My Enigmatic Life

Tomorrow’s Agenda

(Akai’s POV)

After a long session of difficult training, our squadron decides to relax and snack on some fried rice crackers. And when I say our squadron, I mean everyone other than Daisuke and Naoya. The two of them are currently locked in combat.

“Are they going to stop anytime soon?”, Haruhi-san asks.

Yoko-san laughs openly.

“No, it takes them back to when we used to stick-fight as children. Honestly, I kind of want to join in.”

“Once a tomboy, always a tomboy.”

My little sister chides her, but Yoko merely shrugs and continues to eat fried rice crackers.

“I hope that Govvy minds his head. He can’t let himself get too carried away.”, Arianne-san says with concern.

“Are you worried about him losing some brain cells, Arianne-san?”, Gege munches. “You’re always fretting about his head.”

I really wish that my guy friends had a bit more tact. You’re not supposed to just pry into someone’s personal business, especially not a girl’s.

Arianne stays silent for a bit, but then speaks clearly and determinedly.

“When Govvy’s done, we’ll let you know what happened.”

What happened? Is it something serious?

Of course, this gains the attention of my sister.

“Huh?! What do you mean by-”

“Good evening, young people.”

Commissioner Watanabe enters the room, followed closely by Yonaguni-senpai’s squadron.

“I’m sorry to disturb you, but there’s something important to talk about. Where are Daisuke-shounen and Naoya-shounen?”

Gege lazily points to the training room where the two are still fighting. Yonaguni-senpai scoffs loudly and thunders over to the control panel, pushing the button for the speakerphone.

“Alright, you idiots! Time’s up!”

Like dust in the wind, Yonaguni-senpai words do nothing. Which only succeeds in making him very, very angry.

“Are you bastards deaf?! Get outta there!”

Shirogane-senpai pushes him out of the way and presses the button for the speakers.


Immediately, both Naoya and Daisuke turn to face the glass.

“I understand that you and Daisuke-kun are having fun, but there’s something that we need to discuss.”

With that, the two of them exit the training room without a hiccup, much to Yonaguni-senpai’s chagrin.

“Oi, didn’t you jackasses hear me?!”

“We usually pretend that you don’t exist, so no, we did not.”, Daisuke answers plainly.

Haruhi-san covers her mouth to hide her silent laughter.

“You little-”

“Now that both of you are here, we can talk.”, Commissioner Watanabe begins.

Silence falls in the room as all eyes are on him.

“Tomorrow will be the day of the monthly Enigma Squadron Meetings. Very important matters will be discussed that you all can-not afford to forget, so be attentive.”


Our squadron and Yonaguni-senpai’s nod in understanding.

“And as for you two, behave yourselves.”, Miyamura-senpai says to Daisuke and Naoya.

“Eh?!”, Naoya exclaims.

“Since when have we been trouble-makers?”, Daisuke asks, clearly a little offended.

“It’s not so much trouble-making as it is being sarcastic and abrasive. Try to lay off tomorrow, alright?”


They really do listen to anybody other than Yonaguni-senpai, don’t they?

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