My Empire

Chapter 7 - greedy man

“It’s so beautiful…” In Mayne City’s City Lord’s Mansion, City Lord Ensel was rubbing his hands and looking at the ten identical chairs.

“You said this was made by the boy from the Ailan Hill family in Serris?” He stretched out his hand to stroke the glorious paint surface, and asked the businessman beside him with incomparable greed.

“Yes! My lord! I spent 20 silver coins for each chair. It was indeed made by Serris. I confirmed it many times.” The businessman replied respectfully.

Serris had a new woodworking process, which made the Lord Ensel coveted. He hopes to get this kind of craftsmanship and make himself richer.

“And these beautiful fabrics…” After reading the tables and chairs, Ensel looked at the fabrics again, and his hand stroked the soft fabric as if he was stroking his lover’s carcass.

Then it was an unspeakable beautiful feeling, it was as if the lover took off his clothes and Ensell even forgot to speak. He just looked at the rainbow-like fabrics and admired it with selflessness.

Finally, the greedy Lord City Lord walked out of his own small world, withdrew his gaze from the gorgeous fabrics, and finally had the appearance of a somewhat superior person.

“Very good…Very good!” He nodded pretentiously, and looked at the generals beside him: “If we attack Seris, what chance are we going to win?”

As soon as he heard his city lord asking this, the general knew that he was thinking about starting a war. So he pondered for a while and replied: “There is probably a 70% chance of winning.”

Although Serris’s soldiers are elite, they also have special products of Huitie, and their armor and weapons are better, but the opponent needs to defend too many directions.

“We only need to defend in two directions, but they need to defend in four directions. Although there are many troops, they need to be dispersed… This is our advantage.” The general also had two brushes, and he gave one that seemed feasible. Attack plan.

“We took the lead in gathering troops, and then suddenly attacked on the border! The city of Seris was caught off guard and would inevitably suffer heavy losses.” He did not pin the victory on his own troops, but wanted to prolong the war, looking forward to the addition of other forces: “When our attack works and the other party has to retreat to Serris Castle, the forces in other directions will take advantage of it.”

Everyone understands Qianbo’s touching principles. After hearing the plan from his generals, City Lord Ensel immediately felt that it was a feasible plan.

At that time, as long as he distributes the benefits to the lords in other directions, then the Arante Empire 80% will not take care of such trivial matters.

As long as he carries the 1000 gold coin tax tribute of Cerris City, the Arante Empire will not suffer any loss. If he is willing to pay an extra 300 gold coins, he might be able to mention his position.

Thinking of this, Ensel couldn’t hold back anymore: “Gather all the soldiers! Find a way to arm the peasants! I will lead the army to defeat Seris!”

“My lord is wise! Such a good craftsmanship… Those craftsmen should belong to me, Mayne!” On the other side of Ensel, his confidant and his confidant praised him with a wicked smile.

“Send a message to Lord Greer of Ferry City! Borrow 500 soldiers from him! As long as you take Serris City, you will get half of the benefits!” Ensel, who felt that his strength was not enough, made himself safe. Decision-making.

Chris on the other side, sitting on a high platform and looking at the first-generation artillery in the distance, couldn’t hide the joy on his face.

After making two sample bubbles, he improved the design drawings, and made 20 more advanced artillery pieces using pure manual and mechanically assisted methods.

Because of the more powerful smelting formula, Chris’s blacksmiths used the new type of steel to mix with the special material spangle iron to forge a powerful modern artillery body.

Coupled with the use of rifling technology, the new artillery adopts a series of new technologies such as post-loading and fixed-loading. The artillery also uses a touch-type explosive fuze, which has increased its power by dozens of times.

Compared with the 1880 artillery that Desaier saw, Chris’s weapon now has almost reached the level of around 1900, almost as advanced as the artillery of the First World War era.

Chris has improved the artillery mount these days and installed a hydraulic recoil device, so that the artillery in his hand has the prototype of a modern artillery.

It is precisely because of the inexhaustible technical experience in his mind that the weapons in his hand have developed by leaps and bounds.

20 90mm caliber howitzers, with a range of 7 kilometers, are powerful and fast to reload. Whether it is a field battle or a siege, these artillery can provide very powerful fire support for the troops.

Also to serve these artillery, Chris personally selected 50 soldiers from the veterans for training, and passed on the knowledge of modern artillery dispatching and commanding by way of supplementary lessons.

Now what restricts Chris’s crazy expansion is the basic knowledge of his men and the shortage of industrial equipment. He even has the design drawings of the American f22 fighter jet in his mind, but unfortunately he doesn’t even have an electric machine…

The artillery and shells made by the most traditional methods already possess powerful power beyond this era, but Chris knows in his heart that at this moment, he is far from being able to withstand the consumption and destruction of war.

At this moment, he is like the Eighth Route Army during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. His industrial foundation is too weak and he can only barely solve the problems and cannot support a protracted large-scale war.

For him now, the good news is not without it: after all, other countries in this era do not even have such an industrial foundation!

“Range 40! Loading finished!” At the artillery position in the distance, the commanding officer waved the small flag in his hand and shouted out the command loudly.

The soldiers who repeatedly practiced loading with solid training shells made of iron, panting and withdrew the heavy shells from the barrel, and began preparations for the next loading.

Cannonballs are too expensive, and the number of artillery needed is considerable. Among the 500 recruits Chris recruited, 400 were specially trained for artillery.

Each cannon is controlled by 10 soldiers, including 1 commander, 1 gunner, 3 operators, 3 loaders, and 2 people responsible for towing carriages.

In addition to these 10 soldiers, another 10 soldiers followed as substitutes. They have no operational tasks, but are only responsible for learning so that they can be used by future expansion artillery.

“My lord, the news just sent me that the special carriages for these cannons have all been manufactured. Now these cannons can completely keep up with the cavalry marching speed.” Wagron walked up to the high platform and sent a good news.

As someone who knows the future of industry, Chris has prepared a carriage for the entire army in order to allow the entire army to move quickly. In this way, he has a fast mobile force that can quickly rush to the direction of the outbreak of the crisis.

His artillery has a four-horse four-wheeled carriage for every five people, which is responsible for transporting food, artillery shells, tents, tools… and the standard infantry also has a carriage for transportation, and every 10 people take a carriage.

Because of spending a lot of gold coins, Chris’s “mobile unit” is quite luxurious. He has prepared 100 carriages of various types, so that the entire army has “wheels.”

“Now, no matter which direction there is a problem, we can immediately send 500 cavalry and 500 infantry in that direction.” After twenty days of hard work, Chris was relieved. He is now ready to deal with the future battle, and he has the power to keep his wealth.

“There have been some changes in Tubao recently. The barbarians in the north seem to be interested in us.” After reporting the good news, Wagron told Chris another not-so-good news.

The wealth is not revealed, Serris’ wealth has already aroused the coveting of the surrounding forces. This situation is not very good, and the peace in front of him is more and more like the tranquility before the storm.

“Send 100 more soldiers to the north! Increase the border guards to 300! We must show our attitude! We must not show weakness in this regard!” Chris frowned and ordered.

“Yes! Your lord!” Wagron also felt the pressure like a mountain. Except for Chris’s new 500 new army, 300 soldiers are almost all the troops they can deploy now.

If the northerners make any moves, Serris will need to deploy cavalry and new troops to the northern border. For Chris, who doesn’t have many maneuvers, this is definitely not good news.

“In addition, Mr. Desaier did not break his promise. He paid the taxes of the Arrant Empire for us. The tax envoy of the Arrant Empire just sent us the tax payment voucher and praised our active taxation attitude.” Long mentioned this matter, and it hurts a bit.

Seeing Wagron’s expression, Chris laughed: “Hahahaha, the tax collector is so reasonable, does Strider cost less?”

“When the taxpayer left, the most expensive purple cloth was packed with a whole wagon.” Waglong urn grumbled.

“It’s not expensive! As long as the Arante Empire doesn’t give us pressure, this money is not a waste of money!” Chris, who had already felt the pressure of defense, waved his hand and said with a smile.

What he lacks now is not money, but time for development and defense forces. If these problems can be solved, it is definitely a bargain to spend some money.

“The last thing… My lord, the parts you asked for yesterday have been built… Lord Chris from the blacksmith asked me to send a message that the steam engine can be assembled.” Wagron seemed to think of something, and said again. Said.

“Let these artillery continue to train! Hurry up! What we lack now is time!” Chris stood up, patted Wagron’s shoulder and commanded: “After all, there are more good news than bad news. This is the best. News!”

After speaking, he walked off the platform, turned over and ran towards the workshop.

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