My Favorite Game Followed Me!

Chapter 160

The sun wasn’t up yet when Anton woke up. He briefly checked the time in his browser and saw that it was five in the morning. He wondered how one would know the time normally or if were they just like the people in the old times on Earth relying on the sun, stars, and instinct. He hadn’t seen any items that could tell the time in his father’s belongings and decided then that he would create enchanted watches for his father and Anna.

He then suddenly wondered when his father and Anna’s birthdays and he decided he would ask Anna later.

Anton knew that his birthday was somewhere in December or January, he forgot exactly when but the important fact that he noticed was the name of the days and months and the division of time. Why were they the same as his worlds’? Maybe it was actually different and his brain just interpreted them the same. Either way, he was not truly a scholar and deep thinker of such things so he didn’t bother to focus on them anymore. The only things that he was interested in from his old world were the entertainment media content like novels, animes, movies, television shows, and games. Aside from that, he wasn’t keen on learning anything more from Earth like its current state of politics and such things.

Anton just wished that Earth would remain stable for as long as he lived to make sure that the making of the media entertainment content that he loved would not be interrupted.

Since it was early, Anton decided to make more wands of Ice Bolt since based on what happened during the wee hours of the morning, the wands were highly effective so after a couple of hours, he successfully made seven wands of Ice Bolt.

During breakfast, Lucas gave the wands back to Anton so he could recharge them and after having Charsi repair and recharge the wands, he gave them back to Lucas including the new ones he made. Anders, Lucas, and the other guards were happy to see more of the wands since they were highly effective against the undead.

After breakfast, the caravan’s journey started again and Anton flew up to check the undead army and the surrounding area for any visible undead groups. He was glad to see that the undead army wasn’t moving still and they were now moving farther away from them. He also didn’t see any undead nearby so he flew back down and reported the situation to his father which made Anders happy.

The summer season brought forth a very hot and humid temperature on the road and everyone in the caravan was greatly appreciative of Anton’s wooden tablet of air conditioner. Anders and the others were thankful that there were plenty of water and animals in the forest so the traveling people had enough food and water.

After three days of traveling, they saw the next town in the distance and everyone was happy to see that people were alive and apparently doing well in the town but the scouts also said that the town was surrounded by walls and the guards there were vigilant so more than likely, they were aware of the undead attacks.

During the three days of travel, some situations occurred like people getting poisoned from their drinking water but Anton’s healing magic solved that issue real quick. To avoid that same situation happening to the caravan people, Anton asked his father to let the caravan people throw out the water they had taken from the streams and he would just fill it up with water from his Frozen Orb spell. The effect of the mana water would not be a problem since it did dissipate in time that’s why Anna kept asking Anton to create brand new mana water for bathing and drinking.

Anton also gave more wands of Ice Bolt to Lucas who distributed them to the guards and after three more undead attack attempts that were immediately solved by the Ice Bolt company, the caravan people, and the villagers morale was high.

During those three days of travel, Anton also leveled up three times so now he was level eighty-three. He also managed to get some valuable loot but his current gear setup was the best one that had gotten so far.

When they got near the town, everyone saw that the gates remained closed then somebody came to talk to them.

“You are not welcome in our town!” The man shouted and immediately went back inside the town.

At first, Anders and the others were planning to share everything they had learned about the Undead Coalition with the town leaders so they could decide if they wanted to stay or flee but since the town ahead of them didn’t welcome them, Anders just shrugged and commanded the caravan to move forward.

The villagers who had been following them were sad that the town didn’t welcome them and that they couldn’t rest there for a while but honestly, all the villagers didn’t want to get separated from the caravan since they felt safe with it guarding them. The powerful wizard inside the caravan even provided his guards magic wands that were able to defeat the undead in an instant so even though they were looking to rest even for a few hours in that town, all of them still wanted to stick with the caravan all the way to the wizard city of Zalnothel.

The caravan people and the villagers were looking at the town sadly since they knew for a fact that the town was going to be destroyed by the undead armies. Everyone had learned that the Undead Coalition fully intended to destroy all of the towns and villages near Zalnothel. Some of the villagers attempted to inform the town but they were driven away by the guards manning the walls even before they could utter anything.

After passing through the unwelcoming town, Anton thought of the fact that the water from the streams could be unsafe since there was a chance that the undead could have poisoned them, Anton decided to invent an enchanted item that would provide water and since it was just a modification of wooden tablet of air conditioner, he was able to complete one before they setup camp for the night.

One thing Anton discovered though. The water from the enchanted item that he made wasn’t mana water and was just regular water. He thought that maybe because the spell wasn’t directly cast by him but by the spell structure that was formed because of the mana pathways that were carved into the wooden tablet.

The enchanted item that could produce water was crude though and Anton was almost embarrassed to show it to everyone. It looked like the wooded tablet of air conditioner but what the user would do was suspend it upside down on a bucket and water would come out of the orb then once the bucket or any container that was being used was filled with water, the user then would need to switch off the enchanted item.

After dinner, Anton showed his newly crafted enchanted item to his father and Anna laughed when he demonstrated how one could get water from the item.

“That is so awkward!” Anna laughingly said.

“I know but we need the item more instead of making it more aesthetic looking so I rushed to create it. I don’t even know how much water it can produce so Frederick can you measure how much water a full mana storage of that item would produce?” Anton said.

Frederick said that he would handle it. The mage also asked for another one of those items that he could provide the villagers so they could avoid drinking water from the surrounding area and getting sick in the process. Anton made one immediately since it would only take him a few minutes to do so. It wouldn’t take him much time to create one since it was just a modification of a wooden tablet of air conditioner.

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