My Enigmatic Life

Volume Five, Chapter Two: Magic

             We are supposed to be getting a lecture on Magic and mana from our senpais, but apparently they're off on business this afternoon, and that includes Mr.Watanabe. They (And by 'they' I mean Yonaguni) left us a message saying to not be idiots and to figure it out ourselves.

That would be a difficult task normally, but graciously, we have Sunni with us, who already has us all sat in front of a whiteboard.

"Good afternoon, everyone, I'm your professor for this lesson. You can call me Ms.Renford.", she says proudly, "Firstly, I'll explain the very basics of mana."

Sunni writes the word 'mana' in large letters on the whiteboard, and then turns back to us.

"Mana is quite simply the life energy of all living creatures, from a house-fly to a human, they've all got it. Granted, these creatures all have differing levels of it, and seeing as to how we're not house-flies, I'll mostly be talking about how it works for us."

"Duh. Why did we even waste time on that?", Akane says, annoyed.

Sunni continues like she didn't hear her.

"Now, I'm sure all of you know that mana is required for using Magic, but what else can it be used for? Ms.Chikara?"

Sunni gestures at Akane with that fake smile of hers. Seems like she heard her after all.

"Wha-Why ask me?!"

"You seem to be well versed on the topic."

Akane bares her teeth at Sunni, clearly incensed. I'd better say something so that things can move forward, and not devolve into an argument.

"Mana can be used to reinforce either yourself or other objects.", I answer.

Sunni looks to the back where I'm sat and smiles at me. This time, her smile is genuine.

"That's correct! Mana can be used as a way to strengthen oneself!"

"Ah! So it's almost like a self-targeting buff!", Naoya says.

"Exactly.", Sunni nods.

"Sounds simple enough. That ought to be the first thing you three learn.", Gege remarks, speaking to Naoya, Akane and Akai.

"How difficult is it to do, Daisuke?", Akai asks.

I mull over his question for a bit, not because it's a hard one, but because not everyone has the same learning experience and curve when it comes to Magic and mana. However-

"I learned it when I seven and basically mastered it a week or so later. So it shouldn't be too troublesome.", I say finally.

"I figured it out in a few days.", Yoko adds. "And I was twelve when I started."

Naoya claps his hands together and makes a thumbs up.

"Then it should be a piece of cake! What's next, Ms.Renford?"

Sunni smiles at Naoya's enthusiasm and carries on with the lesson.

"Next, we'll be moving onto Magic itself. Govvy, Ms.Colen, would you mind joining me up front here, please?"

Sunni calls Yoko and I up to join her in front of the whiteboard.

"Now, Magic has various types that it can be broken down into, but it can actually be seperated into two catergories."

"Those catergories are Chants and Incantations.", I conclude.

Haruhi-san jots down all of this information in a little notebook. She doesn't look like it, but she's a studious person.

"Chants are either single-worded or simple sentences. Whereas Incantations usually require longer sentences, and sometimes multiple sentences.", Yoko explains.

"So, Chants are better.", Naoya says.

"Not necessarily. Maybe there's more of a difference than just casting time.", Gege speculates.

Gege's right, there are a few big differences.

"Correct, Mr.Watanabe.", Sunni nods. "The first difference is that Chants have far less versatility and variety than Incantations. Ms. Colen, can you explain in more detail us the class, please?"

"Of course.", Yoko replies flatly, taking the maarker away from her.

Yoko goes to the whiteboard and begins to draw... Oh no, please don't do this...don't embarrass yourself...


"Yes, Akane?"

"What is that?"

"Obviously, it's a person."

A person, eh?

"I thought it was a fish...", Akai mutters.

"Really? It sort of looks like a banana.", Gege says.

"No way, Nii-chan. It's supposed to be a bowl.", Haruhi-san retorts.

The fact that none of them can agree on what it is surely is a testament to Yoko's skill as an artist.

Naoya remains silent, his eyes tightly shut as he pinches his nose bridge. Yoko's face flushes deeply with embarrasment as she returns the marker to Sunni and hides behind me.

"Still not good at drawing, eh? Well nevermind that."

Sunni graciously moves on, erasing the 'person' from off the board.

"Like I was saying, Incantations are far more versatile, varied and powerful than Chants. All elemental spells are Incantations, for example."

"Another difference is that certain types of Chant type spells can be dispelled.", I adjoin. "Whereas with Incantations, this is almost impossible."

Akai nods feverently. I guess he's really interested.

"So Chants are only really good for a speed advantage then?", Haruhi-san asks.

Sunni quickly answers her question.

"Normally, yes. But if you train hard enough and gain a mastery of a certain Incantation, you can use it with one word as if it's a Chant."

Naoya lazes back in his chair, and scoffs.

"So, Chants are kinda useless, aren't they?"

"Not at all. The speed advantage is still in it's favour, and dispelling magic is difficult in the heat of battle. However, Incantation are still superior."

"Is there anything else to learn?", Akai asks.

Sunni pauses for a bit, thinking to herself.

"There are more advanced topics, but we don't need them now. What we need to do is start figuring out your elemental typings and curative capabilites, but we don't have the equipment for that now."

"May as well head home, eh?", Gege yawns.

We all lock up and leave for the day, deciding to go and hang out by the park.

Yoko? She spent the whole time using my body to hide her face away from everybody, and she didn't speak a single word until she and I got home.




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