My Empire

Chapter 69 - There are people

“We have two infantry regiments advancing to the location of the magic concentrate. Depending on the time, they may have already occupied it.” Looking at the magic concentrate marked on the map, Dessier felt his heart beating faster.

As long as they have that concentrate, their country can mass produce the Magic Ball of Knowledge! With the Magic Ball of Knowledge, they can use Chris’s “God Words” to cultivate more and more talents.

After propaganda, Chris has now embarked on the altar in Ailan Hill. He is described as a **** who saves mortals from the sea of ​​suffering, a **** of knowledge with supreme wisdom, and a **** of craftsmen who created industrial civilization.

The whispers of the gods from Chris are the greatest wealth of the entire Airanhill Empire. Everyone wants to pray about Ailan Hill Chris every day, and the new prayer ceremony is accepted by everyone without even promoting it.

Gods that can feed the people, earn money, and enable the people to win wars do not need propaganda at all. They will inherit the power of unlimited faith and become the objects of worship.

Businessmen who have made a lot of money, even if they only need to look at the “vouchers” in their hands that represent wealth, they will unconditionally support Chris. Because their wealth and lives are within the industrial civilization created by Chris, if they want to continue to make money or keep their savings, they must stand on Chris’ side.

The workers supported Chris even more. It was Chris who provided them with jobs, and it was also Chris who promulgated the Worker Protection Law, which protected the legitimate rights and interests of workers to a certain extent. He is the star of the working class and their idol.

Farmers are also on Chris’s side, because with Chris’s help, their grain production increased by 25%, and for the first time they saw a soaring grain price with the increase in production. If they don’t support their monarch, they feel that they are no different from the devil.

Merchants, workers and peasants are all on Chris’ side, and Chris’s rule has become unprecedentedly stable. If you include the textile and handicraft industry and the influence of light industry on women, Ailan Hill can be said to be the most powerful. Country now.

Because of this, with the popularity of printing, the streets and alleys are covered with slogans of Long live Chris and simple portraits of His Majesty the Grand Duke. In these slogans, Chris was already called out to be “His Majesty the King”, “His Majesty the Emperor” and even “The God of Mortals.”

Because of the cheap cloth, the king flag of Ailan Hill is everywhere, the door of the restaurant, the roof of the hotel, and the flagpole of the castle. Everywhere is flying the black golden eagle flag, making the whole city full of a kind of similar The joyous atmosphere of the festival.

This kind of propaganda offensive was initiated by Diens. After gradually handing over production management to Mr. Gurlo, he focused his work on internal affairs. Then, he showed his excellent internal affairs talent.

Chris just casually told him stories about propaganda and management, and he learned and used it, and directly promoted Chris to the altar. Now this Deans can be said to be like a fish in the water, fully displaying the brilliance of Chris Butler.

“How about the weapons? We must quickly send the produced weapons and ammunition to the front line! That is the key to our victory!” Chris looked at the number of weapons produced in the report and said to Desaiel.

“All the carriages have been collected, and the merchants even lent us their own carriages. In addition, we also received 700 workhorses from the Prairie Empire and 1,500 sheep as rations…” Desaier Very sensitive to numbers, he introduced.

“The transportation speed is now the fastest. The steppe empire is not the same as it was during the previous southward invasions. This time they prepared food by themselves, so they squeezed our road transportation…” When he talked about transportation, he brought With a very dissatisfied tone.

In fact, road transportation is very crowded and busy on weekdays: the level of industrial production and material mobilization in Ailan Hill is dozens or hundreds of times that of a year ago, and these pressures have been transferred to the backward road traffic.

There are already enough caravans and transport teams that have overloaded the roads. Now there are more troops going south and supply convoys to transport these troops. Adding to the steppe empire’s 100,000 horses and 50,000 people. Eat and drink…

These things made the already fragile transportation system on the verge of collapse, and the roads caused more trouble to Ailan Hill than the soldiers of the Arrant Empire on the front line. Cement roads have now been put on the agenda of all territories, and people have never paid so much attention to road construction.

“The backward transportation level is really an annoying thing.” Chris pinched the bridge of his nose and rubbed it, and said unwillingly, “If our railway starts to operate, the situation will get better.”

“The situation remains the same. It is impossible for us to lay the railway to the dangerous front line. The tracks are too expensive.” Desaier complained about the railway fraud: “Of the 20 newly manufactured anti-aircraft guns, 10 have already been sent. To Naaru, 4 more doors were strengthened to the factory area, and the other 6 doors were equipped for the newly formed regiment…”

“I’m still a little worried! We have too few methods to deal with the magic empire.” Chris said to Dessell worriedly.

“In fact, based on the best situation, we have to lose about 3 regiments of soldiers…” Desaier looked at Chris, and said with a heavy mouth: “When facing the Holy Demon Empire… Loss It’s normal to have more.”

“More than 10,000 people… We just left them on the battlefield and let them die?” This is the first time that Chris has fought such a war that may lose a lot of money, so there will be some entanglements in his heart.

Desaier seemed to have heard something funny, and he looked at Chris: “Your Majesty! The war between mortals and magicians… There has never been a victory for thousands of years. You can defeat the Holy Demon Empire. One attack, then you have already created a history.”

“But I don’t want history!” Chris stood up stubbornly, pressing his pistol on his waist, and said to Dessell: “What I want is a victory! I can’t just watch my soldiers. Go die! I have to do something!”

Hearing what Chris said, Desaier was stunned for a moment, and then he seemed to have realized something and nodded: “If these words of yours can be heard by everyone, it is estimated that millions of people will die for you. …”

“No! I don’t need them to die for me! I want them to live for me! Fight for me to the end!” Chris walked to the door, turned around and said to Desaiel behind him: “After I leave, Serris I’ll leave it to you!”

“Please be careful on the road, Your Majesty! I wish you all the best and success.” Desaiel leaned slightly and blessed Chris.

He didn’t stop Chris from going to the front line because he had been persuaded just now. He felt that a qualified leader should indeed appear where he should appear. The words of Chris just now convinced Desaier.

With the phrase “I don’t need them to die for me, I want them to live for me.” Kessel knew that Chris was a qualified leader. He feels that his investment is really very wise, and being able to stand with such a man is definitely the most fortunate thing in his life.

“Assemble in one group! Assemble in one group!” In the barracks outside the city of Serris, Captain Walter, who could not wait for a long time, rode on his horses and rushed past the barracks. The whistle began to sound, and all the soldiers were quickly packing their bags.

It didn’t even last for ten minutes. The Ailan Hill soldiers carrying weapons and equipment and wearing m42 steel helmets lined up in a neat formation. Then, with an order, these soldiers began to walk towards the exit of the barracks.

The originally crowded barracks became empty a few months ago. Now, the remaining two regiments and half of them left the huge barracks. Only the soldiers of the teaching regiment looked at the soldiers who went away. , His eyes were full of envy and desire.

“We have to get to the front as soon as possible! The number of anti-aircraft guns over there is limited, and we can bring them at least 8 extra anti-aircraft guns…” Chris rode on the horse and said to Walter beside him.

The 1st regiment is the main regiment of the main regiment. Its weapons and equipment are second only to the teaching regiment. It has always been responsible for protecting Chris’s safety, so it is also known as the Guards regiment. The regiment is fully equipped with 8 anti-aircraft guns.

Moreover, this regiment also drew a large number of artillery shells from the reserve ammunition, which can supplement the front-line consumption.

“We go up, then Wilkes’ troops as the reserve team can move their positions. They can move laterally in the direction of Volavor. This way, our line of defense can be more stable.” Head Walter said. Said to Chris.

Chris nodded. What he wants now is the important magic concentrate. If he can grab some magic concentrate, then this time he will make a profit even if he goes south.

At this moment, a fast horse in the distance rushed over and stopped beside Chris. An officer held up a telegram and reported to Chris Hui: “Just now, there was a huge interference in the radios between Seris and Dukou City at the same time.”

“What’s the matter?” Chris frowned and took the message from the officer’s hand and saw a long radio signal. This is obviously not in Ailan Hill’s radio communication code, it is a strange signal from the outside.

Looking at the signal for a long time, Chris suddenly laughed. The expression on his face was vivid and wonderful: “Maybe, besides us, there are people in this world who are also using radio!”

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