My Enigmatic Life

Volume Seven, Chapter Two: Making of a Rivalry

It’s about midnight right now, and instead of being in bed, I’m surveying the southern part of the West Hill district. Why, you ask? Well, it’s because it happens to be a part of the job when you’re in an Enigma Squadron. Once a week, every week, night watch is required to be performed from 8pm to 1am, and it must be done in casual wear.

“Just an hour left to go..”

As one may be able to discern, this is quite ruddy boring. It’s even more ruddy boring when your group has to split up, leaving everyone by themselves during this time.

“Hey, you.”

A voice calling out to me comes from behind, earning my attention. That’s strange, why didn’t I pick up on their mana? I look around and there’s nobody there. Am I imagining things?

“Look down.”

I follow the voice’s orders, only to lock eyes with a little girl with long, ash coloured hair in pig-tails and cyan eyes. She may be shorter than Haruhi-chan. Is she lost? I crouch down so I can be at eye level with her.

“Hello, little miss. Do you need any help? Where are your parents?”, I ask with a gentle smile.

What she said next blindsided me completely.

“Haa? Who are you talking to like that? I’m eighteen, you giant freak. As a matter of fact, I’ll be turning nineteen in a week’s time. Don’t you act all condescending towards me because of my appearance, you ingrate.”

I blink. Still unsure I just heard what I heard.

“You’re nineteen? I’m sorry, but you look a lot younger than you are.”, I apologise.

Looking at her the way I would look at a girl around my age, I can see that she’s not exactly flat or under-developed, she’s just petite.

“Who are you, and what are you doing here? Are you some delinquent or criminal?”

“Of course not.”, I reply.

“Yeah right. Have you seen your face? With that blank, stoic face, I bet that you’re the head of some local gang. Am I right?”

….Man, why do I have to look so intimidating? I’m not a bad person, damn it. And weren’t you just angry at me for judging you by your appearance?

“I’m not, okay..Look, I can show you proof that I’m not-”


There’s a blinding flash, and a surge of electricity flows through my body. It doesn’t hurt that much, but I immediately lose control of my body, and fall on my back with a thud. Damn it! I let my guard down!

“Now, Sleep.”

Bloody hell! She knows both Chants and Incantations….I need to inform everyone, but I can’t…


     With a bit of a start, I open my eyes. I’m still alive, which is good, I guess. But where in the blazes am I? It looks like I’m at HQ, but the colour scheme and lay-out are a little different.

“So, you’re awake.”

The girl who tased me enters the room I’m in, and it’s now that I realise I’m handcuffed.

“Ready to tell me who you are? Or do you prefer shock therapy?”

Oh, what humane procedures. She must have been trained by the local police.

Again the door opens, and in comes three boys and two girls. I feel like I recognise the blokes from somewhere, but I’ve definitely never seen the birds before.

“Oi, oi, Kentaro. Don’t we know this guy?”, says the one with spiky blonde hair.

Kentaro, the bespectacled one with slicked back orange hair, and a long narrow face nods thoughtfully.

“He definitely does.”

The tan-coloured girl with a bob cut speaks up next.

“He looks intimidating, that’s for sure. I can see why you brought him in, Mari.”

“I know, right?”

I’m not intimidating, damn it.

“Looking kinda scary isn’t exactly a criminal offence, you two. He had to actually do something.”

The bald fellah with a headband on actually comes to my defence.

“Well, what’s a foreigner doing in that district? It isn’t exactly a tourist destination.”

But then, the stocky brunette with a pony-tail adds more fuel to the fire. I wasn’t planning on talking, but I feel like I ought to now.

“I live there. I’ve been living there for the past seven years.”

“You see?”, the bald one gestures. “He’s a resident of the area, you guys.”

“So?! Use that big head of yours, Cueball!”


“Alright, you two, settle down.”

“If you lot are finished with your friendly conversation, I’d like to be released.”, I interrupt. “These cuffs are really tight and they’re blocking my flow of mana.”

They start to look at me sharply after I finish speaking, and it seems like I’ve really got their attention now. The spiky blonde approaches me with a hint of aggression.

“Okay, weirdo, who the hell are you?”

Before I can say anything, the door again opens and a girl and boy enter the room.

“Sorry we’re late, everyone.”, the girl says. “What’s up with the dangerous looking guy?”

I’ll ignore that last part.

“It’s nice to see you again, Colen. I see you’ve met my Squadron.”

“Yo, Kageyama. Your lot is quite the amiable bunch.”

So, this is Kageyama’s Enigma Squadron. I can’t say that I’m all that surprised by this turn of events, though.

“Huh? You know this guy, Ryuu-chan?”

“Colen? You mean the third baseman from Nishi No Oka’s baseball club? Or is he the right fielder?”, the blonde asks in disbelief.

“I knew he was familiar.”, the bespectacled bloke says.

“That’s a surprise.”, the bald one smiles.

Kageyama walks up to the human taser and pokes her cheek playfully.

“Ma-chan, uncuff him.”

“Why me?!”

“Because you cuffed him in the first place. Now get to it.”

With a deep, deep frown, she removes the cuffs. Finally, those things were starting to chafe me. Not to mention, I can feel my mana flowing again. Kageyama watches me rub my wrists a bit before talking.

“Let me introduce my friends.”, he says flatly. “This little one is Mizudori Mari, my child-hood friend.”


“The gyaru is Hoshimiya Tenka.”

“I’m not a gyaru!”

“The pony-tail is Hasegawa Karin.”

“Hello there.”

“The blonde’s Saotome Yuuichi, the baldie’s Andou Haruto and the glasses guy is Oku Kentaro.”

He just lumped all the boys together…


“Heya, Colen-san.”

“Nice meeting you.”

“And finally, there’s my stepsister, Kageyama Anzu.”, Kageyama concludes.


Well, since he’s gone through all the trouble of introducing everyone, I should do the same.

“My name is Colen Daisuke, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“Oi, what were you doing out at this hour, Suke?”, Saotome asks.

“I was planning on explaining that before the sentient stun-gun so kindly attacked me, but now that she’s been put away, I can actually get to it.”

“What did you call me, you jerk?!”, Mizudori yells angrily.

I hear someone snickering as I reach into the pocket of my jumper, and pull out my ID.

“I was out on the night watch. Colen Daisuke, leader of the Enigma Squadron named the Dawn Wolves.”


Mizudori has a muted reaction, as expected.

“Mari! Why didn’t you let him identify himself first?!”, Hoshimiya asks.

“Colen-san, please forgive her.”, Hasegawa-san says nervously. “She tends to act irrationally sometimes.”

“I’ll try.”

The boys of the squadron laugh at Mizudori’s plight, much to her chagrin. Oku-san, whose laughter was the most contained, speaks up.

“I have to say, it’ll be interesting working alongside you after basically being rivals for so long, Colen-san.”

I return his smile with a bit of a chuckle.

“Hey, we may be allies now, but that doesn’t mean that our rivalry comes to an end. We’ll see which squadron obtains the highest rank first.”

Andou folds his arms, grinning broadly.

“Your squadron has some work to do, then. Your ID card is still green, while it took us just a month to get to Bronze rank.”
Bronze? In just a month? Blimey.

“Well, we’ll just have to work hard to catch up with you lot, eh?”

“Yeah! That’s what I like to hear!”, Saotome says wolfishly. “It’s about time we got a rival to compete with, eh, Ryuu?!”

Kageyama smiles heartily, his feelings quite clear.

“We are the Silver Lion Kings, Colen Daisuke. You’d best live up to your words.”

“Of course.”

I don’t know what’s gotten in me. I’m not usually this competitive, but right now, I’m feeling a rush of exhilaration.

“Boys are so weird.”, Hoshimiya-san whispers.

“Just ignore them, Tenka.”, Hasegawa-san says sagely. “They’re just trying to look cool.”

“They’ve been watching too much anime, again.”, Kageyama-san mutters.

I just realised, but how long have I been here?

“Oi, what time is that?”

Kentaro quickly looks down at his wrist-watch.

“One forty.”

I almost choke.

“Goddamn! I need to let everyone know that I’m alright before things go to hell! Where’s my bag?!”

Mizudori comes into the room, my bag in tow. Huzzah! And no surprise, my Enigma Phone’s going off like mad.

“Thanks!”, I thank her, as I hurriedly fumble through my bag.

I find the phone and hastily flip it open, allowing a hologram of Akai to pop up.

“Daisuke, what’s going on?!”, he says in a panic. “We’ve been looking all over for you!”

“I got kidnapped by some lunatic broad who knew magic!”, I explain. “Thankfully, some people with sense freed me!”

Mizudori makes a yelping noise, and tries to snag my Enigma Phone away, but to no avail.

“I-is that really what happened?!”, Akai asks incredulously.

“Yeah! Listen, I’m on my way, alright?! Make sure that those three don’t go too insane!”

“We’ve been trying! Please, get here, ASAP!”

Ah, crap! I shut the phone, and immediately have my legs give it the beans!

“I’ll be seeing you all later!”

“I hope not! OW! Why’d you do that, Ryuu-chan?!”

“Stop causing trouble.”

“Hmmmmm, fine…”

Trouble, eh? I’ll be dealing with that soon.




Extras: Character Profile- Daisuke Colen
H/W: 192cm/75kg
Hair/Eye Colour: Hickory Brown/Brown
DOB: 25/2/00
BT/ZS: B/Pisces
Likes anime, games, manga and chocolate digestives. Dislikes Maths, rats and getting pinched. Good at fishing, but he can’t swim.

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