My Empire

Chapter 187 - Build another Allan Hill

; Chris is holding a concluding meeting with his staff in the meeting room of Ailan Hill. The long table in front of him was filled with generals and ministers on both sides, and there were dozens of people in total.

According to the report in front of him, Chief of Staff Luo Kai was speaking: “After we entered Gricken, the devil has been passively beaten. This is not in line with our previous speculation and judgment.”

Pointing to the data above, he introduced one by one: “Although the demons had eaten two atomic bombs before, they were also attacked by the Forbidden Curse before, but they did not stop that time…”

“The General Staff speculates that the enemy may be exhausted, maybe it is tempting us to fight back…” Finally, he summed up his speech, leaned back in his chair, and looked at Chris, who was the first.

Defense Minister Castner took a look at Luo Kai and said: “Or, they are waiting for us to be suspicious and miss the best opportunity to counterattack. The Eye of Magic may appear more terrifying demons at any time. Before disaster strikes, it will be closed. The Eye of Magic is our best choice now.”

“The question is how do we close the eyes of magic… The magic curse has failed.” Sairis magic consultant William, who was sitting in the front position, said.

Because of the battle against the devil, William suspended his research work and returned to Serris, as Serris’s magic consultant, to help the senior management of Alan Hill analyze magical issues at any time.

Thanks to Gricken’s help, William has now come into contact with a lot of theoretical knowledge and historical allusions of advanced magic. Although his combat effectiveness is still so-so, his understanding of magic has been very deep.

“I can put the newly developed hydrogen bomb into the Eye of Magic!” Chris tapped his fingers on the table, suddenly stopped, watching William and said: “Destroy everything there!”

“Perhaps this is indeed a way.” Wagron, the commander-in-chief of the army who also drove back to Seris by plane from Velenza nodded. He has seen the power of the atomic bomb, so he also knows the power of the “Hydrogen Bomb”, the King of Bombs at Ailan Hill.

In his opinion, the hydrogen bomb, which is roughly equal to the power of more than 20 atomic bombs, is definitely the cornerstone of “nuclear peace”. As long as a hydrogen bomb falls, the eye of magic may be closed forever.

“Injecting hydrogen bombs is a good way, but it is not a way that will definitely succeed. If a nuclear strike is ineffective against the Eye of Magic, then we have nothing to do.

Any hope anymore. “Desaier doesn’t know much about magic, he looked at Chris suspiciously, and questioned.

“Grecken is preparing a new magic forbidden curse. After the nuclear strike fails, a new round of magic forbidden curse will begin immediately. Two super attacks are carried out at the same time, and the magic eye has a high chance of being closed.” Reese talked about Gricken’s preparations.

“It’s worth a try. In addition, we should also start to eliminate the demon on the front battlefield.” Wagron nodded, becoming more confident in his judgment.

Luo Kai objected: “The General Staff recommended that nuclear bombs should be used first to attack Barraso and directly destroy all the demons entrenched there… After all, if that demon interferes with the nuclear bomb attacking the Eye of Magic, we may fail.”

“Vivienne’s intelligence is that the demon is not necessarily still in Barasso. If you rashly attack, apart from destroying a city and wasting a nuclear bomb, there won’t be any big gains.” Lasso had some doubts.

In his opinion, attacking a city and destroying an inherent city with nuclear weapons is still an uncomfortable thing for him.

Chief of Staff Luo Kai opened the mouth and said: “Your Majesty! I must emphasize that the city has been destroyed!”

Grand Duke Castena hurriedly answered: “I must also emphasize that the city can still be rebuilt! If you use nuclear weapons to attack Barasso, it will not be suitable for human habitation in a short time!”

“Then what shall we do? Make a joke about the lives of soldiers? Have nuclear weapons and not use them, let them use flesh and blood to attack countless demons?” Luo Kai retorted somewhat displeased.

Another military general, Wilkes, who has not spoken, said: “I think we can take a long-term view. First, we will move forward a little bit slowly to compress the demon’s strategic space as much as possible. Let Greken’s senior magician We cover, try to force out that terrible demon, and then destroy it with a nuclear bomb.”

His 3rd Army recently reached the border of the Holy Demon Empire, which is considered to strengthen the defense of the border area of ​​Ailan Hill. He himself was transferred back and participated in some meetings on military reforms.

Chris is reorganizing his army, adding many new arms, and strengthening the logistical support of the army to make these units more combat effective.

At the same time, he is also phasing out Mauser 98k rifles on a large scale, and equips his troops with stg-44 assault rifles, allowing the troops to

The team is equipped with more tanks and armored vehicles to improve the firepower of the troops.

“Agree!” Hearing Wilkes’ words, Wagron felt very reasonable and nodded.

“Agree!” Desaier also felt that Wilkes was right, and nodded in reconsideration.

“Well, since everyone agrees to this approach, please contact Greken and let them cooperate in the implementation!” Chris gave his order with a final word.

The clerk recorded his majesty’s decision by the side. After the meeting, the decision was to be made into the meeting and sent to the secretariat to make the format of the order and record it as a backup.

“The 3rd and 4th armies are now equipped with a large number of tanks, and the degree of mechanization of our army is improving.” Wilkes said of some of the work he handled.

Wagron also followed up and talked about the progress of his work in Veronsa: “The 1st Army is approaching the railway from Veronsa to Gricken. If there is a need on the front line, the 1st Army can also immediately drive into Georgia. Riken.”

After talking about the army, Butoria began to introduce the air force’s refitting work: “The Air Force is currently installing MiG-17 fighter jets. The Serris air defense force has completed the refitting work. Next, we plan to let the frontline troops Part of the jet fighter testing…”

“Yes, I think the frontline troops can be equipped with some of these aircraft first, so that they can adapt.” Chris nodded and said.

“Then I will arrange for the next step to transport 30 MiG-17 fighters to the front line… But the reception will take time. It is estimated that the combat effectiveness will be fully formed, at least a month later.” Butoria continued.

“It doesn’t matter if it is longer, it always takes time to learn.” Chris set the tone for the matter and said.

“Yes! Your Majesty!” General Butoria nodded and replied.

“The navy has fewer things. Recently, three new dreadnoughts have been launched. Because of fuel constraints, there are no opponents. The navy has never had a new warship launch plan.” Returned to Seres from the port city ferry for a meeting. Lawnes introduced.

“For the navy’s possible targets, the five dreadnoughts are already invincible. Therefore, the navy has no plans to expand other than launching some transport ships.” He said while watching. To Chris.

“Compared with the pressured army and air force, the navy really has nothing to emphasize.” Gurlo, who is in charge of dispatching production materials, has a great say in this aspect and said.

The navy has always been developing an under-appreciated branch of arms. Compared with the development of the army and the air force, their warships have actually fallen far behind. Even some commercial ships have already surpassed the navy’s dreadnought warships in speed.

In order to deal with this kind of thing, the Navy has launched several cruisers with very fast speeds and very strong combat capabilities to ensure that naval battles can be won. To be honest, in the eyes of navy generals, cruisers with more presence are more popular with them than cumbersome battleships.

“Five dreadnoughts… It can be said that it is the rhythm of the seven seas, right?” Chris looked at Lawnes and asked.

Lawnes nodded reluctantly, and replied: “Yes, Your Majesty, the imaginary enemy of the Navy, they are still sailing ships now…”

“Then there is no problem.” Chris nodded in satisfaction. His empire has a long coastline. Since the navy has no decent opponents, it proves that his rear is absolutely safe.

Desaier looked at the representatives of the military and waited for a while and said: “The next issue to be discussed is about economic construction…”

“Because of the expedition, our economic situation is very good.” While turning over the work summary report, he said: “The economic situation of Ailan Hill in 4 years is predicted to increase by 200%…I dare not. Imagine that we will build another Allan Hill in a year’s time.”

“This is not a problem. If we let go of production, it will be possible to build another Allan Hill in about 10 months.” Chris smiled confidently and said: “This is good news.”

“The other good news is the news from the laboratory that the helicopter experiment has been completed.” Secretary Smith followed and said: “The experiment was very successful. We are studying the drawings of the helicopter.”

“It’s really good news.” Everyone was full of joy when they heard that the new equipment experiment was successful, and they nodded and laughed in groups.

Hearing the good news, Chris was also very happy: his poor humanoid self-propelled plotter didn’t waste his time in vain, and all his efforts were making the empire in front of him more powerful.

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