My Empire

Chapter 68 - Reinforcements

Hook’s astonishment, he heard Lumbak continue to say: “The opposing soldier has a hand cannon that can fire quickly. It can attack from beyond the range of the bow and arrow… Our soldiers can’t get close to the opponent’s line. The counterattack is all seeking a dead end!”

“What’s more terrible is that the opponent has a weapon that can fire quickly, which can quickly fire countless small’cannonballs’, knocking our soldiers to the ground!” The more he talked, the more mysterious he became, and the content had already made Hook stunned. Eyes.

Are you telling a fantasy story? General Zorn wanted to refute the prince Arant Rumbach, who was almost nonsense. But he suppressed this impulse, because he knew that the sober prince in front of him was definitely not crazy.

If it is not that the prince is crazy, it means that what he said has a certain degree of truth. Zorn, who has seen the giant dragon of the Holy Demon Empire, is now less sensitive to strange things. He felt that the other party might indeed have this weapon, which also showed that Volavor, who was guarded by Frankie, fell so quickly, it was not an accidental event.

“Those soldiers of Ailan Hill know magic! They will kill magic! It must be so!” At last he found a theoretical basis for his analysis and said, “They dedicated their souls to the devil! Here comes these terrifying magic!”

Hearing him say this, Zorn suddenly felt that Rembach’s words seemed to have some truth. If these weapons are related to magic, it is easy to explain: after all, the things that the Holy Demon Empire has made, no matter how inscrutable it is, it is only natural, isn’t it?

“Your Majesty! Is this a ghost created by the Holy Demon Empire?” Zorn was standing on Rumbach’s side at this time, and he opened his mouth to find some reasons for his “defeat”.

Anyway, if your Majesty really blamed it, and pushed everything to the Holy Demon Empire that he couldn’t provoke, it would be much better than holding a scapegoat by himself. Thinking of this, Zorn seemed to feel that the Prince of Rumbach next to him was really a talented person in shirking responsibility.

Hearing that his ministers had brought these things to magic, as the monarch of a mortal empire, Arant Hook had no idea for a while. So the whole hall fell into a terrible silence, quiet and suffocating.

The two officers who were kneeling on the ground to report the letter even dared not even dared to make a statement at this time, because they did not have any right to participate in decision-making at this level. If they can choose, they hope they can leave immediately.

“I think…is it…” After a long while, Zorn finally broke the silence in the hall and suggested: “Is it possible to contact the Holy Demon Empire…this is beyond our ability to cope…”

“But! If Ailan Hill is supported by the Holy Demon Empire, we do this, not…” After thinking about it for so long, Hook also thought a lot, and asked the ministers in front of him.

“Your Majesty, I think…it’s not necessary to consider this now!” Lumbark said at this time: “The Holy Demon Empire is unlikely to support Ailan Hill. After all, their tradition is to stand on the side of the weak.”

The Holy Demon Empire has been obstructing the unification of the mortal world for so many years, so it often interferes in wars between mortal empires, and it chooses the inferior camps. Those countries that have the hope of unifying the mortal world are all sanctified. The Devil Empire is destroyed.

“So, Ailan Hill, who has advanced weapons, is definitely not a weapon provided by the Holy Demon Empire! They should just get some magic weapons of the Holy Demon Empire from some channels!” Zorn also realized that Ai Lanxi The rise of Er is inconsistent with the usual style of the Holy Demon Empire.

Although in the long years, the Holy Demon Empire has been suppressing the unification of the mortal empire, but it has never improved the strength of the mortal empire. Not to mention advanced weapons of war, but some magic products for daily use, mortal empires are still rare.

It is precisely because of this that both Rumbak and Zon have determined that Ailan Hill’s technology does not originate from the Holy Demon Empire. Even if Ai Lanhill offers more prices, the Holy Demon Empire will not give them. Provide magic items to help them. The style of the Holy Demon Empire is that it would rather send soldiers directly to fight, which is more direct and convenient, and there is no need to worry about the rise of magical items in the mortal world.

Hu Ke breathed a sigh of relief. In his opinion, if it were not for the support of the Holy Demon Empire, then everything would be easy to say. As long as the Holy Demon Empire is still on the side of the Arante Empire, Ailan Hill will not be afraid.

“In that case! Then I will use the contact crystal of the King City to send an emergency message and let the Holy Demon Empire send reinforcements!” Through a series of analysis, I guessed that the Holy Demon Empire was not on Ailan Hill’s side, Hu Ke will have confidence. He looked at his men and said with a long voice.

Then, the next morning, at a relatively auspicious hour, Arant Hook took a bath and changed his clothes, and made all preparations. He summoned the ministers to convene a ritual to call for help from the Holy Demon Empire.

Although there is no representative supervision of the Holy Demon Empire, this grand ceremony still needs to be retained. After all, this can remind the royal family who use the communication crystal to keep in mind to maintain a humble attitude and not to cross the gap between the magician and the mortal.

In a gloomy hall, Hook put his palm on a crystal covered with dust. It was a very huge crystal, and something seemed to be surging incessantly in it.

When he pressed his hand on this crystal, a burst of energy suddenly rushed towards the patterns on the stone wall. Those patterns seemed to be resurrected, like a giant python entwined together, and finally dimmed again.

After doing all this, Hook seemed to have exhausted all his strength, sighed, and the whole person became a little more decadent. He crouched and walked towards the exit of this dark hall step by step, with indescribable loneliness on his face.

A few months ago, he was still a monarch dreaming of the ZTE Arante Empire. Now he is like a clown, having to forget his lofty ambitions and once again bow down to the power of the magic empire.

Shi Ye Ming Ye… sighed in his heart a sentence with a similar meaning, narrowed his eyes involuntarily in the sun, and Arant Hook stood before his minister once again.

“The contact signal has been sent, and the reinforcements of the Holy Demon Empire will come soon…you guys…remember today’s shame!” He carried his hands on his back, step by step down the steps, and gave a cold voice to every minister who passed by. Said.

Clark lowered his head deeper, and the fall of Naaru City was directly related to him. However, this war has not ended, and the accountability has not yet begun, so he has not faced the pressure directly.

Zorn’s face was also uncomfortable. After all, his strategy failed this year. He lost hundreds of thousands of troops and lost a large area of ​​territory. Therefore, his situation is no better than that of the opposite Prime Minister Clark.

The royal uncle and prince Arant Rumbach standing next to Zorn also looked depressed. Compared to Zorn who lost to the Holy Demon Empire, he seemed to lose face even more when he lost to Ailan Hill.

“Yes!” After a brief stupefaction, everyone bowed their heads and replied to Hook: “The ministers, etc., remember today’s lesson!”

“Wait! Reinforcements are already on the way! No one can contend against the will of the Holy Demon Empire! Ailan Hill is destined to destroy itself! The Arante Empire will definitely win! It will definitely!” He squeezed himself tightly. His fist, His Majesty the Emperor, who had forgotten his original ambition, looked at the blue sky in the west, and shouted in his heart.

In a magnificent castle on the eastern plain of the Holy Demon Empire, a magic apprentice put his hands on his abdomen, and walked into a magnificent hall. He stood on the red carpet in the center of the hall, facing the first person. The person in the report respectfully reported: “General Moss…Alante’s emergency call for help is crystal bright…”

“I know.” With a wave of his hand, General Moss, who was sitting in his subordinate position, said that he already knew about the matter, and the apprentice nodded and walked away immediately, without the intention of staying in the hall at all.

“Only a few days! The emperor of the Arante Empire has sent a call for help. These rotten empires and these useless monarchs can’t make people worry about it?” In the main seat, the big horse was sitting with a golden knife. A man, the clothes he wears, the pattern is like starlight, unexpectedly moving slightly.

He glanced at General Moss and Knight Commander Ildo, and slowly said, “I have to make you two trouble you again… Those mortals are really disgusting fools.”

“My lord, rest assured! This time we will get things done.” General Moss stood up from his position, leaning slightly and said to his immediate superior.

“Go! Destroy the recently famous Ailan Hill without leaving any traces.” A pet climbed onto the man’s arm, and the man lowered his head to tease the scaly and sharp claws. , A pet with a pair of wings flapped.

The little guy’s snake eyes curiously looked at Moss and Eldo in front of him, as if looking at his own lunch. It propped its teeth and let out a slight whistling sound, and the uncomfortable sound echoed in the hall.

Moss and Ildo knew that the little thing hadn’t been completely tamed yet, and had no basic consciousness of strength or weakness, so they didn’t care, bowed back, and retreated to the door of the hall, then turned and walked out of the hall. .

“Good boy…you haven’t grown up, you can’t eat those mortals, it will ruin your stomach.” In the hall, the man petted the pet’s head, making the pet show a happy expression: “Alan Hill ? Very powerful? Is it better than Long…?”—

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