My Favorite Game Followed Me!

Chapter 149

The next day, the caravan started the journey early since Anders wanted to leave the vicinity of the city of Ruandelle as fast as they could since he didn’t want any misunderstanding to form between the city and his caravan. Anders was still planning to become a business mogul and he didn’t want the city to be closed to him due to this incident.

Of course, since the Undead Coalition was attacking, Anton’s father wasn’t planning to create a business route to the cities that were being attacked or near the Undead Coalition armies.

After breakfast and while they were traveling, as usual, Anna began the day by filling up the mana storage of an empty wooden board of air conditioner by casting her two cantrips on it and then memorizing her two spells again. She was truly motivated to become a powerful sorceress as soon as possible, especially when she learned that she would be joining a magic academy when they reached the wizard city of Zalnothel. Not only that, with her powerful brother around, she had the ambition to become as powerful as he was someday.

Anton also began the day by playing his Diablo II game. He really wanted to complete the Hell Difficulty as soon as possible but the fact that his skill points were scattered to different spells, his spells were a little underpowered for the difficulty. It did help that he was fighting the monsters personally and the process of him utilizing his teleport and telekinesis to move around helped a lot. Also, the traveling from one location to another in the game was longer when he was inside personally but as soon as he completed the Hell Difficulty, he would begin the grinding process and it would be faster since he was planning to use the on-screen option for that and only enter the game if he wanted to practice his spells or experiment on enchanting items or creating new spells.

Anton took the whole morning to defeat Diablo in the Chaos Sanctuary and complete the first zone in Act V and as usual, he didn’t receive any notable drops which was expected since he would only be able to do so once he focused on grinding. He didn’t even earn a level but the fact that he was already level sixty-nine meant that it would take a long time and many monsters before he earned a level especially since he hadn’t activated the Player X code yet to increase the experience gained.

After reaching the first waypoint in Act V, Anton went back to the Rogue Encampment and parked his character there then minimized the game. It was a few minutes before lunch so he joined his sister in partaking in the food that their cook prepared for their consumption even though lunch was usually a simple fare.

While they were eating, someone knocked on their door and when Colin opened it, it was Devon. He informed Anton that a messenger from the city of Ruandelle arrived to inform them that the Counselor who orchestrated the attack on their caravan was imprisoned by the government since what he did was highly illegal and against the laws that were created to protect the merchants that came into the city.

Anton then remembered that Ruandelle was called a merchant city and that meant that it was supposed to be especially protective of merchants since they were the lifeblood of the city. He then just shrugged since he truly didn’t care about it anymore.

After lunch, Anton went inside the game again but this time he concentrated on completing his project of incorporating the mana pathways from the Warmth passive spell on the wooden board of air conditioner.

After a grueling five hours of experimentation and trial and error, he was finally successful. The prototype of a wooden table of air conditioner that would regenerate the mana in its mana storage was created. The first successful prototype would regenerate ten percent of its mana storage after twenty-four hours. That meant that a full mana storage would take around ten days.

Anton was satisfied since he knew that further experimentation would only cause the regeneration to go faster but it would probably take a long time. He then exited the game and minimized it and at the same time, he felt the carriage stopping, meaning it was time for the caravan to stop for the night.

He saw that his sister and her maids were already outside the carriage and only Colin remained there waiting for him.

Anton joined his family at the dinner table but he saw that dinner was not served yet and was still being prepared by the cooks.

“Father, I was successful in incorporating an energy regeneration on a wooden board of an air conditioner but I’m still in the early phase. It would only regenerate ten percent of its energy after twenty-four hours meaning that it will only be full after ten days. Still, I know that it wouldn’t take me long to decrease the regeneration time,” Anton told his father.

“You’re truly a heaven-defying enchanter, Sir Anton!” gasped Frederick when he heard what Anton had said.

“Does that mean that if you added that power to a wand, the wand that you created didn’t need to be recharged anymore?” Anna asked.

“Yes. But there is still the problem of durability. Even if I use a sturdier material as the wand’s base like a metal, I’m sure that after a certain number of spells, the wand would be destroyed. It’s a pity that I didn’t get any information when I studied the wand that I purchased,” Anton said.

“I’m sure that you will be able to solve it soon but I highly recommend that you only share what you have learned about your enchantment with your father. The abilities that you were showing as an enchanter will be highly coveted by powerful people so to avoid dangerous eyes looking upon your family, secrecy is still your best weapon. At least until you are truly a powerful and famous archmage that everyone would be afraid to target,” cautioned Nemina.

After thinking about it, Anton knew that Nemina was correct and it was indeed a bit foolish of him to announce everything that had been happening to his magic to everyone so he decided to follow that advice to give updates to his father only.

While they were eating, Anton thought of which project he would do next. He then thought of making the guards more powerful by giving them enchanted weapons so he thought of doing the project of adding a fire enchantment to swords next.

He thought that it might be easier since there’s already an Enchant spell under the fire tree skill and he would only need to study and tweak the spell structure and mana pathways and then etched them to a sword.  After that, he thought of adding a Frozen Armor spell enchantment to an armor. Anton imagined the day when Lucas or Devon fought their enemies while surrounded by the Frozen Armor spell and their sword glowing with Fire Enchantment. That would be glorious and would make his father’s merchant empire famous.

Of course, Anton knew that it wouldn’t be that easy and he must not forget to make sure to prioritize his leveling up his character in the game since that was truly the best and fastest way to increase his power.

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