My Favorite Game Followed Me!

Chapter 140

Anton went outside the restaurant and saw that it was still early so he went back inside and ordered a lot more dishes. Since he found the food delicious, he would store them in his inventory so he would have a variety of delicious food that he could retrieve anytime he wanted.

When the food arrived, he immediately stored it and was glad that the restaurant allowed him to buy the plates as well. After he stored around thirty dishes, he paid and then left the restaurant again. Before he left, the restaurant people became especially respectful to him since they were now aware that he was a wizard.

After leaving the restaurant, Anton now only had seven gold coins left. He then went and roamed around and found himself in a street that sold different clothing so he went and both a few that he thought looked good and stored them in his inventory. Walking for about an hour made him hungry again so he followed the instruction of a friendly guard and went to a street that was filled with street food.

He first purchased a tiny amount from a street food stall and if Anton found it delicious, he would then purchase a lot more and store them in his inventory. He did these on different street food stalls and the sellers were especially glad to see a customer who purchased a lot of their products. He was so glad that his inventory would keep everything fresh as the day he stored them.

Even though Anton purchased an ungodly amount of street food, it only cost him a total of one gold coin so he still had six gold coins left. He planned to not return to the inn until he spent all of his gold coins so he continued shopping even though the sun had set. The streets were still bright due to some form of lighting that some people turned on. He wondered if it was some magical contraption of some good old gas lights.

Anton stumbled on a shop that sold some sort of art pieces made of different materials like various metals, wood, and stone. He didn’t know what kind of metal some of the pieces were. Maybe they were made of copper or steel or a combination of different metals. He was kind of an ignoramus when it came to metallurgy but what caught his fancy were the art pieces themselves.

There we some that looked like different animals made of metals like a hawk, a turtle, a horse, and others. Some were made of stone and some were wood. Some pieces looked like miniature houses and some were sculptures of people like dancers, children, and surprisingly even some naked women and men.

Anton was also surprised to see some pieces that looked like modern art sculptures from his old world and was amazed at the sense of artistry of the people in this world. He bought a huge amount of art pieces with the remaining gold coins that he had thinking that he could use them for enchantment. Anton bought art pieces that were a mixture of metals and stones and held off on purchasing those that were made of wood. He thought that maybe the durability of his enchantments would increase if he used something different from wood.

The owner of the store was delighted at the amount of pieces that he bought and he offered to assist Anton in bringing them to his place but he declined. He then stored the pieces in his inventory to the surprise of the owner but the owner was not truly shocked since something like a pocket dimension, although wasn’t common, was known to the people of the city.

Anton was happy with the pieces that he bought and was thinking of adding the air conditioner enchantment to some of them. It would make the enchanted item better aesthetically and it would confirm if other materials aside from wood would increase the durability of the enchantment.

As usual, after learning that Anton was a mage, the owner of the store became especially respectful to him. He said his goodbye to the store owner and proceeded to return to the inn where his family was staying.

When he arrived at the inn, Anton saw his family at one of the tables in the common room so he joined them.

“Anton, what took you so long? I was about to send somebody to find you. Are you hungry?” Anders asked.

“I’m not hungry, thanks. I ate a lot of street food. I roamed around some parts of the city and bought some things. By the way, Father, I made six wooden tablets of air conditioner and sold two of them for sixty gold coins so I could have some that I can spend.”

“You don’t have any more coins? You could have asked for some from me. We now have a lot of coins!”

“That’s okay Father. Here are four of the wooden tablets remaining. You can sell them if you want.”

Anton gave the remaining four wooden tablets of air conditioner to his father. He was planning to create some more so he asked Colin to supply him more of the wooden tablets and his attendant said that he would go find some. Colin then left immediately since he was done eating.

“I’m not planning to sell these but use them to grease some palms. I will need at least ten more so please give me those by tomorrow.”

Anton nodded to inform his Father that he would give some to him the next day.

“What did you purchase, brother? I purchased a lot of notebooks and books that I made sure were good. I also purchase three cantrips spellbooks and a magic wand!”

“Father gave you a lot of coins?! Three first-level spellbooks cost me fifty gold coins. Did I pay too much for them?” Anton asked Frederick.

“No that was about correct. May I know which spells you purchased?” Frederick asked.

“I purchased Comprehend Language, Detect Magic, and Disguise Self. I thought of purchasing spells that would be useful to me since I know a lot of attack spells, some defensive spells, and powerful healing spells already. Oh, I forgot to purchase a spellbook that I could use to record those that I have already learned! Well, I’ll just buy them tomorrow.”

Frederick nodded his agreement to the choice of spells that Anton made.

“I purchased Fire Bolt, Ray of Frost, and Message and a spellbook that I can use to record my spells. The wand that I bought only had two charges and it’s a wand of Mage Armor. All in all, everything cost me twenty gold coins! Father said that he would give me twenty more gold coins that I could spend for the remaining time that we’re here.”

“Are you able to learn a second cantrip already?” Anton asked his sister.

“No. I still feel very full in my head and it would probably take me more time for me to be able to learn my second spell. I copied Frederick’s form of practice of casting my spell on your enchanted item since according to him, it was very effective in increasing his power and it was practical too since it would allow the tablet to last longer. It would still be good to have the spellbooks available when I’m ready to learn a new spell.”

“I’m so envious. When I was first learning my spells, I would need to do very dangerous missions for me to be able to afford a second cantrip,” Frederick said.

After dinner, Anton’s father, and his secretaries, Nemina and Lucas went somewhere to continue their business. Anna went to her room with her maids. Colin appeared with several wooden tablets and Anton stored them in his inventory to enchant later, then he went to his room to rest.

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