastern continent, but they have not seen such a **** and cruel war. .

Compared with everything they have experienced, this is the real hell. So they strengthened their convictions and prepared to fight decisively against those inhuman enemies here.

“Come on! Come on! Seven groups have found out! They need manpower! Come and help!” Under the camera, a dusty soldier ran over with a shovel and waved desperately at the people here.

The officer carrying the camera and his subordinates, as well as the soldiers who arranged their armors and the officers, all began to run violently. The camera shook violently, past one piece of rubble.

“We heard people shouting here! Just below the ruins of the city hall! This is the place where the most fragments of armor were found, so we judged that the final battle broke out here.” The leading soldier said loudly while leading the way. Introduce what he knows.

“They must be guarding something desperately. So this neighborhood is the area we are looking for!” The officer who ran to the place first breathed, and explained the general situation around here.

“Then we found the collapsed boulder… it was too big, but we shouted inside and there was a knocking sound…” A soldier was covered in dust, as if crawling out of the ruins, carrying it. Shovel Report.

“What are you still doing in a daze? Find a tank! Pull these stones away! Hurry up!” The officer headed loudly ordered his men to take action: “Find a car! The more the better! Faster!”

“Second lieutenant! We need help!” When Ryan and his crew were cooking their canned food next to the tank, a sergeant ran over panting, panting with his hands on his knees and shouted.

Putting the can in his hand by the bonfire, Ryan stood up, patted the dust behind his buttocks twice, squinted and asked, “What’s the matter?”

“We may have found that the survivors…need a vehicle that can drag the boulder.” The sergeant adjusted his breathing and replied.

“Guys! Start the tanks! Let’s help!” Ryan turned around and shouted to his crew members: “Weiss! Contact other tanks and find someone nearby to help!”

“Come on! Get on the tank. Let’s go together!” With a can of reluctance to throw in one hand, he rushed to the tank body in two steps. Ryan turned around and stretched out his hand to the sergeant.

The sergeant was not polite, and got into the tank with the help of his strength. He leaned on the turret and drove back to the ruins of the city hall with Ryan’s tank.

Ryan and the gunner jumped off the tank, unloaded the steel cable hanging from the back of the tank, and with the help of several infantrymen, hung the tank’s towing hook.

“Slow down! Slow down! Slowly speed up! Yes! Yes!” Ryan stood beside the car and directed his driver to straighten the steel cable. Soon their efforts paid off. The falling boulder began to move its position.

A deep entrance appeared in front of everyone in this way, and there were some fallen gravel on the steps inside, but it seemed unobstructed.

The soldiers of the search group standing by were all shocked, and looked at the officer beside him and said: “We have been shouting here for at least two days, and only heard someone respond today… We have been digging here all morning… Why did they Just respond to us today?”

“Maybe…the survivors below, don’t dare…” Watching the entrance to the basement gradually expand, the officer answered his subordinate’s questions intently.

“Listen to the people inside! We are humans! You are safe! Come out!” The Ailan Hill soldier standing at the entrance of the passageway with a loudspeaker shouted. They heard the echo in the channel, but did not see anyone coming out.

“Let me take someone down…” an officer asked anxiously at the officer with the highest rank on the scene.

The leading officer shook his head and rejected the suggestion: “We are still not sure whether this is a survivor or a hidden demon… It will be very dangerous to go on rashly.”

“The survivors inside may have only one breath left! Sir! Let’s go down!” The officer gritted his teeth and said with tears, “I’m not afraid of death! I want to try!”

“Yes! Sir! Let’s try it!” A few soldiers also gathered around, rushing to say: “Let’s go down!”

“Don’t fight! I’ll go down and take a look.” Behind the crowd, a sad voice rang.

Everyone turned around, just in time to see the Gricken magician Vivian who turned over from the giant wolf Boken.

She was still in the clean magic robe, but she didn’t wear the mask with strange patterns on her face.

There is no trace of time on the face of the country and the city. A pair of eyes that are so pure and fascinating are already filled with tears. Step by step, she stepped on the rubble and walked towards the entrance of the basement, and then walked along the dusty stairs to the depths of darkness.

It wasn’t until she walked into the basement that the surrounding soldiers came back to their senses. They looked at me and I looked at you, and they all saw the surprise and admiration in the eyes of the other person.

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