My Favorite Game Followed Me!

Chapter 151

Anders merchant caravan rented all the rooms in the inn but since the village inn was tiny, they only had six rooms. One room was assigned to Anton and he asked one of the attendants who was just a villager that the innkeeper commandeered to become a temporary inn attendant while they were staying in the village to lead him to his room.

The villager who was a young man was intimidated by Anton since the young man saw him behaving like a noble although, to be honest about it, Anton didn’t know how nobles truly behaved and when he asked Frederick about it, the mage shrugged and told him that he didn’t have much dealing with those sort of people.

Since it was early, lunch was still several hours away so he took a bath from the bathroom located at the inn’s basement. Unfortunately, there were no bathrooms in their rooms so if they wanted to take a bath, they would have to go to the basement. There isn’t even a separate room for women and men so if men were bathing first, the women had to wait and vice versa.

Since Anna wanted to bathe after him, after bathing, Anton took the time to refill the tubs with his infamous mana water. Anna was relentless in making sure that the water she was using to bathe and drink was Anton’s mana water since she kept saying that it was very important to make sure that she and her maids and Lunelle became the most beautiful ladies in the land.

After using the water from melted Frozen Orb for so long, Anton basically confirmed that the mana water was truly beneficial to the people who were using it when it came to their health and appearance. Even his father now looked like he was in his early thirties and Anna looked like a princess who had never worked a day in their life when a few weeks ago, they were just a normal hardy farmer family on a tiny unimportant farm in a faraway land.

On a sad note, Anton kept hearing his father mutter that if his wife, Anton, and Anna’s mother were alive, she would have been the most beautiful lady in the land if she used Anton’s mana water and the first time Anna heard her father mutter that, she ran to their carriage once Anders was preoccupied to notice and she cried. When Anton followed her to console her sister, she cried more since she knew that Anton didn’t even remember their mother.

When Anton went to his room, at first he planned to play his Diablo II game to continue leveling up but he was feeling burnt out so he took a nap instead. After about an hour, he woke up and saw that there were still a couple of hours before lunch so he decided to go inside the game and continue his enchantment projects.

He wanted to become successful in creating an enchanted sword so he focused on the Enchant spell under the Fire Spell Tree. Anton was successful in isolating the spell structure of the fire enchantment and was also successful in separating the mana pathways from each other.

He needed to solve the problem of the duration and was sort of successful by attaching the spell structure to the mana storage but the consumed mana was tremendous since the fire enchantment was basically a continuous active spell.

Anton finally isolated the mana pathway that would allow the spell structure to act like a light fixture instead of an active attack spell and would only do so if the sword hit an object. The consumed mana while the enchantment was active by using a switch, which was sadly, still the only way for him to activate his enchantments, was just as much as the consumed mana equal to the lantern of Fire Bolt but once the sword hit an object, the consume mana would be equivalent to the mana of one Fire Bolt attack.

So that meant that if the user activated the Fire-enchanted sword, it would light up, consuming a tiny amount of mana but when he used it, every attack that successfully hit would consume mana equivalent to one Fire Bolt attack which would consume a huge amount of mana.

The first thing that Anton did was carve the spell structure and the mana pathway on a sword but he didn’t include the mana regeneration first since he needed to find out if the mana pathways and spell structure would be carved successfully.

After wasting a few swords, he successfully created his first fire-enchanted sword. The switch in the hilt to activate the enchantment looked and felt awful to Anton and it made him sigh.

Based on the mana storage capacity, the light effect of the sword would last as long as the lantern of Fire Bolt and when Anton attacked a wooden dummy, after the twentieth attack, the mana storage was exhausted.

The two indicators that he attached which were admittedly, were extremely complex, would indicate the amount of mana left in the mana storage and the amount of uses left before the sword was destroyed. He even put a line on the durability indicator that would indicate the safe line to prevent the total destruction of the sword and if the user wanted to fully restore the mana charges and the sword’s durability, he would need to bring it to Anton to have Charsi repair it.

Anton was a bit proud and excited to finally complete an enchanted sword although truthfully, a full mana storage would only last the user for twenty attacks but those attacks would be very powerful. He knew though that further study and experimentation would increase the power and durability of the sword but then again, it would take him quite a long time to do so.

He exited the game and went to join his family for lunch. During lunch, he informed his father, Lucas, and Nemina to meet him in his room since he wanted to show them something but Anna complained and asked to be included so he allowed his sister to join them.

After lunch, Anton’s father, Anna, Nemina, and Lucas followed Anton to his room. When they entered the room, Anton retrieved the enchanted sword that he had just created and gave it to Lucas for the sword to be inspected.

“I have successfully created an enchanted sword. If you turn on the switch, the enchantment on the sword will activate.”

Lucas immediately turned on the switch and the sword lit up with fire enchantment. Everyone gasped when they saw the gorgeous sword.

“What does it do?” Anna curiously asked.

“When you first turn on the switch, the enchantment would activate and it would light up. It would be like the Enchanted lanterns that I’ve made but once you hit an object with the sword, the attack will include a fire attack.”

Anton then retired a wooden dummy that Colin made for him and asked Lucas to hit it with the sword. When Lucas hit the dummy, sparks came out and everyone could clearly see the fire enchantment that cut the dummy in half.

He then told everyone that if the sword were used as a simple light, the enchantment would last as long as the enchanted lantern but if they hit something with the enchantment active, the mana in the sword would only last for around twenty hits. He also mentioned that since it was the first prototype that he had made, he was sure that he could increase the power and durability of the sword.

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