My Enigmatic Life

Volume Five, Chapter Three:

(Yoko's POV)

       Aniki's first blow is parried, he quickly recovers and tries a second strike, but alas it's easily evaded. Now left open, Aniki's feet get swept from underneath him and his arm latched onto by a pincer like grip, making way for a smooth, simple over the shoulder throw. For the fourth time in a row, Aniki's back slams into the padded floor of the training room. And the one slamming him into the floor is yours truly. 

"You know, I think I've memorised the exact number of tiles that are on the ceiling."

I chuckle slightly at Aniki's little joke as he shuffles to his feet with a sigh. He and I are sparring with each other whlist the others are doing their own training.

"I'm the older cousin here, so I ought to be protecting you, but it seems like you'll have to protect me instead.", Aniki says.

"I have about four times the experience than you, Aniki.", I say sternly. "So don't get all self-deprecating as per usual."


Aniki's lack of confidence really bothers me. I wish I knew what birthed this side of him so that the girls and I could remedy it, but Aniki refuses to speak on it. Maybe he thinks we'll end up hurting someone, and he's right about that, but still. And what really bothers me is that he seems to have forgotten about that time...

"Yoko, may I ask you something?", Aniki says.

"You don't need to ask for my hand in marriage, Aniki. You already know that our future together is secured."

I grin mischieviously at him, but Aniki ignores me. How mean.

"What made you want to became a kunoichi in the first place?"

 It seems like he has forgotten about that time, or at least it's just buried down in his memories somewhere. I'll be honest, that hurts my heart a little, but I'm certain he'll remember eventually. For now though, I'll just tell him my other reason.

"The main reason is that I want to became as strong as those from 'The Four Shadow Clans', if I'm being honest.", I reply.

Aniki raises his eyebrows quizzically.

"'The Four Shadow Clans'?", He echoes. "They sound pretty cool."

That's one way of putting it. They've been considered as Japan's ultimate line of defense for hundreds of years.

"And of course, there's another reason that's just as important.", I conclude.


"Nuh-uh, Aniki.", I say teasingly. "You'll have to figure that one out for yourself."

Aniki blinks and then slowly nods.

"I understand. I may not have it now, but I'll do my best to figure it out."

There's my Aniki. He may always seem like he's doubting himself, but he'll always put in the effort.

"Shall we go for another bout?", I say merrily. "Maybe you can win another one."

Aniki gazes at his wrist-watch and shakes his head.

"Nah, It's already gone one. It's time for us to meet up."

"Right.", I nod.


       Aniki and I enter the main area where Naoya-nii and Akai-san are waiting. The two of them are covered in bruises and scuffs, but otherwise they're unharmed.

"Yo, how'd the incest session go?", Naoya-nii calls out, grinning.

"It was wonderful. He may not act like it, but Aniki has a lot of stamina.", I reply with a smirk.

"I'm guessing things have improved against Scarecrow, seeing as to how you're in the mood to jest.", Aniki says flatly.

Akai-san smiles wryly. He doesn't look that confident.

"Naoya and I did twenty matches each, and we won a combined total of seven."

"Heh, I managed to win two times, just so you know."

Seven out of forty isn't very good at all, as a matter of fact, it's horrid. And Naoya-nii, please don't brag about that, it's so embarrassing.

"That's good.", Aniki says whole-heartedly. "Progess is progess, after all."

"See, what did I tell you? So long as we win one, it's an improvement."

Naoya-nii thumps Akai-san on the back consolingly.

"Yeah, I guess you're right.", Akai smiles.

"Naoya-nii's right, Akai-san.", I add. "You won a quarter of your matches, so you should be proud. My brother is, and he did terribly."


"Well, it just felt like the strength came when I needed it sometimes.", Akai-san says.

"Hullo, everyone."

Arianne and Akane join us in the main area, with the latter looking rather displeased. Saying she was in a huff would be putting it mildly.

"Looking at Akane's expression, I'm guessing that things went swimmingly."

Aniki uses his typical sarcastic remark upon seeing Akane, who proceeds to closely nestle herself in between her older brother and her (or our) boyfriend.

"Unfortunately, Ms.Akane seems to be having an issue with activating her ability at will.", Arianne says.

"What issue is she having?", Aniki asks.

"Well, she's already managed to pick up on her flow of mana, but she can't bring it out for her ability."

That's usually the case though, right? So what's the problem?

"This is rather strange.", Arianne continues. "Because she ought to be able to do so quite easily due to the fact that she's done it subconsciously before. She should be familiar with that feeling by now."

Now I get it. Akane should have some understanding of her ability by now, especially since she's used it a few times already.

"So, why do you think she's having a hard time?"

Naoya-nii stretches his arms as he asks Arianne the big question.

"Well, Mr.Chikara did say that controlling The RSP is an extremely arduous process.", Aniki interrupts. "Which is why he never bothered to teach it to Akane."

"Actually, what tou-chan was talking about was the training for awakening The Akai Seishin-Ryoku, not activating it.", Akai-san corrects.

"Ah, I see.", Aniki nods in understanding. "So, what do you think it is that's holding her back?"

Akai-san lovingly rests his hand on Akane's head, causing her to blush a little. He turns to Arianne with a knowing smile.

"Arianne-san, what's holding my imouto back is her refusal to acknowledge her hidden feelings."

Akane blushes even harder than before at her older brother's claim. Naoya-nii goes, "OH!!!".

"That makes sense! Akane-chan's always going on about how she's not a crazy broad when she obviously is!"

"Naoya-san?! That's so not true!", Akane protests. "I'm perfectly sane, thank you very much!"

"Why are you all so loud?"

Gege-san and Haruhi-san finally join us. Gege-san looks even more tired than usual and his sister is furiously scribbling things down in her Hullo, Puppy! notebook.

"Hey, Gege. How'd go?", Aniki asks.

"I dunno, I lost track of what we were doing twenty minutes in."

"How reassuring."

Aniki sighs openly, looking somewhat haggard. Gege-san proceeds to slightly wave his hand.

"Oi, don't get so glum, alright? I'm only half-joking. It's a lot of work, but I think we can get the hang of it."

"That's right! Especially since I've written down some note about how being an Adjunctant works!", Haruhi-san says excitedly.

"You're always so lively, Haruhi-san."

Oh, it's Sonoda-senpai. You obviously don't know this, but this girl with the horribly kept brown hair and tired looking eyes is Master's Adjunctant. She also happens to be a hardcore hikikomori who actually lives down here in this complex. I guess her team must have bribed her with an offer she couldn't refuse to get her to interact with us like this.

"Sonoda-senpai, when will that idiot and the others be done?!", Naoya-nii asks, annoyed.

Naoya-nii's aggressiveness causes Sonoda-senpai to cower in fear.

"U-uhm...maybe in a few d-days..."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, Sonoda-senpai..", Naoya-nii apologises.

A few days... I wonder what's going on? Master used to disappear for a while sometimes when I first started training under him, but usually it would be about two days. So far he and his squadron have been off the scene for more than a week...

"Strange...", I mutter under my breath.

A familiar hand then rests itself upon my head. I look up, and of course, it's Aniki.

"Is something the matter, Yoko?"

"No, no, Aniki. I was just thinking to myself."

For now, I'll just put those thoughts to the side.



Sorry about the delay, everyone! Had a few mishaps and whatnot this week. Nonetheless, I hope you enjoy the chapter!


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