My Favorite Game Followed Me!

Chapter 104

While they were traveling towards the Adventurer’s Guild to look for a novice wizard to Anton and Anna’s tutor, Fenix asked the girls some questions regarding their journey.

“Was that normal? You encountering danger all the time?”

“Well, the first monsters we encountered were ghouls but Anton killed them without any problem. Then there’s a vampire. After that, there was a bunch of bandits who were actually werewolves. Then some vampires again with ghouls. What’s next? Ah yes then liches with vampires and all sorts of undead then the last one was an army of monsters attacking a merchant caravan,” Anna absently described the enemies they encountered.

Fenix's jaw dropped when he heard what type of monsters Anton’s group encountered on the road and based on Lunelle’s expression, she already knew since Anna probably told her already.

“If you’re regular people then you wouldn’t have survived!” Fenix exclaimed.

Anna suddenly became sad when she heard that and Anton realized that the girl knew that more than likely all of her friends from the village were either dead or enslaved.

Anton tapped Anna’s head to console her.

“Did you finish the second book of the Belgariad Series? Do you want me to write the fourth and fifth books?” Anton asked his sister to change the topic.

“What is a Belgariad Series?” Fenix asked.

Suddenly both Anna and Lunelle came alive then excitedly described the adventures of Garion and his immortal sorceress Aunt Polgara to Fenix. Anton couldn’t help but smile at the garbled telling of the story by the two girls and even though it was confusing, it caught the interest of their city guide.

“I wish I could purchase that book. It would probably cost a lot of gold coins,” Fenix sadly said.

Anton then remembered that the cost of even the most boring books was prohibitively expensive in this world.

“Even if you have all the treasures in the world you will not be able to buy them since it was written by a famous author called David Eddings and only Anton can copy it!” Anna boasted.

Anna then showed her notebook to Fenix.

“The writings are so beautiful!” Fenix said while perusing the notebook.

“Right? I’m so impressed with my brother’s handwriting. It’s so beautiful.”

“You wrote this?!” Fenix asked Anton and he just nodded.

“You could be a scribe!”

“He could actually be a lot of things. A scribe as you have said, a bard, a poet, an author, and possibly more,” Lunelle said while shaking her head.

“I can only become a wizard since that’s what I am and besides, those songs that I sang and the books that I wrote are not mine. I just copied them,” Anton said.

“Anna kept boasting how good a singer you are but I haven’t heard you yet. Can you sing a song?” Fenix requested.

“Maybe later. We’re here!” Anton said when he felt the carriage stopping.

They all stepped out from the carriage and looked at the building that housed the Adventurers’ Guild. It was huge looking like one of those government buildings in Anton’s previous world. The only difference was that the building was not made of concrete but of wood and stone and other medieval stuff materials that he didn’t know.

Even though this was the first time Anton saw an actual Adventurer’s guild, it looked familiar. It looked almost exactly the same as how the animes depicted them and he was again impressed at the imagination of his previous world authors. Anton couldn’t really believe that those authors, especially the original ones who first thought of the concept of adventurer and adventurer’s guild weren’t influenced by a wizard from another world.

When they entered the building Anton could see some counters and some tables and chairs by the side and the mission billboard for adventurers on one of the walls. He was betting that the grade of the mission and adventurer levels would be the same as in the novels and mangas which were F to triple S and when he perused the mission, he unsurprisingly won the bet with himself.

“I’m guessing that lowest level mission and lowest level adventurer were graded as F and the highest would be triple S, although the highest I could see here is B,” Anton asked Fenix and it was Budolf who answered.

“You are correct Sir Anton but normal people will only know that the highest was A. It’s not well known that the highest was actually triple S although I was informed by someone that there’s a higher one than that but I don’t know how they grade it.”

“I’m guessing it’s “EX”,” Anton snickered then Budolf just shrugged.

After checking out the board, Anton and the rest went to one of the counters. He was glad that the counters were large enough that they could accommodate the whole group and the lady behind the counter allowed them to be together. He was expecting the lady to shout “One at a time” or something like that.

“How may I help you sir?” The lady behind the counter asked.

The counter lady looked like a typical secretary but wearing an expensive-looking outfit from the city.

“I would like to hire a novice wizard or whatever you call a beginner wizard to be a long-term beginner magic tutor. The wizard will be highly compensated including food and board but we’re a traveling merchant caravan so he would need to travel with us. We will only stay in the city for three more days so we would like the advertisement to be that long. How much will it be?

“To advertise for a novice wizard to become a tutor for three days, we have two types of packages for you. The first one is what we call the passive package, meaning we will post it on the board on the wall and that will be ten silvers per day. The second one will be the aggressive package. We will utilize our connection to actively look for a qualified novice magician for you. That will cost one gold per day.”

“I would like to choose the Aggressive Package please,” Anton answered the lady and gave her three gold coins.

Anton gave the details of the inn where they were staying to the lady and his name. While the lady was recording the details, she paused when she heard his name.

“May I ask if you’re the wizard Anton who’s currently staying at the Roaring Lion Inn?”

“Yes, is that a problem?”

“No sir.”

Anton could see that the lady was wondering why he was looking for a novice wizard when he was a wizard himself but he didn’t want to enlighten the clerk so after giving the details to the lady, they all left the counter.

“It’s still early so what are we going to do next?

“Let’s tour the rest of the city!” Anna suggested.

Anton was amenable to the idea so he acquiesced with his sister’s suggestion and they planned to tour the city with the guide of Fenix and Budolf who had stayed in the city for quite some time. They stayed in the adventurer’s guild for several more minutes so Anton could peruse the types of missions available on the wall.

The most common missions that he could see were bodyguard missions. There were bodyguards needed to keep a noble safe or a caravan safe, things like that. Then there were requests for assistance in exploring ancient ruins. Interestingly there were also missions to kill monsters and undead and the beginner ones that were a staple of isekai and adventure fantasy animes, the herb gathering missions.

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