My Favorite Game Followed Me!

Chapter 138

Anders rented the entire third floor of the inn and a lot of the other free rooms on the other floors. The innkeeper had a wide smile on his face from earning a huge amount of coins from Anton’s father.

Before Anton followed the inn attendant that would lead him to his room, he told his father that he would not be joining them for lunch since he wanted to do something first then he would begin exploring the city.

Anders just nodded and told him to be careful and after that Anton followed the attendant. The room that was assigned to him had a bathroom so he immediately took a bath and then spent an hour making wooden tablets of air conditioners. He could create one in ten minutes if he truly concentrated and soon he completed six of them.

Anton was planning to sell the newly created enchanted wooden tablets so he would have coins that he could use to purchase anything that he might fancy. He already asked Anrius, the gate inspector mage, the price that he could sell the tablets for. He didn’t know if his father would be angry with him if he learned that Anton was planning something like this but he didn’t want to ask his father for spending coins because his family worked hard to earn those.

He filled the wooden tablets of air conditioner mana storage with mana and then he headed directly outside the inn to begin his exploration. Anton didn’t see Anna or anyone else that he was close to and more than likely they were already roaming around the city. Of course, some of the people in the inn’s common room were familiar since they were his family’s employees but he actually didn’t know their names and he wondered if he was coming off as a snob for not mingling with them but he was truly busy every day.

Anton just shrugged it off and decided to mingle with the others soon. In the meantime, the city of Ruandelle awaits. He was glad that he was wearing ordinary clothes that were not different from what the other people in the streets were wearing.

This city was truly a merchant city and even though the council was comprised of mages, they were more businessmen than wizards that was why this city was called a merchant city instead of a wizard city aside from not having an archmage in their council.

Just walking in the first street, Anton could see a lot of shops and some of the merchants were outside their shops calling out for customers. Anton was guessing that he was in the poorer part of the city since he knew that the richer shops would not bring their level down to actually calling customers in the street but from what he knew about merchants, he wouldn’t be surprised even if the rich stores did the same thing.

Anton was looking at the different stores while walking and he was walking slowly enough so he would be able to browse the store’s windows without any issues. There were stores selling clothes, stores that sold books, ones that sold toys, a hat store, a shoe store, and a lot more.

The next street that he arrived into was full of restaurants, bakeries, and cafes. Since Anton didn’t have any coins on him since he gave everything to his Father, he didn’t have any coins to buy himself food. He did have a lot of food that was stored in his inventory but he wanted a taste of this city’s food so he asked one of the guards who were patrolling the place where he could sell an enchanted item.

The guard looked at him askance but did provide the directions to the largest magic bazaar which was three avenues from where he was so after thanking the guard, he headed directly to the street where the shops for magic items were located.

Anton actually took an hour and several more stops to ask for directions before he arrived at one of the unofficial magic streets in the city. He asked the guards standing beside the street entrance the best place where he could sell his magic item and the guard recommended that he go to the largest magic shop since even if he would not get the highest amount, at least he would not be scammed since large magic shops had to make sure that their reputation would not be questioned.

While Anton headed to the largest building in the street, he thought of the fact that this city seemed to be very rich and powerful but he knew that they couldn’t stay there since in terms of actual power, it was well-known that Ruandelle didn’t have any archmages and that meant that if the Undead Coalition ever reached this city, he doubt that Ruandelle could defeat the undead armies.

The largest magic shop in the street was simply called The Wizard’s Emporium and according to the guard, it was owned by one of the members of the council of Ruandelle. The store was really large, almost comparable to some of the smaller malls in his old world so when Anton entered, the first floor alone had multitudes of products and salespeople catering to customers already.

A salesgirl quickly approached Anton.

“Good afternoon, Sir. Are you looking for something specific or do you want to browse first?” The pretty salesgirl said.

“Can you tell me more about this store?”

“Of course. The first floor of our emporium consisted of a combination of regular and simple magical items. Any beginner adventurer would be able to find anything that he would need before they went off to explore the world like regular tents or enchanted sleeping tents, regular traveling cloaks or enchanted cloaks, regular bags, or enchanted bags, and more.

The floors of the store correspond to the level of magical enchantments attached to an item and the truly powerful magic items are located at the top of our store and only our VIP exclusive members are allowed to enter it. We also hold auctions bi-weekly and our next scheduled auction will be tomorrow.”

“Can anyone enter the auction?’

“There is at least two gold coins deposit to anyone who wants to attend the auction and it's non-refundable but you can still purchase items from the store worth the deposit if you didn’t buy anything from the auction,” The saleslady said while smiling professionally.

Anton felt that the salesperson who was talking to him was truly professional since he didn’t feel any sort of disdain even though he was a youth and wearing regular clothes.

“I actually want to sell an enchanted item. Do I talk to you about that?”

“I will lead you to a manager who can appraise the item that you have, so please follow me.”

The young woman then led Anton to a booth located on the left wing of the first floor. The booth had comfortable seats but it was hot since the windows were closed and it was summer. The saleslady then asked him to wait since she would need to call her manager first.

When the saleslady exited, Anton brought out one of the wooden tablets of air conditioner since it was truly hot and uncomfortable and there were no magical fans that would make the temperature inside the booth bearable.

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