My Favorite Game Followed Me!

Chapter 137

Anton was excited to enter the city of Ruandelle. He was planning to explore the city and thought that three days was too few for him to explore but he could understand Ander’s desire to leave the city as soon as possible since there was no guarantee that the war with the Undead Coalition would not reach this city. He could see that his sister, Anna, was also highly excited about exploring the city as well.

While they were waiting in the queue, Anton heard Anna’s plan about what she would do once they were inside the city since she told it to her maids loudly.

“I’m going to purchase books but this time, I will make sure that they are not garbage. I will also do a lot of shopping and I’m sure Father will give me more coins for that. I will also check if there’s any theater so I can watch some plays, although, your shows from your magic are better!” Anna said to everyone but was eying Anton when she mentioned the movies.

Anton ignored his sister but he finally relented.

“Okay, I’ll show you a play from my magic globe the night before we leave the city.”

Anna cheered when she heard Anton’s promise.

Soon it was their turn to be inspected. Anton saw his Father giving a lot of coins to the gate inspector mage and the captain of the guards and knew that it was part and parcel of merchant cities to have something like that. The bribes did made sure that their entrance to the city was smooth.

Upon entering the city, everyone opened the windows of their carriages widely since they wanted to check the scenery inside the city. Normally, all of the windows in all of the carriages that had people inside were closed tightly to make sure that the cold air from the wooden tablet of air conditioner wouldn’t escape but this time, all of them opened their windows.

Before they left though the mage who was inspecting the carriages was amazed at the low temperature inside the carriages and when Anders showed the mage the wooden tablet of air conditioner, the mage was amazed then everyone could see the greedy look on his face so to prevent any mishaps, Anders sold one to the mage for a very low price.

Anton’s father made sure to let the mage know that the tablet would only last for at most one hundred uses. The mage then asked if they were selling more of the tablets and Anders informed him that he hadn’t planned to sell those due to the wooden tablet’s low durability but the mage mentioned that it wouldn’t matter to the rich folks of the city and that they would pay a very high amount of gold for the tablets.

Anders told the inspector mage that he would have to think about it and could look for him later at the inn where they would be staying. The mage then offered to guide them to the best inn they could stay while they were in the city and Anders accepted.

The mage then cast some sort of communication spell and after a few minutes, another mage arrived to replace Anrius, which was the mage’s name, as the gate inspector.

The main road of the city of Ruandelle could be considered a highway in Anton’s previous world due to how large it was. It was still made of some sort of stone that he couldn’t identify but it brought forth the fact that it was exotic to the eyes of Anton who had never been anywhere aside from his city on Earth.

It was a little familiar to him though since he had seen those types of roads on the internet in the old cities in Europe.

There were so many streets and most of them were full of various bazaars and even just a cursory look filled Anton with amazement since there were so many items that he didn’t even recognize. It also gave Anton the urge to go outside the carriage to begin his exploration.

This time, Anton wasn’t planning to hire any sort of guide and would explore on his own. The only problem was he might not have enough gold coins to purchase items that he wanted to buy so he planned to create more wooden tablets of air conditioner that he could sell by himself so he would have the coins that he could spend and didn’t have to ask some from his Father.

In the distance, everyone could see the grand palaces of the council of mages of the merchant city and it looked like those sultan palaces in the middle east countries in Anton’s old world. He could almost imagine suddenly seeing Alladin’s magic carpet flying around the round spires of the palaces. The color of the palaces were like marbles but Anton wasn’t really sure what they were made of but they were not all white. There were large swathes of colors of all kinds that reminded him of Fenix’s clothes, the young man who looked like a gypsy that was his guide in the city of Leminthor.

It would have been better if the inspector mage was with them so he could introduce the local buildings that they were seeing but the gate inspector mage was with Anton’s father in the other carriage.

The buildings in the city were comprised of different designs and structures. The majority of them were imitating the palaces of the Council of Mages but some of them were designed differently. Anton was sure that the designs were from the home country of whoever owned the buildings but instead of making the place look chaotic, it only added to the exotic and exciting feeling only a successful merchant city could bring.

Anton did worry a bit if his Father would be able to earn coins from the city since it seemed like the city would not lack the items that they had in their carriages but based on Anrius’s expression when the gate inspector mage was looking at Anton’s wooden tablet of air conditioner, there would be a market for at least one of their products.

Colin did mention that he once visited the city and according to the man, some of the largest buildings that they could see were owned by different guilds and organizations. The most common guilds were the adventurer guild and the merchant guild.

The city was also full of noise that when they reached the first plaza or center, everyone was almost overwhelmed and Anton almost put his hands on his ears but soon they got used to the noise.

The noise consisted of different things like merchants hawking their products, customers haggling with merchants, minstrels, and bards singing, sounds of carriages and animal noises, people talking about different things, and more.

Anna’s face was so full of excitement that Anton almost expected his sister to jump from the carriage to run around the city. He could understand because he felt the same way and Anton was sure that his face had the same expression as his sister's. As a matter of fact, not only the siblings, but almost everyone was excited while looking at the city.

Anrius led them to a large building that was called the Inn of Auspicious Beginnings. Anton, Anna, and her maids, Frederick and Colin joined Anders and the others in entering the huge inn, and being with Anrius made the innkeeper come out and welcome them enthusiastically.

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