My Enigmatic Life

Arianne Renford’s Yandere Origin?!

(Akai’s POV)

    After we leave work, Arianne-san pulls Daisuke aside and starts to talk about something with him. Whatever it is, it definitely makes her feel uncomfortable enough to the point where Daisuke is constantly consoling her. After a few minutes, they rejoin us.

“Alright, everyone. Sunni’s given me permission to tell you all about this.”

Daisuke and Arianne sit down on the grass, staying close to each other. After making sure we are all attentive, Daisuke sighs and begins to recant his story.

“A young boy and girl were at the local park one day, playing on the swingset. The boy had just won the girl a prize, it was a plastic toy doll, and while it wasn’t what she wanted, she was happy that the boy won it for her.”

Obviously, he’s talking about Arianne-san and himself, but none of us interrupt.

“However, that good mood soon came to an end. Some of the older children in the neighbourhood came around and tried to start a kerfuffle with the younger ones. The boy and the girl weren’t interested, so they decided to leave.”

“Unfortunately, the older kids weren’t going to let that happen. Some of them surrounded the two, and mocked them for going on a date. The boy, being a plonker, made a remark that angered the group and they all jumped at him. Luckily, the lad was quick on his feet, and he easily evaded the attempts made at him. He decided that once he had the chance, he would grab the lass, who no one was paying any mind to, and bolt out of there. Sadly, things didn’t go that way.”

Arianne-san locks arms with Daisuke so tightly that I’m almost certain that it was hurting the both of them. At this point, the rest of us were sat with bated breath, waiting for him to continue. With a wistful expression, Daisuke resumes.

“Suddenly, the boy collapses, unconscious. One of the older kids threw a stone roughly the size of a tennis ball at him, and it struck him on the side of his head.”

What?! Something like that happened?! Gege and Haruhi-san are as horrified as I am. I look over at Naoya and Yoko-san, who look shocked, and from the corner of my eye, I see my sister twitch violently. Daisuke presses on, though, not taking in our reactions.

“The area fell deathly silent, and everybody froze. All they could do is stare at the lad on the ground, who was bleeding profusely from his head. The boy who threw the stone began to apologise, saying that he didn’t mean to do it. But the girl’s reaction was strange, she just stared the boy lying there, with tears running down face and an odd look in her eyes…”

Daisuke looks up at us all in the face.
“The girl slowly removes her gaze from the boy and shifts it to the group of older kids. She raises one hand up, and says a single word in a voice you wouldn’t expect to hear from a ten year old girl..”


Arianne-san speaks for the first time since Daisuke started telling their story. She has an intense look in her eyes that really scares me…

“The girl cast Lighting magic on them, over and over and over. Some adults arrived after hearing the screams, but they couldn’t stop her. She turned her magic on them and only the appearance of her father ceased her rampage. However, she was still in an unstable state mentally. No matter what her father said to her, she still wanted them all dead. Luckily, the father used curative magic to heal the boy and all those who the girl attacked. When all was said and done, the boy was taken to the hospital, and came out fine.”

With that, Daisuke heaves another sigh.

“There you have it.”, he concludes.

“Damn. I didn't think that it was something so serious.”, Gege says finally.

“Me neither.”, Haruhi-san mutters.

“Oi, Govvy. You mean to tell me that when you went to hospital back then, that was the cause?”, Naoya asks incredulously.

Daisuke simply nods in confirmation, leaving Naoya dumbstruck.

“Good work, Arianne.”, Yoko smiles.”I’m glad to see that you’ve always been protective of Aniki.”

“Yeah!”, Akane agrees. “I definitely would’ve tried to kill them too.”

Arianne-san seems to be reassured by their words, and thus relaxes a bit. Although, I’m not really fond of hearing my dear little sister talk like that.

“So, Arianne-san became a yandere due to trauma, eh?”, Gege surmises. “I can understand that.”

“No, she’s always been a yandere.”, Daisuke amends. “The trauma just made her level up.”

“You serious?”

“Yeah, the reason she’s so good at using that chain spell is because she wants it so I can never run away from her.”

“I-I see..”

Naoya laughs heartily at Gege’s and my shock and confusion.

“I told you blokes! He’s a real deal yandere magnet! Chehehehe!”

Daisuke simply shrugs at us. I can’t help but smile wryly at him.

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