My Exclusive Dream World Adventures

Chapter 37

Chapter 37: Liu Kun’s Discovery

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio  Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

For the next half month, Chen Xu spent his days working overtime. He was busy until eight, or even until nine o’clock at night.

The electronics sales department had just been established, and there were a lot of things that had to be done. Everyone was so busy that their feet rarely touched the ground.

In the beginning, he felt a little unaccustomed to the work. Back in the advertising department, daily work content was well-known, and he and his colleagues were already sufficiently versed in it. He only needed to do his job, which could usually be completed within office hours.

Now, he was like a wound clock that never stopped. As he finished with one thing, he would have to hop on to another immediately. This happened very frequently.

He often ran into situations when he was halfway through something and discovered that it had a very big deviation from the original plan, and he’d have to overturn or redo the whole thing.

Chen Xu was certainly tired, but at the same time, he felt very fulfilled thinking that he could learn a lot of things.

There was another special characteristic of the new department: a ton of meetings. A regular meeting would be held every morning to get an update on everyone’s progress. No matter how busy Liu Kun was, he would always attend the meeting.

Every one of Chen Xu’s colleagues was working very hard as they all had the enthusiasm unique to young people.

Chen Xu fancied such a working environment. He had thought more than once that, if he could have gotten into a company with his kind of working environment upon graduation, things would have been very different for him.

It was another Friday. Just before work, Liu Kun appeared. After entering the door, he clapped his hands, asked everyone to lay down what they were working on, and said, “Everyone has worked hard during this half of the month. Today, everyone will be going home early, and you don’t need to come in tomorrow. Those who want to go on a date, go on a date, and those who want to be with their family, go be with your family. ”

“All hail Mr. Liu.”

Everyone cheered. After working for half a month straight, they were finally able to rest. Everyone wholeheartedly supported this decision.

Upon finishing, Liu Kun didn’t delay everyone any further and announced that it was time to go home.

Everyone hastily left the office.

“Chen Xu, are you not leaving?”

His female colleague by the name of Dai Zixin asked him, seeing that he was still sitting by the computer.

Chen Xu waved his hands and said, “I’m still waiting for a design proposal, you can go home first.”

“Then, I’m gonna leave now. See you,” Dai Zixin said and left.

Soon, there was only Chen Xu left in the department, Luo Xiyun in the office, and Liu Kun who had just gone into her office.

He couldn’t help but think, “I wonder what they are discussing?”


Liu Kun sat by the office desk with concern in his eyes, “Yumeng told me that you’ve been working until midnight every day.”

Luo Xiyun put down the pen in her hands and said resignedly, “That mouth of Yumeng’s, I shouldn’t have let her stay in my house.”

“What she did was for your own good. How could your body keep up if you stay up late like that every single day? You don’t have to come for the next few days. Have some good rest.”

“No,” Luo Xiyun rejected straightforwardly. “The department needs me here.”

Liu Kun revealed a helpless expression, “If you wear yourself down, how could I answer to Mr. Luo?”

Even after hearing him say her father’s name, she still had no intention of compromising. She said, “Relax, I know my own body. I won’t push too far when it’s time to rest.”

Liu Kun didn’t try to persuade her any further. Suddenly, his sight fell on a potted plant on the table. He thought it was a little strange. She had mysophobia and had never put such things in her office because she hated muddy water and bugs.

He pretended to ask inadvertently, “What kind of plant is this? It looks very chic.”

“Just some random plant,” she answered vaguely.

Liu Kun distinctively captured some kind of emotional ripple from her eyes and became even more curious. He connected it with another thing. Thinking about this connection, he said to her, “I heard that you turned down Zhou Hao.”

Luo Xiyun frowned unconsciously when she heard the name, “Where did you hear that?”

“A few days ago, Zhou Hao drank too much, and he nagged me to find out who the bastard is that snatched his woman. He said that he wants to break his legs,” Liu Kun said. “Now, everyone is curious about who exactly that man is.”

Luo Xiyun’s face became solemn.

Knock knock.

At that moment, someone knocked on the door from outside.

“Come in,” Luo Xiyun said.

The person who came in was Chen Xu. He first greeted Liu Kun, “Mr. Liu.” Then, he passed Luo Xiyun a USB flash drive, “Miss. Luo, this is the new proposal from the advertisement company.”

“Just leave it there,” Luo Xiyun’s tone was indifferent.

“Then I’ll take my leave.” Chen Xu gave Liu Kun a nod out of courtesy. Before leaving, he had a glimpse at the buds inside the flowerpot on the desk. He was puzzled, “Why does it look like tomatoes?”

In the dream, he had grown tomatoes so that he could eat fresh vegetables. Therefore, he could recognize what tomatoes look like when they had just sprouted.

Immediately after thinking that, he felt that it couldn’t be the case. Why would someone plant tomatoes in their office?

The thought only flashed through his mind. He wasn’t committed to the thought, and he left the office.

Liu Kun wasn’t paying much attention to this employee either, until the moment he left. All at once, his eyes caught Luo Xiyun looking at the employee’s back, displaying an extremely complicated emotion.

That look of hers put some sort of suspicion in his mind.

However, was his guess a little too ridiculous?

He felt the need to confirm it. Looking at the closed door, his vision almost seemed to penetrate through the door and land right on that employee.

“If I remember correctly, his name is Chen Xu. A very common name, just like his appearance,” Liu Kun thought.

As Chen Xu was leaving, he gave Old Tang a phone call. He wanted to grab this opportunity to treat him to a meal, to thank him for taking care of him over the past year.

Old Tang asked him to save his money and invited him to his house for dinner instead.

So, Chen Xu went to the supermarket, bought several ingredients, and went straight to Old Tang’s house.

Old Tang’s house was a little far from the office. When he was moving there, Chen Xu had gone over to help, so he knew its location.

He called a cab and arrived in less than an hour.

Old Tang’s wife wasn’t all that pretty, but she could withstand scrutiny. She was the kind mother type.

Frankly speaking, Chen Xu was always envious of Old Tang. After working so hard, he had settled down in this city and found a good woman like her to marry.

At night, he became even more envious of Old Tang after tasting his wife’s cooking. Nowadays, it was just too difficult to find a woman who knew how to cook well.

That same night, Chen Xu had a dream. He dreamed that in his second dreamworld, he replicated Old Tang’s wife and went into the dream together with her.

When he woke up the next day, he remembered what happened in the dream, and he unconsciously shivered. Fortunately, it had just been a dream.

He hurried to the bathroom and took a cold shower to calm down.

Then, he gave himself a rule, “I must never replicate someone I know in real life into my dream adventures.”

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