My Favorite Game Followed Me!

Chapter 158

Lunchtime arrived and the caravan stopped so the horses could rest. The villagers who were following them looked grateful at the stop since they could eat and rest as well. Anton saw from the people who were following their caravan that they were truly afraid to get left behind. The villagers knew that there were undead in the surrounding area and the only reason that the monsters didn’t attack them was because of the powerful mage in the caravan.

Anton ate hastily when the caravan stopped the started moving among the caravan’s animals, he added the horses to his party system so he could heal and restore their stamina using his Prayer, Meditation, and Vigor auras. Since there were plenty of horses in the caravan, even though the healing process only took Anton several seconds, it actually took him twenty minutes to completely heal every animal in the caravan.

With the people, it was much easier since everyone gathered in one location and once they were healed and their stamina restored, they went back to being busy with their work in the caravan. Everyone who received the healing and stamina restoration looked gratefully at Anton since the Vigor aura extinguished their exhaustion.

Anton knew that healing the villagers and their animals would take longer since there were many of them but Anders helped a lot by first announcing the healing session and then arranging the people and animals in groups of seven. Surprisingly, some people didn’t join since they were wary of receiving something from an unknown wizard but Anders just shrugged and said that it was their choice.

The villagers and their animals that Anton healed looked vigorous and thanked Anton but they didn’t linger and went aside as instructed by Anders and the others. After around forty minutes, Anton completed the healing session so the caravan moved again.

Anton's plan was, after this healing session, to do the same every night for the people in the caravan and every other night for the villagers to make sure that all of the people would be healthy enough to reach the city of Zalnothel. It didn’t take him long anyway, just around fifteen to twenty minutes for the whole caravan and around thirty to forty minutes for the villagers.

While the caravan was traveling, Anton flew up again to check the surrounding area. The army of the undead was still in the distance and he was glad to see that it still wasn’t moving. He did notice that some undead monster groups were nearing their caravan so he immediately flew towards those groups and annihilated them using Frozen Orb. Anton made sure to use spells from the Ice Skill Tree since it was in the height of summer and if he weren’t careful and used fire spells, he could cause some sort of forest fire. Even though the idea of a forest fire that would harm the undead looked good, Anton knew that eventually, a truly large forest fire would be harmful to people as well.

Anton kept destroying groups of undead in the surrounding area so he was busy the whole afternoon. After several hours, he couldn’t find any more groups of undead so he returned to the caravan and informed his father of what he had been doing. After that, he went inside his carriage to rest.

“Anton, where have you been?!” Anna asked when saw Anton.

“I was making sure that the Undead Army wasn’t following us. I also destroyed several groups of undead in the surrounding area to make sure that we would not be attacked while we were camping.”

“Were there a lot of them?” Anna timidly asked and even her maids looked fearful.

“Yes there were but you don’t need to worry. I destroyed all of them. I need to rest so don’t bother me for a bit.”

Anton then closed his eyes while he was resting in a nest of pillows but after a few minutes, Colin entered and brought a lot of wooden lanterns that the caravan people had made.

“Anton, your father told me to tell you to enchant these lanterns so we would have more light every night.”

Anton was a bit shocked at the number of lanterns. Based on a casual look, there were fifty of them. He sighed and started enchanting the lanterns one by one.

“You should rest first brother. Father will understand if you don’t enchant them yet. You have been busy all afternoon making sure that we’re safe!” Anna complained.

“This would only take a few minutes,” Anton absently replied.

Colin looked guilty and Anna was glaring at Anton’s assistant even though it wasn’t the man’s fault and was just following orders.

The caravan stopped for the night when Anton completed enchanting all of the lanterns. When he and Anna joined their father for dinner, Anna complained loudly to Anders for not letting her brother rest and asking him to enchant a lot of items even though Anton was busy all afternoon making sure they were safe.

Anders looked a bit guilty.

“I understand that Anna but we need a lot of light to make sure that the area is well-lit for our guards to have visibility.”

“You don’t need to worry about me, Anna. I wasn’t really tired earlier. I just wanted to rest my mind for a bit,” Anton consoled his sister but apparently, that statement didn’t help since it made Ander look guiltier and made Anna more frustrated.

The caravan cooks served everyone’s dinner and while they were eating, Anton told everyone what he had seen and did during the afternoon. He mentioned that the undead army should be farther away by now since ever since they started traveling, the army of the undead they he saw didn’t move at all and he told them his assumption that maybe the undead army was allowing Anton and his family’s caravan to get away before they made their move.

He also informed everyone that many groups of undead he destroyed earlier and this brought relief to everyone's faces.

After dinner, Anton repeated his healing session, and after an hour he completed healing everyone including the villagers.

Anton wasn’t able to play the game during the next three days of travel since he kept flying overhead to make sure that the undead army wouldn’t suddenly travel hastily to attack them. He also managed to destroy more groups of undead that were following their caravan and Anton thought that the undead were using those groups to harass them so they would travel towards Zalnothel faster.

During those three days of travel, the villagers were grateful to the caravan for allowing their wizard to heal them since everyone looked healthy and not exhausted. The problem that his father and the others were talking about right now was food.

Since Anton moved fast and was able to destroy the surrounding undead, the people were still able to hunt animals to supplement their food intake. But they could only hunt in the areas toward Zalnothel since they couldn’t find any animals behind them. They were probably destroyed by the undead and to be honest about it, the people were afraid of going back and maybe encountering some lingering undead monsters.

Anders also commanded some of the guards to hunt animals for food and they weren’t afraid of any of them spoiling since Anton began utilizing his private stash again to store the food so they would remain fresh.

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