My Favorite Game Followed Me!

Chapter 103

Anton was watching the scenery when the carriage suddenly turned into an alley. He then heard Budolf shouting at the carriage driver from the inside of the carriage.

“Where are you going?!”

“This is a shortcut to the adventurer’s guild,” The carriage driver shouted back to Budolf.

“No, it’s not! I’ve been staying here in the city for a few months now and this route led to the slums. You’re leading us into a trap!” Budolf shouted at the carriage driver who suddenly whipped the horses to urge the animals to run faster.

Anton added everyone to his party system and then activated all of his auras which were the Meditation, Prayer, and Vigor Auras. He then shouted at Devon and Budolf.

“Go wild! I cast my healing spells and you're immortal!”

The carriage driver stopped the carriage then jumped off but then Anton held the driver using Telekinesis. The man was horrified to learn that he was now unable to move while floating beside the carriage.

Several men appeared from the surrounding houses and shot arrows toward Devon. Under the horrified eyes of Budolf, the young bodyguard was peppered with arrows but then to everyone’s amazement, the arrows started popping out from Devon’s body and the wounds caused by the arrows rapidly closed and healed within seconds.

Devon then jumped from his horse and ran fearlessly toward the ambushers. Anton saw through the windows that seven visible men were attacking them and he didn’t know if there were any hidden ones.

The young bodyguard kept receiving arrows from the enemies and Anton saw his mana decreasing but being refilled fast by the Meditation Aura. Devon didn’t bother dodging the aura since once he was hit, the arrows would just pop out and he would heal rapidly. Anton then wondered if the arrows hurt.

Budolf remained by the carriage to guard it. At first, he was dodging the arrows but when he saw that Devon wasn’t dodging the arrows at all and that he was healing rapidly, Budolf did the same and this made him fearless as well. Anton could see that the guard had the desire to run and attack as well but he couldn’t leave the carriage in case someone attacked Anton and the other riding it.

Anna, Lunelle, and Fenix were afraid but when they saw that Anton was calm, they calmed down as well.

Anton then told Budolf to go ahead and attack and he would handle anyone who would attack the carriage. Budolf gave in to his desire and ran towards the enemies and began rampaging.

To make sure that no one would attack the carriage, Anton teleported outside and floated on top of the carriage. He activated the effects of his buff spells to make sure that he was visible to everyone.  He did receive a few arrow shots but when the enemies saw that the arrows were being deflected and not going through, those who fired their bows at him stopped.

Anton didn’t attack anyone and allowed the two guards to have their fill of their desire to do carnage.  Devon and Budolf were fighting seven men but some were firing arrows at them from the windows in some of the houses.

After a few minutes, Devon killed three men and Budolf killed two men. The rest of the enemy began running away.

Anton was glad to see that Devon and Budolf didn’t chase the enemy who ran and that meant that they were still aware of their surroundings.

Devon and Budolf saw Anton floating on top of the carriage like the powerful wizard that he was and then noticed the carriage driver also floating by the side.

Anton floated down and went to talk to Devon and Budolf.

“Your healing spells are mighty Sir Anton,” Devon praised him with the same sentence again.

“That was the first time I felt that I could conquer the world. I ignored every wound that I received since they were healing so fast and just continued on rampaging.  I’m not even feeling tired right now!” Budolf said, exhilarated with his first experience fighting enemies under Anton’s auras.

“You have to take care not to get far away from me since once you’re out of my spell range, you will turn back into being mortals,” Anton told Budolf.

“That’s the reason I didn’t chase the other bandits,” Devon said.

While they were talking with each other, a company of guards arrived. Anton guessed that since they were still in the city proper and not yet fully inside the slums the guards arrived fast.

“Budolf, go ahead and talk to the city guards. I don’t want to talk to them,” Anton said then he climbed the carriage.

Anton then told Anna, Lunelle, and Fenix what happened, and all of them were relieved that the dangerous situation was over. After a few minutes, Devon knocked on the carriage door.

“Sir Anton, the city guards are requesting you to release the carriage driver so they can go and bring him in for interrogation. One of the ambushers is also still alive and they’re asking if you could heal the man since he would certainly die before the healer arrives,” Devon said through the door.

Anton stepped out of the carriage and floated the carriage driver till he was with the guards then dropped him off in their midst. The city guard then tied the carriage driver’s arms. He then went to the ambusher that was still alive.

He saw that either Devon or Budolf cut off his arms. He asked the city guards to bring the wounded man near him and the guard protested that moving the bandit would kill him.

“I don’t care just move him near here.,” Anton sternly said.

Anna, Lunelle, and Fenix stepped out of the carriage as well to watch what was happening.  When Anna and Lunelle saw the wounded man, they cried out although looking at the girls, Anton was sure that they were just acting out since they had seen many more terrible things, especially Anna.

Anton added the wounded man to his party system and to the amazement of the city guards and Budolf, the wounded man healed rapidly, even his arms regenerated like a lizard’s tail.

“A miracle!” One of the city guards shouted and Anton just snorted.  After the man was fully healed, he woke up, cried out, and looked at his fully healed arm in amazement. He then looked at Anton in awe.

One of the guards then whispered to the previously wounded ambusher, “So stupid attacking a wizard.”

Anton and the others then went inside the carriage allowing Budolf and Devon to talk with the guards.

“Brother, who’s going to drive the carriage?” Anna then asked.

“Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Let Devon and Budolf solve it.”

After a few minutes, Budolf entered the carriage to talk to Anton.

“The guards said that they would report the results of their interrogation and investigation later at the inn. One of the city guards also volunteered to be our carriage driver.”

“Fine with me,” Anton said.

The carriage then started moving after a couple of minutes and they continued their travel to the adventurer’s guild.

“With the way people react to my magic, I’m getting an inkling that we would encounter difficulty in finding a wizard tutor for us,” Anton said to Anna.

“They’re reacting to your magic that way Anton because your magic is incredibly powerful. The wizard friend of my uncle only showed us one magic and that was a bolt of fire coming out from his finger hitting a flying bird and that was it,” Fenix said.

Anton then mentioned that they didn’t need someone powerful, just someone who could teach them the basics so they could utilize the spell books they had received and Fenix assured him that since they were just looking for novice mages, they would surely be able to find one in the guild.

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