My Favorite Game Followed Me!

Chapter 150

Two weeks of travel brought them to the third village that they would need to pass through on the way to the wizard city of Zalnothel. That meant that the caravan would take only about a month and a week before they reached the said city and a few more villages and some towns.

Everyone was happy when Anders announced that they would stay in this quaint little village for three days and two nights to rest since they had been traveling non-stop since the Wizard Emporium from the city of Ruandelle attacked them.

Even Anna was behaving crankily at Anton and kept requesting more movies but he didn’t show even one since he was truly focusing on leveling up and grinding from items.

Since Anna and her maids, Lunelle and Frederick had long completed the David Eddings books that he had copied from the internet, Anna kept pestering Anton for more movies and books. Even the ones that she had purchased from the city of Ruandelle were already consumed by her but she kept complaining that the books from the city were shallow and uninteresting.

Anna, of course, didn’t stop practicing her magic and was able to finally memorize a third cantrip. Her problem was that she focused on her magic during the morning and during afternoons she kept complaining that she had nothing to do.

Frederick once suggested that she should focus on her magic even during the afternoons since she was truly talented in magic and once she was able to memorize her seventh or eighth cantrip, that was usually the time that first-level spells would be available for her to memorize and that was the time that she could call herself a first-level mage.

The mage himself kept announcing to everybody that he had already memorized his second first-level spell and kept muttering that soon he would become an archmage while wearing an exhilarated expression.

Lunelle kept rolling her eyes at the mage since everyone knew that it would take a regular mage decades before they could become an archmage and with Frederick’s talent, it would probably take him more than a hundred years. Frederick spent all of his savings and the coins that Anders already gave him to prepare several first-level spells that he purchased from Ruandelle for him to memorize once he was able to and he kept saying to Anton that once they reached Zalnothel, he would purchase second-level spells.

Anna did spend some afternoons focusing on her magic learning but she finally frustratingly announced that she couldn’t do it every day. Anton finally relented and copied a few Anne of Green Gables books from the internet for his sisters and it took him a couple of hours.

Anton was amused to see that Anna and her maids and Lunelle who joined them on their carriage were crying while reading the Anne of Green Gables books.

Since Anton focused on leveling up and grinding for items after he completed Act V of the Hell Difficulty, He had maxed his Telekinesis so it was now very powerful and he was now focused on maximizing the levels of his Frozen Orb, Cold Mastery, Meteor, and Fire Mastery.

Anton’s gears were also becoming more powerful since he was successful in farming items from old Mephy, Diablo, and Baal. His current setup was the following: For weapons, he now had the Death’s Fathom Dimensional Shard, and on his alternate weapon slot was the Harmony bow since the Vigor Aura was useful in the real world. On his shield slot, he was now wearing the Sanctuary tower shield.

For his helm, he was now wearing the Harlequin Crest Shako and for his belt, Anton was wearing the Arachnid Mesh Spiderweb Sash. His armor was a more powerful Skin of the Vipermagi with a UM rune. For his gloves, he was wearing Chance Gloves chain gloves and in the boots slot, he was wearing Aldurs Advance Battle Boots.

Anton’s accessories consisted of a rare Glacial Amulet that added three to his sorceress skill level and resistance to cold and two Stone of Jordans. He was still collecting materials that would let him craft better rings but for now, he was still using the Stone of Jordans.

Anton was also planning to hunt for the unique charms once his level was higher but for now, he was grinding for levels on Baal. He was truly thankful that he had access to the Internet since it provided a detailed guide on how and where to hunt items. Even the video guides from the famous video streaming sites by the powerful and experienced players were very helpful.

The fact that he was grinding using the on-screen option and was using the player X code made his item hunting explode exponentially.

Nobody noticed but Anton’s power in the real world was now much more advanced compared to two weeks before.

Of course, to avoid burnout, he was still utilizing his Internet to watch movies, animes, and T.V.  shows and was also using it to read web novels but he was only doing so about two hours a day.

Anton’s daily routine was playing the game during the mornings then enchantment research in the afternoon and then using his browser for entertainment before sleeping during the night.

For his enchantment exercises, he was successful in reducing the mana regeneration of items to half for both the wooden tablet of the air conditioner and the lanterns of Fire Bolt light. Since he made enough of the two items, every carriage had one and Anton didn’t even need to recharge the enchanted items anymore since the number of items they had was enough for the rest to recharge by themselves so they could replace those with exhausted mana with those one who was full of mana because of the mana regeneration enchantment.

Unfortunately, he didn’t make progress with the wands and enchanted swords, shields, and armor since he focused on item mana regeneration and he would need more time for the weapons and armor.

Anton also thought of starting another enchantment project which was some sort of mana power bank wherein an item with exhausted mana reserve would be placed on the mana power bank and the mana would then be transferred to the enchanted item but that project was temporarily put on hold due to its complexity.

While they were traveling, they encountered several attacks from monsters and bandits but the guards were mostly enough to fight off or deter the attackers. The guards were especially valiant due to the fact that they would be healed immediately by their powerful wizard once they got injured.

For the monsters who were especially powerful like the one basilisk who stumbled upon them, Anton was powerful enough to defeat it immediately and Anders and Nemina were particularly gleeful if something powerful attacked them since usually powerful monsters were full of treasure.

Anders also collected a lot of weapons and armor from the villages that they had passed through since the villagers were particularly gleeful in selling their broken and worn-out items to the caravan. Anton also repaired them immediately so they wouldn’t accumulate. It was easier for him to repair a few than let them gather.

They arrived in the third village around lunchtime and fortunately, the cook who was the innkeeper’s wife was very fast and skillful and managed to prepare food for everyone although she needed assistance from the caravan’s cooks.

Anton wasn’t worried about food since he still had a lot of food that he purchased from Ruandelle personally and was stored in his inventory. He only took some once in a while and shared them with Anna, her maids, Colin, and Lunelle, basically only on the people inside his carriage but the rest of the time, he ate what the caravan cooks prepared.

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