My Favorite Game Followed Me!

Chapter 139

Anton waited several minutes inside the private booth but since the small room was now cold due to his wooden tablet of air conditioner, it was now comfortable and since he had been walking before arriving at the store, he needed a comfortable rest.

After around five minutes, the saleslady and her manager still hadn’t arrived so Anton opened his browser and started watching some video clips on a famous streaming site. He then heard the door opening so he hastily closed his browser and turned his attention to the two people who entered.

The saleslady and the man who Anton assumed was one of the managers in the store had surprised looks on their faces when they felt the temperature in the booth. The manager’s face then focused on the wooden tablet on the table with its floating Frozen Orb rotating above it spewing cold air.

“Good afternoon young sir. I’m called Manus, and I would like to apologize for the delay. I was busy handling a delicate case,” Manus the manager apologized to Anton.

Although Anton was impressed by the saleslady’s professional attitude when he first came in, Anton had an inkling based on the manager’s face that the manager was anything but. He reckoned that Manus was probably going to dismiss anything that he would have tried to sell to the man but he shouldn’t judge based on first impression.

“I was informed by Carla here that you’re selling an enchanted item to the Wizard’s Emporium?”

“Yes. As you can see, this wooden tablet can cool a room and will make it more comfortable.”

Manus and Carla sat opposite Anton and studied the wooden tablet of air conditioner. Anton told the manager that the duration of the enchanted tablet was twenty-four hours on full mana storage and that its mana storage would be full of mana with six casting worth of cantrips. He also explained to the man that the tablet would only last for one hundred uses and that it had an indicator by the side for the remaining use which Anton recently added.

Anton also added that the floating orb could also serve as a dim night light and it was beautiful to look at. He also told the manager that the floating orb was not dangerous and he demonstrated it by putting his hand inside the orb. He mentioned that it would only feel like the hand was submerged in a bucket of cold water and would only be dangerous if the hand remained on the orb for more than ten minutes.

The wooden tablet clearly had a lot of limitations like its short duration and its durability but he knew that he should still be able to sell it.

“That is a good item, sir..? The manager asked.

“My name’s Anton.”

“Yes, Sir Anton. That is a good item and I’m willing to purchase it from you for fifteen gold coins.”

“Thirty gold coins, not one copper less.”

The manager gasped when he heard Anton’s reply but it was obviously a fake reaction.

“That’s too much Sir Anton!”

Anton switched off the tablet, picked it up, and made a motion to exit the booth but the manager stopped him.

“You’re a good haggler, Sir Anton,” The manager said.

“Actually I’m not. It’s just that Anrius, the mage in the gate, told me that the tablet could be sold for around fifty gold coins but according to the guards at the entrance of this street, This store would purchase my items cheaper than normal but it wouldn’t get scammed.”

Manus had a disgruntled look on his face when he heard that a mage from the city advised Anton on how much he could sell the tablet for but it was only for a moment.

Anrius told his Father, which he overheard, that the tablet could be sold for twenty to thirty golds. It could have been more but due to its low durability, which was as much as they could get for the items.

“I’ll agree with the price that you have set Sir Anton,” The manager relented.

“That’s great! I have a second one, are you willing to purchase that as well?”

“Of course. May I know the enchanter who created these items?”

“Yes. He’s a mage who was employed by Anders, the leader of Anders Merchant Caravan that arrived today and they will be leaving this city the day after tomorrow.”

The manager was taken aback at how brief the caravan would stay in the city but Anton could see that the man was planning to visit their caravan probably to check if they could purchase more items or persuade the “mage” who made the tablets to part ways with the caravan and come under the Wizard’s Emporium’s management.

Manus then gave Anton sixty gold coins then departed with the two tablets under his arms. The manager left the saleslady with Anton since he was still planning to browse the items in the store.

After exiting the booth, Anton started browsing the items on the first floor. He noticed that all the customers who were roaming around the store were being followed by a salesperson and more than likely, no one was allowed to roam around the emporium without an employee.

Anton first checks the common items that new rich adventurers would purchase before going off on their adventure. He saw a blanket that had a simple enchantment that would keep it dry in all sorts of weather. He saw cloaks that would always keep the wearer warm, mini lanterns that would last for a long time, and all sorts of things.

He didn’t find anything that he was interested in although some of the simple enchantments inspired him and he could probably replicate some of them in time.

Anton then went to the second floor of the magic mall since according to the saleslady, the items there had more advanced enchantments. The first item that he was tempted to purchase was a thick sleeping mat that had an enchantment that would decrease its size greatly when not in use which would be very convenient for travelers but he held off. He knew that with his inventory, he only needed to buy a regular sleeping mat and it would be enough.

He enjoyed browsing the items so much that he spent two hours doing so. Anton even suggested to the saleslady that he didn’t need to spend her time following him but the woman said that it was her job so he just shrugged, ignored the employee, and continued browsing.

The reason why Anton would have been comfortable browsing alone was there were actually information placards on the items displayed which greatly impressed him.

Anton then asked the saleslady where the magic wands and spell books were located and according to the lady, it was on the third floor so he asked the lady to lead him there.

The wands were nice and again he was tempted to purchase one or two of them but he held himself off since in time, he should be able to create wands of his own. He spent around fifty gold coins to purchase three first-level spellbooks though and they were the spellbooks for Comprehend Language, Detect Magic and Disguise Self.

When he gave the coins to the saleslady, the lady couldn’t keep the smile off her face.

“Do you work on commission?”

“We do receive a percentage so thank you for purchasing items from the Emporium, Sir Anton,” The saleslady said.

Anton was happy with his purchases. When he left the emporium, he was feeling hungry so he headed directly to a restaurant and spent some of the coins that he earned to purchase high-quality food. While he was waiting for his food, he stored the spellbooks in his inventory to avoid losing them since they did cost him a pretty penny.

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