My Empire

Chapter 186 - Head and butt

An m4 tank drove over the devil dog’s corpse lying down on the ground, and its tracks ran over the flesh and bones.

The body of this tank tilted slightly because it had run over the corpse. Following this tank was another majestic m4 tank.

The grenadiers scattered around the tank, holding Mauser 98k rifles with military spikes in them, and cautiously passing the corpses of the devil dogs that could no longer move.

“The report says that all the civilians here have retreated and left…” An officer leaned on the jeep, looked at the map in his hand and said to the staff next to him: “The retreat near Larmo is very thorough.”

“There is no clean place to retreat nearby, that is, Alan and Bruno. The retreat here was carried out in advance, and people walked very calmly.” The staff officer replied, looking at the surrounding ruins.

Because Larmo is located in a remote area, the personnel retreated early, which avoided the tragedy near Alan. However, the retreat was still very hasty, and many seemingly valuable things were abandoned.

“Look at this.” The officer took out a thing full of ashes from the car, handed it to the staff officer, and said with a smile: “I don’t know, you can see such a kind thing here.”

The staff officer took a look, and smiled on his face: “Unexpectedly, I can see this here.”

He held a precious metal lighter impressively in his hand, which at first glance was an early industrial product of Ailan Hill. The volume of this lighter is still very large, almost only a circle smaller than the cigarette case.

There are also various exquisite patterns carved on it. This early lighter has now been completely eliminated. The lighter of Ailan Hill today is basically of a normal design size.

The lighters of the army are even more interesting. The metal lighters of the zippo style are commonly used, which are simple to process and durable, with outstanding windproof effect.

Some of the early export utensils of Ailan Hill can also be found in these ruins. With the passage of time, many areas and civilian living areas of the country seem to be able to see Ailan Hill’s industrial products.

Although some wood furniture was not produced by Ailan Hill, traces of Ailan Hill’s machining can also be seen. These equipment were sold to the Holy Demon Empire and other regions, and then to various countries.

“Check everything in the vicinity carefully! After confirming safety, arrange a corresponding line of defense on the edge of the city!” The officer threw the map in his other hand back to the seat of the jeep and shouted to the soldiers in the distance.

More soldiers began to climb up the ruins, inspecting every corner with their weapons, and then they found a bunch of disgusting things.

“Sir! I think we found something amazing…maybe some devil’s eggs…very…disgusting eggs.” A soldier ran over with a pale face and reported their latest findings.

This is not the first time that the Devil Dog’s eggs have been discovered. In Brenno, the 19th Division that regained them also found such eggs. Intelligence shows that the demons are breeding here to expand their army.

“Let the tank come over! Crush the eggs… then pour gasoline and burn them all!” The officer frowned, and commanded as he walked in the direction the soldier was pointing.

The entire Battle of Larmer lasted 17 days and wiped out more than 10,000 demon dogs entrenched near Larmer. Because of the offensive, the Ninth Army lost more than 400 soldiers before regaining the edge of the fissure. Small town.

The 17 days of hard fighting made the 9th Army fully aware of the power of demons. They are not afraid of death. The individual combat strength is very strong, powerful and capable of some simple magic. It is a difficult enemy to deal with.

Under the premise of possessing superior weapons, humans must still be cautious when dealing with these demons. In order to avoid heavy casualties, the first stage of the counterattack was suspended, Baratho was retaken, and the campaign goal of encircling the demons was abandoned.

The good news is not without it. After a short counterattack, the human coalition has stabilized its retreat and has also figured out the approximate combat effectiveness of the demon army.

The Eternal Empire army that has adapted to fight against the devil, as well as the Ailan Hill army, have achieved good results. Especially the Ailan Hill Expeditionary Army, the combat effectiveness demonstrated is amazing.

On the other hand, it comes from the optimization of logistical support: After rush repairs, the railway terminal has almost reached the western border area of ​​the Eternal Empire, and it is about to enter Greken.

Because of the extension of the railway, the transportation of materials has accelerated, and the logistics supply of the 9th Army has been improved. They have more ammunition, and they have received more other supplies, and the combat effectiveness will naturally be stronger.

Also, as time goes by, the follow-up units of the 9th Army have arrived in the combat area. These infantry divisions can effectively fill the gaps in the line of defense, and heavy artillery units have joined the battle, making Alan Hill’s line of defense more stable.

Along with it, some heavy weapons and equipment that were originally blocked on the road are now beginning to appear on the frontline battlefield. The arrival of these weapons and equipment has further enhanced the combat capability of Ailan Hill troops.

Weaponry itself is a system. When more and more weapons and equipment in a system are added to the battle, the system will become more complete and, of course, more powerful.

“Let the photographer with the army record it, mark the location of the eggs on the map, and invite the magician from the magic department to come over…” Seeing that the place was about to be reached, the officer added his own order.

Not long after, the officer stood in front of the eggs, looking down at these disgusting things, with a disdainful expression on his face, urging the photographers around him: “Find a good angle when shooting, and take as many two as possible. The analysis department needs more reference information.”

By his side, photographers are taking pictures of these mucosa-wrapped eggs, and beside them, some magicians from Grecan are carefully observing these remnants from the devil.

One of the magicians was using perception magic, feeling the magical aura in these devil eggs, and said: “These devil dogs are indeed produced by demons… and soon these eggs will mature.”

“They will use magic to give birth to those cubs, and those low-level magic empires give birth to young dragons…” Another magician said his own opinion and explained why there are no demon dog cubs.

These demons are spawned by magic. They begin to absorb the magic around them when they are born, relying on some means to forcibly absorb these magic into their bodies, and grow into devil dog soldiers who are large enough to directly enter the war.

“From this, it can be inferred that the real devil dog is much stronger than the guys we saw.” Hearing the explanation from his companion, the magician who spoke first nodded and said.

When the officer headed by Ailan Hill heard this statement, he interjected and asked: “You mean, we are not fighting the devil dog? We are only fighting the low-profile version of the devil dog?”

“Yes, you can say that. Like giant dragons, those dragon knights ride on are not real dragons, but magically spawned… some kind of inferior product.” The magicians nodded and said themselves. Judgment.

“This is really good news…” The leading officer smiled helplessly and looked at the staff around him: “We have to be prepared to deal with the more difficult guys.”

“Yeah, it’s really good news.” The staff also felt that as they learned more about the devil, the news they heard became more and more worrying.

They heard that there is a powerful demon entrenched near Barasso, they heard that the demons are breeding to increase their number, and they also heard that the demons they are dealing with are only low-profile versions…

“Actually, the previous time when the Eye of Magic was resurrected, there are records showing that at that time the magicians of Greken had seen a larger three-headed demon dog, and many demons could use powerful magic…” A magician Speaking of his experience.

Gricken has many books on magic and history, many of which are unknown, and the information in them is also very important.

“In the record, someone has seen 5 devil dogs. That guy can use large magic, and two magicians joined forces to kill it.” Another nerd watched the soldiers of Ailan Hill pour gasoline on the devil dog eggs, staring intently. Said.

Listening to these old scholars of Gricken, you and me, several of the officers of Ailan Hill couldn’t help shook their heads. These “university professors” who study magic theory more than combat magic can only be useful for this kind of analysis.

“So, there must be a guy with a head full of heads.” A staff officer shrugged his shoulders and muttered his own thoughts in a low voice: “And this guy with a head full of heads turned out to be The most powerful monster in the world…”

“Puff……” The officer headed heard this mutter and couldn’t help but laughed. He looked awkwardly at the magicians who didn’t know what happened, and coughed to cover up his embarrassment: “Let the troops quickly establish a defense line! Prevent the powerful demons from counterattacking!”

Above his head, a group of bombers flew over Larmer with grace. These bombers were ordered to bomb the surrounding demon forces to buy more time for the ground forces to deploy defenses.

The sound of the engine turning was distant and clear. On this day, most of the 9th Army of Allan Hill entered Greken. On the same day, the human coalition all regained Larmer.

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