My Empire

Chapter 6 - Land of the Four World Wars

When the gunpowder dissipated, Desaier could see how huge the damage he had caused by the shells. This terrible power has only been mentioned in some ancient books about magicians…

Living in a magical world, Desaier hadn’t heard of a stronger power. But this kind of destructive power was emitted from a small iron pipe designed and manufactured by a mortal, which shocked people.

At this moment Desaier was completely speechless, the target was his own choice, and this cannon was also the matchstick that he personally ignited. There is almost no possibility of fraud. He has now confirmed a fact: the sight in front of him is the real power of the cannon!

With this weapon, the enemy’s strong castle is almost indistinguishable from gravel: as long as this artillery can be manufactured on a large scale, human fortifications will be completely useless.

If there are a certain amount of such weapons, they will also have a decisive role in field battles. After all, this thing can fire outside the enemy’s range, taking the lead in launching an ultra-long-range strike on the enemy’s battlefield.

With just this kind of leap, the lord of the city of Seris in front of him can fight all directions and win every battle.

Thinking of this, Dessell once again remembered the story Chris told before: How many times the profit can be made by investing in a country’s monarch?

What Chris lacks now is capital and time to accumulate original capital. Once he really rises, there will be no profit to join at that time.

Thinking of this, Chris’s previous condition “The Long Tate family will become the richest family in the world, there is no one; and there is only one voice in this family, and that is your voice!” It immediately became alluring. Incomparable.

“Gudong…” Desaier swallowed a mouthful of thirsty, and then handed the torch to Wagron next to him.

He walked in front of Chris step by step and looked up at Chris who was much taller than himself: “If…you can really do it…you said…the Longtate family will stand by your side forever! Loyal to you!”

“Now, how much do you plan to spend to buy the position of the world’s richest man?” Chris looked at Desaier and asked with a smile.

Dessier thought about it seriously, then glanced at the two cannons in the distance, and then solemnly replied: “1.976 billion gold coins!”

“It looks a little like that!” Chris nodded, and smiled with satisfaction: “I won’t let your investment slip through the water… the cooperation is happy.”

“Cooperation… happy! I will leave. After ten days, I will buy grain, steel, and everything you need, and come back here.” Desaiel said impatiently: “You don’t have to worry about your taxes. , I will pay 1,000 gold coins for you directly in the Atlant Empire. In addition, the 2,000 gold coins I brought with me this time will stay here!”

“Thank you!” Chris smiled and nodded, ending the conversation.

Looking at Desaier who was going away, Deans said with some worry: “Qianbo touches people’s hearts… My lord, can he trust it?”

“As long as he has great wisdom, or as long as he is not stupid, he will not easily make bad ideas.” Chris replied confidently: “He won’t get any more benefits from killing Serris, but he needs one more. Enemy… this is not a good deal.”

“Then what are we going to do next?” Wagron asked while standing behind Chris, holding his sword.

“You stay here with your confidant, keep an eye on it.” Chris ordered: “We must have a defensive plan to ensure our own safety when we go back to the castle.”

“You mean?” Wagron asked with a heavy face.

“Now we have to think about how we can protect ourselves!” Chris looked at the two cannons and said confidently.

The group quickly returned to the castle in Serris, then took out a detailed map and pressed it on the round table in the conference room.

The Serris City acquired by the Ailan Hill family is a traffic arteries, prosperous and rich in resources to use.

In peacetime, such places are often prosperous, but when a war is fought, it is full of wind. Seris City is a battleground for military strategists, and it is also a hapless place for the Four Wars.

“We must get rid of this situation of being attacked on all sides.” Chris folded his hands on his chest, frowning and said: “Multi-line combat is a big taboo for soldiers.”

Chris knows very well that any country that is caught in multi-line warfare, no matter how powerful it is, will inevitably end up in a dilemma or even be completely defeated.

France, who possessed Napoleon, fought in Spain and Russia on the two fronts, and eventually fell apart and lost its hegemony.

Germany, with its shining star and extraordinary combat power, also fell into the dilemma of fighting on two fronts in the two world wars, and tasted the bitter fruit of two failures.

With so many examples in front of him, Chris felt that he had to end the situation of the Four World Wars in order to be invincible after he provoked the war for hegemony.

“Our north is an earthen fort.” Wagron pointed his finger to the north of Seris, and introduced to Chris: “There are seven lords further north. They have more cavalry than us, and they are very powerful. Strong. Continue north, the country of cold wind… the territory is very huge.”

Chris glanced in the direction he was pointing, frowning together without speaking. Attacking north is obviously not a good choice, at least for the time being, it is not a good choice.

“In comparison, our defensive pressure from the north is the greatest. Those lords are greedy and powerful.” Wagron said depressedly: “Usually, we have the most soldiers in the north.”

“To the west of us is the Higgs Kingdom, which is also large in size and powerful.” Diens pointed to the west of Seris, and said, “The Higgs Kingdom borders on the Holy Demon Empire. Powerful… at the same time, it is also a thorn in the eye of the Arante Empire.”

Such a country is very variable and requires a lot of energy to defend. In fact, the Arante Empire has placed a lord like Chris on the border, which is itself a cordon and firewall.

“Then the south and east are left.” Chris looked at the map, pressed his hand on the south, and said: “Our south is the Arante Empire. We are paying taxes to them. The security aspect is for the time being. Guaranteed.”

The goal now is only the two castles on the east side. Wagron put his hand on the two castles and said, “The situation on the east side is relatively simple. There is also a ferry city in the city of Maine.”

“Mayne is an agricultural territory, but the terrain is very difficult. The threat from this direction is the least, and the troops we deploy here are also the least.” He introduced the two cities and brought some useful Information from: “Dukou City is a port. They are backed by the sea of ​​nothingness. They have a great geographical advantage, but there is only one road to the inland, which is the road through our Serris.”

Chris finally nodded and said: “What we have to do now is to expand our forces and grow ourselves!”

“The expansion plan will probably increase the budget of 700 gold coins, and we will expand the number of soldiers in the territory to 2,000.”

“The cavalry will increase to 500, and the infantry will be divided into two parts, one is the city guard guarding the city of Serris, and the other is the infantry responsible for field operations.”

“In addition, we have to allocate 1,000 gold coins to increase the salaries of all active soldiers! We need to step up training to guard against enemies in several directions.” Chris almost spent all the gold coins left by Desaier.

“My lord, shall we… wait first…” Diens considered his own words and advised him: “If you spend so much money to prepare for a war that may not necessarily break out, Serris’ development will be serious. Slow down…”

“Yes, I know!” Chris nodded, acknowledging Diens’s statement: “But we are in a very dangerous situation now. If we fail in the military, then we are also finished, aren’t we?”

“War does not necessarily break out, my lord…” Diens looked at Chris, hoping that his city lord would be more sensible: “Shall we think about it again?”

“There is no time to think about it!” Chris waved his hand and looked at Wagron: “So what we have to think about now is how to win a possible war!”

“There really is no time to think about it.” Strider, who had figured out the key, reacted and said to Deans beside him: “We will be targeted soon!”

When he said this, Deans also reacted: woodworking machinery and cheap woodworking products will soon sell well in the surrounding area, and Serris will become a complete piece of fat.

“Okay! It seems that we must prepare for our own defense before others treat us as fat.” Taking this into consideration, Diens also had to admit that strengthening the defense now is the right choice.

“Don’t panic! Haven’t all the types of machines I developed have completed the experiment? Let these machines go into production!” Chris confidently comforted his subordinates: “If you spend the gold coins, just think of a way to earn it back. Up?”

He patted Diens on the shoulder: “You will soon discover that gold coins are just a number for us.”

On the same day, 30 women recruited passed the training and started to officially use the new loom designed by Chris. The price of Serris’ cloth production dropped by more than 90%.

What’s more terrifying is that because of the printing and dyeing process formula provided by Chris, the colors of these fabrics are very beautiful, and the price is twice as high as that of cloths in other places.

Soon the city of Seris was gaining gold every day, and the gold coins spent in Chris’s army expansion plan returned to his hands almost instantly.

On the other hand, the improvement of forging technology also shocked the blacksmiths in Seris: the new furnace can raise the temperature to an incredible height, the forging of various metals has become easier, and the production speed of the barrel has also been doubled. Promote.

Because of the increase in job opportunities, every civilian in Seris has a smile on his face. Everyone knows that Seris has risen, and this will become a fertile land!

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