My Favorite Game Followed Me!

Chapter 161

After dinner, Frederick went where the villagers were camping and Anton followed the mage. Frederick called on the village chief who was still acting as everyone’s leader then gave the tablet to the man. He then demonstrated how the tablet was used and showed the village chief the indicator of the mana storage.

Frederick told the village chief to return the tablet to him once the mana storage was empty. He also told the chief to be very generous in giving out the water and count the buckets of water that the tablet would produce since he would need to know how much water a tablet with full mana storage would give.

The village chief was very respectful and kept saying thanks to Frederick and Anton.  After that, Anton bathed and provided mana water for his family and friends, and then he went inside his carriage. He entered the game and spent an hour making wands of Ice Bolt. He would give the wands to Lucas the next day then he started playing the game at Player Three Difficulty on Hell mode using the Player X code then went to Baal to spend a couple of hours grinding for levels.

Anton’s plan was when he reached the mid-nineties, he would then get the Annihilus Small Charm and Hellfire Torch Large Charm. He reiterated to himself that he was glad that he had access to the internet and could follow the guide on how to get the unique charms.

A couple of hours of grinding led him to earn three levels so now he was level eighty-six but sadly the unique items that he had gotten weren’t as powerful as the ones that he was currently wearing.

After a couple of hours, Anton minimized the game and spent an hour wasting time watching funny short videos from a famous streaming site and then fell asleep.

The next day, Anton woke up early and joined his family in eating breakfast. While they were waiting for the cooks to serve breakfast, Anton asked his father about their food situation.

“We’re still mostly okay. Our guards were able to hunt animals in the forest and Lucas made sure that there were a few of them in a group to make sure that they would be safe and able to fight any undead group they encountered. They were also utilizing the wands that you gave them in hunting animals since it would also allow them to practice using the wands. There were also groups of men and women who went to the forest to forage some fruits and greens but of course, we’re making sure that they were guarded by guards who are carrying wands.” Anders said.

Anton reminded his father that he still had a huge amount of grains in barrels inside his private stash and Anders told him that he was aware of that and would only take it out once there was not enough food. Anders was thankful that his “magical dimension space” would keep the food fresh and Anders also happily informed his son that his new ring had the same feature so it was now also being used to store the animals that the guards killed for food.

Lucas then gave the spent wands to Anton who recharged and repaired them by allowing Charsi to do so and immediately gave them back to the head guard including the ones he recently made, which put a smile on the stoic man’s face.

After breakfast, they started their journey for the day. According to Lucas, they would reach the next village in three days and everyone was hoping that that village still existed.  Anton briefly flew up to check the undead army and saw that they were now very far away from the monsters and was a bit relieved. He also checked the surrounding area and did not see any groups of undead at a casual inspection.

Anna on the other hand was truly focused on studying and practicing her magic. She said that she didn’t want to feel helpless again when something dangerous happened. Sometimes she spent all day practicing especially during the recent days since she mentioned that she felt that she was on the verge of being able to add another cantrip to her repertoire which flabbergasted Frederick since according to him, he was able to collect his few cantrips after several years of practice. That meant that Anna was a truly talented mage considering her age, which Frederick said wasn’t truly surprising considering who her brother was.

During the next three days of travel, Anton advised Anders to search for a blacksmith that they could employ even temporarily since he told his father that he was sure that if he used metal in place of wood in his wand making, he could increase the number of Ice Bolt charges that the wand could release before it was destroyed since considering the amount of mana in its mana storage, it should be more than twenty charges but the fact that the wand disintegrates after the twentieth Ice Bolt wasted the remaining mana on the wand’s mana storage.

Anders told him that his father would prioritize finding a blacksmith. Unfortunately, the village chief couldn’t find the blacksmith that was staying near their village and there was a good chance that the blacksmith and his family were already deceased.

During those three days of travel, Anton spent his time after his daily patrol which only took him less than an hour each morning to level up his character and experiment with his enchantment. He still practiced his lute for an hour each day though since the music calmed his mind and because of the internet, he had an unlimited amount of songs that he could use to practice. Not only that, during his practice, everyone inside the carriage stopped whatever they were doing to listen to him even listening to his fingering and scale practice.

Frederick also informed him of the amount of water that the tablet enchanted to produce water could create and he was surprised at the amount and concluded that magic could really make life easier.  They still didn’t have a name for the enchanted item that could produce water so he assigned Frederick to come up with one which surprisingly, excited the man and told Anton that it would be his honor to name the item.

Anton also decided to announce a contest to everyone in the caravan to design an aesthetically pleasing woodcraft that he could attach to the enchanted tablet that produced water so everyone would have some sort of exciting thing that they could do and asked his father to reward the winner with gold coins. Everyone joined in on the fun including Anna and her maids. Anna decided to design one of her own and her maids partnered up to design one. Of course, they would need to ask someone to make their design once they had completed it but that’s their problem.

While grinding for levels, Anton also thought of which item he would create next and decided to focus on the design and efficiency of the sword enchanted with fire and then the armor enchanted with Frozen Armor.

Those three days of travel also allowed Anton to level up three times so he was now level eighty-nine and wondered why it was taking him so long to level up. He was guessing that it was because he was not an expert like the Diablo II gods of the internet like Mr. Llama and Dbrunski.

Anton then wondered what would happen if they were the ones who were transported to this place carrying the Diablo II system. He imagined that they would become so powerful that they most likely would have become gods by now.

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