My Favorite Game Followed Me!

Chapter 159

The caravan arrived at the next village around a couple of hours before lunch the next day but sadly, it was already destroyed. The caravan people and the people from the last village only looked sad as if they were expecting something like this to happen.

They knew that there were untold numbers of undead monsters in the surrounding area and Anders already had someone announce to the villagers that the Undead Coalition already attacked several cities behind them and was in the process of destroying the surrounding towns and villages. The villagers believed the people from the caravan since an undead army did arrive in their village and all of them would have died if the caravan’s wizard didn’t attack the army to let them escape.

Not only that, the caravan’s young wizard also healed them and relieved them of their exhaustion so the villagers were on the verge of worshipping the mage.

Every house was thoroughly destroyed and nothing remained that anyone could use. The creepy part was there were no corpses. All of the people knew that the people who had lived in this place were either eaten by the undead or became undead themselves.

Anders commanded the caravan to continue moving and bypass the destroyed village. The next town was supposed to be five days away from this village but Anton saw that almost all the villagers and even some of the people from the caravan lost hope in ever finding any survivors from the next towns and villages that they would pass through in going to the city of Zalnothel.

Anton flew up again to make sure that there were no more undead near them and based on what he found, there were no monsters near this place anymore. Lunchtime arrived and Anders stopped the caravan to rest their horses.

After an hour, they moved again. They didn’t want to stay in a place where the undead destroyed everything. Even though Anton assured everyone that there were no more undead left in the area, there was still the feeling of dread surrounding the people as if any moment, the monsters would arrive and kill them all.

Anton repeatedly flew up to check the area but that action didn’t take him long now since there were no more undead attempting to get close to his father’s caravan since if there were any, he would immediately destroy them.

He knew that he wasn’t successful in destroying all of the nearby undead since some of the monsters may be hiding and Anton didn’t have any magic that could search the nearby monsters.

The rest of the time when he wasn’t patrolling, he decided to study the Ice Bolt magic wand to increase the amount of Ice Bolt it could release before the wand got destroyed but unfortunately, the wooden wand could only release a maximum of twenty Ice Bolts before it was destroyed and that was as far as he could go using the wooden materials.

Anton thought that using metals or any material aside from wood would be better but unfortunately, the materials that he had were limited. He was also unsuccessful in increasing the power of the Ice Bolt spell on the wands since the level of the spells that he could enchant on an item was based on the level of spell that he had.

He tried enchanting a magic wand with a powerful Frozen Orb spell but the wand was destroyed even before he completed the spell structure of the Frozen Orb spell.

Basically, a typical zombie would be destroyed by two or three Ice Bolts from the magic wand that Anton made. A ghoul would take more, around four or five but to his thinking, the magic wand that he made would be good for emergencies so he began making a lot of them. Before the sunset, he managed to create around twelve of them.

When the caravan set up camp for the night, Anton skipped his usual patrol since it was already too dark for him to be able to detect any nearby undead.

While they were waiting for the caravan cooks to serve their dinner, Anton gave the wands to his father.

“What are these?” Anders asked.

“Those are magic wands of Ice Bolt that I made. It had around twenty Ice Bolts each and after the twentieth Ice Bolt was released, the wand would be destroyed so if anyone wanted to save the wand for me to repair them, they needed to make sure to use only around eighteen or nineteen Ice Bolt but the purpose of making these wand was for our guards to have some sort of long-range attack and I made those wands as disposable weapons so tell the people you will give the wand to not hesitate in using them. They’re there to save their lives.”

“How will anyone know that they almost reached the maximum spells that wand had released?” Anders asked.

“I made an indicator that’s in the handle. The wands you’re using, Father, are really advanced. You instinctively know how many spell charges are left but unfortunately, I don’t know how they were made. Another thing that your wands had the advantage of, even if you released all the spells in the wands, they would not be destroyed but the wands that I made would automatically disintegrate once the twentieth Ice Bolt was released,” Anton said.

“Not only that, the wand holder can cast the spells in the wand instinctively. Yours had some sort of awkward trigger,” Anna added and Anton glared at his sister.

When Frederick heard what Anna had said, the mage let out a nervous laugh which made Anton roll his eyes.

“Even with those limitations, these are good for life-saving purposes!” Devon said.

“That was what I was thinking,” Anton added.

Anders then gave the wands to Lucas and told the man to handle the wands’ distribution. Anton told his father that he would make some more while they were traveling.

Anton saw Devon going to his father to ask for one of the wands and the man was very persistent and managed to get one from his father.

“Lucas, I would recommend that you allow your men to practice casting at least ten Ice bolts from the wand so they would be comfortable using it then once around ten Ice Bolts were remaining, give them back to me so I could repair them,” Anton said to Lucas and the man nodded.

After dinner, Anton began his round of healing sessions for the caravan people. Since everyone was getting used to their nightly healing ritual, it took Anton around fifteen minutes to complete it. Then he took a bath and planned to unwind by watching an anime but the moment his head touched his pillow, he fell asleep immediately.

Anton was woken up by shouts from outside the carriage and Anna and her maids woke up as well. He was about to exit the carriage to check the situation when Colin entered and informed them that everything was in order. Some undead attacked the villagers but the monsters were immediately destroyed by the Ice Bolt wand holders led by Devon.

Twelve men wielding wands of Ice Bolt destroyed the ghouls that were spotted running towards the sleeping villagers who were accompanying their caravan on the way to Zalnothel. No one was injured so there was no need for Anton to leave the carriage. Since he was still sleepy, Anton just laid down back again and immediately fell asleep again.

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