My Favorite Game Followed Me!

Chapter 141

Anton arrived in his room and was glad to see that it had a bathroom so he conjured mana water and took a bath. After his bath, he activated a wooden tablet of air conditioner since the room was hot and humid and after a couple of minutes, the room was now comfortably cold. He then heard a knock on his door.

“Anton, I want to take a bath. Please conjure me some mana water!” Anna said through the door.

Anton then went outside and went to his family’s room one by one to fill their bathtub with water from the Frozen Orb spell. After that, he returned to his room to begin crafting wooden tablets of air conditioners. Colin gave him about twenty tablets so all of them would take him more than two hours to craft.

All that crafting made Anton learn how to focus more and soon he was able to craft faster so after about two hours, he completed the project that was assigned to him by his father. He immediately went outside his room and knocked on his father’s room and when Anders opened his door, Anton saw that his father was about to go to sleep.

He immediately gave the twenty wooden tablets to his father and assured him that every one of them was full of mana already.

When Anton returned to his room, he brought out a piece of art sculpture that he would enchant for his final project for the night. It was a metal sculpture of a wizard with his staff being held high as if the wizard was about to cast a spell.

He delicately carved the mana pathway all over the sculpture using a combination of his mana and telekinesis and he placed the switch by the feet. The mana pathway for the durability indicator was located beside the switch and he was correct in assuming that metal would increase the durability of the enchanted item since based on the mana pathway information, the durability was triple that of the wooden tablet.

When Anton turned on the enchantment on the sculpture, the Frozen Orb appeared on top of the staff and now the sculpture of the wizard who looked like it was about to hurl the Frozen Orb at his enemies looked magnificent.

He decided to keep the statue and would personally use it. The good thing about the durability was that Charsi could fix it. That was actually the main difference between him recharging the tablet versus Charsi doing it since with Charsi, the durability would turn back into full so even if the wooden tablet was on the verge of breaking down, Charsi would be able to fully repair it aside from recharging the mana storage. That meant that Anton didn’t have to worry about the wizard sculpture being destroyed.

Anton kept the wooden tablet and used the sculpture to cool off his room and while nodding off to sleep, he was looking at the sculpture, admiring the artistry.

The next day, he woke up from the sound of knocking on his door and when he opened it, it was his Father and Anna.

“Come join us for breakfast,” Anders said.

“What is that!” Anna exclaimed when she saw the wizard sculpture.

Anders and Anna entered Anton’s room to inspect the wizard sculpture with the Frozen Orb on top of its staff.

“I bought a good amount of art sculptures from a shop that I went to yesterday and most of them were made of metal and stone. I enchanted one with the air conditioner and that was the result. Aside from that, the durability increased so it would now last for three hundred uses compared to the wooden table which would only last for a hundred uses.”

“It’s beautiful,” Anders softly commented.

“The good thing about our items is if I repair them using the spell that lets me repair things, the durability will also return to full,” Anton added.

“Can you make me one as well?” Anna asked.

Anton said that he would to his sister and he presented several sculptures to her. Anna chose a sculpture of a butterfly. Her sister then asked that the floating orb appears between the butterfly’s antenna. He told his sister to get the sculpture from him later tonight. Anna then said that she would use the sculpture to exercise her spell-casting.

During breakfast, Anders reminded the siblings that they would leave the next day so they should fulfill their desire to roam around the city. Anders then gave Anton one hundred gold coins and he happily accepted.

When Anton was about to go to his room to play his Diablo II game for a bit and practice a new enchantment since he planned to roam the city after lunch, a familiar man arrived at their table.

It was the manager of the shop that Anton went to. Anton knew that the manager would be looking for the mage that created the wooden tablet and he didn’t want to deal with it so he left immediately.

Before he entered his room, he advised Colin that he didn’t want to be disturbed if it was not an emergency and would go outside his room once lunchtime arrived.

Anton then spent a couple of hours inside the World of Sanctuary and completed the first two zones of Act IV of the Hell Difficulty. After that, he went outside the Rogue Encampment to continue with his enchantment project.

The second project that he was planning to create was the Fire Bolt light. He chose Fire Bolt first since Fire Ball was truly dangerous. He planned to create the enchantment for light and then for mana regeneration for the enchanted items based on the passive spell Warmth.

Anton was still using the wooden tablet since it was much easier to use something like that for his first enchantment.

The first thing that he did was summon a Fire Bolt then controlled the mana structure for it to hover above his palm and serve as a light. He carefully studied the mana pathway of the hovering Fire Bolt. Once Anton was sure that he memorized the pathway, he turned to the wooden tablet and carved using his mana and telekinesis the mana pathway for the mana storage first where the duration would be based, the mana pathway for the fire element and then finally the mana structure of the Fire Bolt that would keep it hovering above the wooden tablet enveloped in a mana field to prevent the fire from burning anything.

Anton was surprised that he was successful on his first try. More than likely, it was because the combinations of the pathways were almost similar to the air conditioner so it was successful. The only problem was, it wasn’t bright enough so he needed to adjust the structure of the fire element.

After about an hour of trial and error, the light was now as bright as five candles and it was the fire bolt that was hovering on top of the tablet was enveloped in some sort of mana field that even if he poked it, he only felt warmth and it did not burn it. Even when a piece of paper was touching the hovering Fire Bolt that now resembles a tiny ball of fire, for several minutes, the paper did not burn and only got warm.

The best thing about the new enchantment was that the mana storage was about the same as the air conditioner but since the mana consumption was tiny, a full mana storage would last for a very long time. Based on his calculation, a full mana storage would last for a month with the item always on. That also meant that the durability would last longer since durability would only decrease once full mana storage was depleted and filled again.

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