My Exclusive Dream World Adventures

Chapter 36

Chapter 36: The Correct Method to Activate

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio  Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Liu Kun left after having a bit to eat, leaving Chen Xu and the group of youngsters at the table.

However, everybody continued to restrain themselves because Luo Xiyun was still there.

Although she was slightly younger than most of the people at the table, she held the highest position and had a notorious reputation of being hard to get along with. Being unfamiliar with her, everyone seemed very cautious.

Chen Xu didn’t speak, shoving his foot in his mouth as far as it would go. He rarely visited high-end restaurants like this one. As many of the dishes were new to him, he focused all his attention on them.

The dinner winded up having a somewhat dull atmosphere.

After exiting the restaurant, everyone was ready to depart. Those who owned cars went back to the company to retrieve their cars, while the rest were going to call a taxi, take the subway, or take the bus.


All of a sudden, the screams of a lady came across the road. The crowd that had just dispersed looked towards the direction of the voice all at once.

A man in a black shirt was dashing across the opposite street, and behind him, was a woman in a dress screaming, all the while chasing the man.

The attention of many pedestrians on the street was attracted by the lady’s screaming as they halted their steps to watch the chaotic scene. However, no one was helping her. Some people even pulled out their phones out to take videos.

Suddenly, the man in black jumped over the guardrail and crossed the road.

“Somebody, help me, please!”

Seeing that she could no longer catch up, the woman in the dress stood by the guardrail and was on the verge of crying.

Having witnessed the scene, Chen Xu, who was standing in front of the restaurant, was reminded of some bad memories.

In his freshman year, he used the money he had earned from working over the summer to buy a 3000-dollar phone. At the time, the phone was his treasured love.

But in the end, he was robbed on the streets the first time he went shopping with his roommates.

He didn’t have the courage to tell his family, and at last, he settled for a second-hand cell phone.

Ever since that incident, he felt malice towards robbers.

Seeing that the man in black was about to cross the street, he suddenly grabbed the bottled drink from the hands of his female colleague next to him, and said, “Let me have this for a moment.”

“What are you going to do?” His female colleague watched his movements and said in confusion, “Don’t tell me you are planning to hit him with this.”

Chen Xu paid no attention to her. He aimed, and for a moment, it was like he had tapped into a magical state of mind. He perceived the man’s movement in slow-motion.

What’s more, it seemed as if he could predict the man’s next move. The position of the man a few seconds later instinctively emerged in his mind.


He seized the best moment to act and tossed the bottle in his hand without hesitation.

At the same time, the man in black had already made it to the guardrail on the street he was at. He held the woman’s handbag under his armpit, held the guardrail with both hands, stepped onto it with one foot, and then hopped on top of it.

If he crossed this guardrail, there would be a turn right in front of him. By then, he could escape through any one of the alleys.

Thinking of this, he was about to jump down. As soon as he contracted his leg muscles, he felt his knee being hit by something and proceeded to step on air.

“Dang it,” he thought.

He lost balance, and he fell head-first. His hands danced in the air as he wanted to grab on to something, but it was too late.

With a thud, his head hit the ground heavily.

The people who were watching the drama had never expected such a turn of events. Looking at his tragic state, their eyelids blinked rapidly.

The lady who owned the handbag saw everything from across the street as she made her way through the first guardrail. She was overjoyed. She ran over and retrieved her handbag.

“Does it work that way?”

Seeing the man fall from the guardrail, his female colleague opened her mouth in an “O” shape as she looked at Chen Xu with astonishment.

Chen Xu straightened his index finger over his lips, signaling her to keep it a secret.

It was highly possible for thieves and robbers like that man to have accomplices. Therefore, it was better to keep a low profile to avoid getting into trouble. Anyhow, when he hurled the bottle just now, nobody should’ve seen him aside from his female colleague.

She quickly nodded, expressing that she understood. Just her eyes continued to buzz with bewilderment.

After a pause, the crowd dispersed.

When Chen Xu boarded the bus, he suddenly thought, “What’s her name again?”

Today, he had met more than a dozen new colleagues but remembered none of their names.

However, the thought left his mind once he turned his head around. He was more intrigued by the magical state he had tapped into just now. Previously, he had thrown many things, but he had never experienced such a feeling.

“Could it be that this is the correct way to activate a ‘Throwing Precision’ talent?”

He was all wound up. After experiencing that for himself, he realized how powerful this talent was. He could predict his opponent’s movements, and after hurling the bottle, it was as if the man had deliberately run into it. Awesome.

“Was it because my target was moving?” he speculated silently.

He hadn’t tried dynamic targets before.

He remembered the talent card. On the card, was the image of a man in a hurler’s stance with a javelin in his hands. This had already revealed the true function of the card.

“Hm, maybe, this talent is most suited for a javelin thrower?”

He thought about it and felt that it wasn’t legit. After all, Javelin players competed on who could throw the furthest. On the other hand, the key to the talent he had demonstrated was precision.

Of course, more importantly, he was not interested in becoming a track and field athlete. Training would be too arduous for him.

As his thoughts kept rolling, all at once, he felt a heavy rush of fatigue. It was like excessive exhaustion of energy.

He didn’t dare to fall asleep on the bus. He braced himself, and when he got home, he didn’t even bother to take a shower. He laid down straight away and fell asleep quickly.

The next morning, Chen Xu recovered his energy.

“This is too depleting. I better use it less in the future,” he thought later, feeling a little afraid.

Sure enough, powerful skills could not be deployed without paying a certain price. Its consequences were rather serious.

When Chen Xu got to his office, his colleagues were already there. In a new department and with a new leader, everyone wanted to perform well. Everyone else had come early aside from him, who had stepped in right on time.

“Chen Xu.”

As soon as he entered, the female colleague from the day before waved her hands and greeted him.

“Morning,” he replied courteously. Sensitively, he spotted a change in the way that some male colleagues looked at him.

Although he addressed his female colleague in a very general manner, in truth, she was quite a beauty, second only to Luo Xiyun in the entire company.

Beginning yesterday, several of his male colleagues had already approached her.

Her taking the initiative to greet him had made them regard him as a potential rival.

He had the urge to tell them, “You’re thinking too much. Your opponent is Mr. Liu.”

Within the company, every single ladies’ eyes would glow when they saw Mr. Liu, even some of the taken ladies’ would as well.

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