My Favorite Game Followed Me!

Chapter 107

Anton saw that everyone was excited about attending the theater so when they went outside the inn and entered the carriage, all of them were full of energy. Even Anton had never seen an actual play done by professionals. He did see one done by students in his high school but after that, he never had the time nor the money to see one in a live theater. He did see some over the internet so he wasn’t totally inexperienced but according to the forums, experiencing a live theater play was different from watching it on a television or the computer.

“What is the show about?” Anton asked Fenix.

“It’s a love story between the children of rival noble houses! Apparently, the rivalry was so deep that the lovers could only meet secretly. The title of the play is Rival Lovers,” Anna answered for Fenix.

Anton was stunned to hear that the play was basically Romeo and Juliet and thought that more than likely, the similarity of the premise was due to the commonality of the topics that were available for writers.

They arrived at the theater with enough time so they went inside after Devon gave their tickets to the person handling them. The seats that they purchased were fairly close to the stage so they would be able to see everything without any problem.

After a few minutes, the play started. Anton and the others watched it with wide eyes and bated breath. Even he who was spoiled with countless entertainment due to his access to the Internet ever since he was young couldn’t help but agree that watching a play live was more exciting compared to watching one on a screen. The stage had this energy that surrounded the actors.

Although Anton thought that it would be like Romeo and Juliet, the play was vastly different. After the play was done, they all went outside with Anna, Lunelle, and Fenix talking non-stop about the show with Anton interjecting some of his opinions.

They then went to a nearby restaurant to eat since everyone was feeling a bit famished. They enjoyed the food that was served then they all went back to the inn to rest. When they arrived in the inn, Fenix said his goodbye then they all went to their suite.

They saw that Anders, Nemina, and Lucas were still reviewing the account books and counting the coins they earned. Anton figured that it would probably take a while before they retired so he went directly to the room he shared with his father, planning to enter the game and continue playing.

He continued playing Act II of the Nightmare Difficulty and it took him a couple of hours before reaching the waypoint near the Hall of the Dead. After that, he decided to stop playing and rest so he went back to the Rogue Encampment to park his character beside the private stash.

After browsing the internet for a few minutes, Anton slept. When he went outside the room the next day, everyone was gone. He went to the common room downstairs and he found Anna, Fenix, and Devon eating breakfast so he joined them.

“Where’s Lunelle?” Anton asked.

“Nemina said that she could use Lanelle’s help but Father said that we will a lot of people soon.

“I wouldn’t be able to roam the city today Fenix.”

“You don’t need to worry about him brother since I asked him to guide us while you help father later.”

Anton rolled his eyes when he heard that so after breakfast, he went back upstairs to wait for the others to bring in the items they purchased for repair. In the meantime, he laid out all the items that they purchased from the bazaar and started repairing them one by one. It took him less than an hour to have Charsi repair everything but looking at the new items on the floor, he was happy with the items that they purchased since they looked like treasure instead of garbage anymore.

Lucas then arrived with Colin and some people bringing with them some large chests.

“What are those?” Colin asked when he saw the items on the floor.

“Those are the items that we purchased on the market yesterday.”

“These are the items that needed to be repaired and most of them are old and broken,” Lucas said.

Anton just nodded when he heard it and asked Lucas to leave Colin with him so he would have an assistant.

“What is Father and Nemina doing right now?”

“They were talking to a merchant about buying their carriages. We managed to purchase a couple of carriages and one cart already and we already hired a few people. Your father is still planning to buy more,” Lucas answered and after that, he went outside their suite together with the people who carried the trunks to join Anders and Nemina.

Anton then asked Colin to carefully put the newly repaired items from the Market into a large chest so the others could peruse them and check their value. He then opened one of the chests that Lucas brought. There were a total of five chests already and they had only begun buying things for a few hours.

“Where do these items come from?” Anton asked Colin.

“We went to the stores near the slums and these were brought out by the merchants there. They were actually more like garbage already and they were happy that someone was buying them in bulk.”

Anton began repairing the items from the first trunk and it actually him thirty minutes to finish one chest of items. The repaired items were then put back on the trunk and Colin dragged it to the place they assigned to completed projects. He then started on the next one. He was so glad that he didn’t have to touch the dirty equipment since he was using Telekinesis all the time and once Charsi repaired an item, it was fully clean.

That’s the reason why before they put the repaired item on a trunk, he also repaired the chest so the newly repaired items would be put on a newly repaired and clean chests.

It was lunchtime when Anton repaired all of the items and he and Colin congratulated each other. Anna, Lunelle, Fenix, and Devon arrived and they saw the new chests on the floor.

“Ooh, new things!” Anna exclaimed.

“Lunelle, you’re here? I thought you joined your mother in dealing with the merchants?” Anton asked.

“She hired a secretary so she allowed me to return,” Lunelle answered.

Anton then pointed at a couple of chests where he put the newly repaired items from the market that they had purchased and Anna rushed to them followed by Lunelle and Fenix.

“I already ordered lunch and the attendant should arrive soon,” Devon said to Anton.

“Good since I’m so hungry. Colin and I had been busy repairing things all morning.” Anton said while he slouched on the couch. After a couple of minutes, he joined the others in examining the items from the bazaar.

Anton could see that Fenix was wide-eyed while the girls were checking the items since he was there when they were purchased and he knew what the items looked like. He remembered that the others ignored him when Fenix asked why they were purchasing old items and some of them were so old that they could only be called garbage and now everything looked new.

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