My Favorite Game Followed Me!

Chapter 106

Anton decided to enter Act II Nightmare Difficulty of his Diablo II game since he had three hours before he prepared himself to join Anna and the others in watching a play in the theater. He wondered if Anders and the other adults would join them but he was betting that they wouldn’t and would busy themselves in accounting.

The first thing that he did was do the Radament’s Lair mission since the additional skill from the skill book that was inside the treasure chest near Radament would be useful.

Anton was having so much fun killing the monsters inside the sewer since he was getting skillful in wielding his spells. It was inherently different casting the spells personally because he could feel the mana surging through his veins and the fact that he could use multiple spells at the same time made it easier even though his spells’ level was low since his skill points were spread out to all the skills. The only spells that he didn’t put a point into were the Thunder Storm spell and the two other cold shield spells which were the Shiver Armor and the Chilling Armor.

He also planned to increase his Telekinesis spell level since the spell was very useful in real life. He kept utilizing it for offense, defense, and flight. He would probably put the next ten skill points on the said spell.

The monsters in the sewers like the Burning Dead, Burning Dead Archer, and the others were truly horrifying in person. When you were fighting them when you were behind a computer, you could accept the fact that monsters were just something you needed to defeat to increase your level and get loot but confronted by their terrifying visage in person would probably make those of faint of heart cower.

The sewers in Lut Gholein were also a terrifying place when you explore them in person. The dim corridors that would suddenly contain monsters were the stuff of horror films and Anton was glad that the mercenary was with him although he almost wished that he had chosen Necromancer instead of the Sorceress since it would probably be comforting to be surrounded by an army instead of one dude still he chose the sorceress since wielding elemental magic was still his favorite thing to do when it came to playing games and he guessed when it came to doing it in real life as well.

The fact that he could Teleport and Fly by using Telekinesis made the combat much more engaging and doing it that way allowed him to learn how to utilize his spells expertly. It did take a while for him to reach Radament and kill the unique monster and then he put the skill point that he earned Telekinesis.

Anton checked the time and it was already six in the evening. He went to the Rogue Encampment since it was still his favorite place to hang out when not adventuring in the world of Sanctuary. He didn’t earn a level though which was normal since he was already level sixty-four and was only in Act II Nightmare Difficulty. It would probably take intense grinding before he leveled up again especially if there’s no way to increase the difficulty using console command. He wondered why his Diablo II system didn’t allow him to do it since according to the FAQs, the game would be almost exactly the same as the game in his old world.

It would have been better if the game had the “player x” command to increase the difficulty since it would also increase the drop quantity which would be helpful for him in real life although considering that he couldn’t min max, he would experience greater difficulty in playing the game if something like “Players 8” was enabled.

“Still the option to increase the number of players would help me a lot,” Anton thought.

More than likely, if that option were enabled, he wouldn’t be able to do players eight and would probably stick to players three or four instead due to his scattered skill points to different spells. On the other hand, playing the game personally gave him options in killing the monsters that were not available when he was playing behind a computer or even the on-screen option like utilizing his Telekinesis to fly and even hold monsters and then bombard them with spells.

He was about to minimize the game when he parked his character beside his private stash when he saw a notification icon blinking in the corner of his view. When he opened it, it was an announcement from his Diablo II system. The last time he received an announcement was when the game increased his private stash and inventory.

This time, it announced that it would enable the option for him to activate players one to eight through a button, increasing the difficulty and item quantity drop but it mentioned that the option would only be enabled once he completed Act II Nightmare Difficulty.

It also stated that once he changed the difficulty of the game, it would remain the same difficulty unless he exited the game and switched from Normal to Nightmare to Hell and vice versa.

That meant that he couldn’t just make it so that the easy section of the maps could be set to players eight difficulty and then lower it down to one when he arrived at the boss location.

Anton was excited when he read the announcement and that confirmed the fact that his Diablo II system would change depending on his needs. He was really thankful for his golden finger and wondered if it were true that all transmigrators would receive one. He then wondered if there were others like him in this world.

When Anders mentioned that some others experienced amnesia in his village when the plague struck them, he wondered then if those people were the same as them but then the Undead Coalition struck and they had to leave. Whatever happened to them, be they transmigrators or not, he wished them good luck in their lives.

When Anton minimized the game, he went outside the room and saw that Anna and Lunelle were already dressed to the nines.

“Anton you’re still not dressed yet! We’re about to leave for the theater!” Anna complained.

Anton saw that Anders, Nemina, and Lucas were busy looking at the accounting books and that implied that their father permitted them to visit the theater. He went back inside the room to change his clothes to something acceptable for the theater.

When he returned outside, the inn’s attendant already served their dinner on the table so everyone went there and started eating. Anders and Nemina were talking about the coins they earned after selling all of their stocks and they kept mentioning that the amount was astronomical.

Anton also saw that Fenix was dressed formally for the theaters and their city guide mentioned that the clothes came from their stock.

“Tomorrow we will start purchasing things to create a merchant caravan and it would be best if you stay here and repair the items that we will be bringing so we can store them on the carriages,” Andres told his son.

“We will also begin purchasing a lot of other necessities like food that can be cooked by the caravan people and spices,” Nemina added.

Anton told his father that he would remain at the inn the next day and would just meditate. They just need to wake him up from his meditation if they need something from him.

That meant that he couldn’t play the game virtually the next day but use the on-screen option only.

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