My Favorite Game Followed Me!

Chapter 163

Anton joined his family at the table that was set up for their dinner. The camp was now very noisy due to the new people that joined them from the last village. The caravan’s camp was very bright compared to the villager’s campsite due to the numerous enchanted lanterns that Anton had created which made the caravan the center of the camp.

“It’s better that way so any monsters would obviously know which was the center and would head towards us and our guards, equipped with the wands that you’ve made, would be able to deal with them immediately,” Anders said.

“I can’t wait to reach Zalnothel. I’m beginning to get tired of all this traveling and I couldn’t even enjoy it since I’m afraid that the undead would suddenly attack us,” Anna said forlornly.

Anton then guessed that he was not the only one stressed out by the feeling of waiting to be attacked and he was a powerful mage. He couldn’t imagine the people who didn’t have the power to contend with the monsters and had to worry about how to protect their wives and their children. He would probably go crazy if that was the case.

To get their minds off the undead that may or may not attack them, Anton reported the items that he had removed from the vampire’s storage ring. He didn’t even care if anyone outside of the people seated at the table overheard it.

“Father, I checked the magic items we received from that elder vampire. There were ten first-level spellbooks, eight second-level spellbooks, six third-level spellbooks, five fourth-level spellbooks, three fifth-level spellbooks, two sixth-level spellbooks, and one seventh-level spellbook which was the Blizzard spellbook. There were also four magic wands, three enchanted armor, three enchanted swords, and ten miscellaneous enchanted items. I don’t know the details of the magic items yet but once I’ve examined them, I’ll give them all to you except for the spellbooks. You can wear them or give them to our guards or sell them, it’s your decision Father.”

Everyone gasped when they heard what Anton said.

“You shouldn’t have said that!” Frederick said while looking around as if the mage was checking out possible thieves in the surroundings.

Anton rolled his eyes.

“Is there anyone here who’s foolish enough to attempt to steal from me?”

“Anton! You shouldn’t assume. Some thieves are very powerful and can steal even from archmages. Frederick is just concerned about you.”

Anton relented and apologized to Frederick but the apology just made the mage anxious.

“You don’t have to apologize, Sir Anton. Your behavior is typical of powerful wizards!”

“Well, that may be typical of wizards but no son of mine would be rude to others,” Anders said sternly.

Anna laughed at his brother and Anton rolled his eyes at his sister secretly since he didn’t want Anders to see it and trigger his father again.

“Father, I’ll join you in your carriage tomorrow. Please allow Nemina and Lucas to join us while I give you the items one by one as soon as I check their details.”

Anna clamored to join since she was curious about what the magic items were and everyone could see that Frederick was anxious as well so Anders relented and told the mage that he could join as well.

Their dinner then was served by the caravan cooks and while they were eating, Lucas asked if Anton made more wands. He apologized to the head guard and told Lucas that there wasn’t enough time to make more and would do so at a later time.

After dinner, Anton took a bath and went inside his carriage to rest. He was exhausted so although he planned to watch some animes to unwind, he fell asleep immediately.

The next day, once the sun rose, Anton flew up to check the surrounding area and was happy to note that they were now so far away that he couldn’t almost see the undead army anymore and he didn’t see any undead monsters in the surrounding forest. Of course, the monsters could be hiding but he was now confident that any normal undead could be handled by the guards without any issues.

After breakfast, he joined his father inside his carriage. Anna joined as well and the people that were already inside were Nemina, Lucas, and Frederick. Anton saw that Nemina had already prepared to list all the items in her notebook.

Once everyone was settled and comfortable and the carriage was moving steadily Anton began listing all the enchanted items that he had received from the vampire.

“The first items that I would check are the wands. The first wand is a common one which is a Wand of Magic Missile and It has sixty charges.”

Anton immediately gave the wand to his father who examined it and Nemina listed the wand in her notebook. Anna commented on why it was always Magic Missile.

“The second wand was still a common one which is the Wand of Fire Ball and it has twenty charges,” Anton told his father that all the items would be repaired and recharged before leaving his hands then he gave the wand to Anders.

Anders immediately stored the wands in his ring and waited for Anton to continue.

“The third wand is called a Wand of Cone of Frost and it has thirty charges. Although my system informed me of the value of the damage that the wands could release it would be meaningless since the best thing a user could do to know for sure is to practice using it. If the one who was going to use it is one of us, they don’t have to worry about the charges since I could recharge the wands anytime.”

Anders kept the wand immediately and Nemina kept on listing the details of the items. Anton could see his Father beginning to smile.

“The last wand is called the Wand of Ice Golem. It would allow the holder to summon an ice golem and it would have a twenty minutes duration. It has ten charges.”

Anton was now smiling widely and even Frederick was looking at the wands enviously.

“Now the second set of items are the enchanted armors and as I’ve said, there’s three of them. The first one is Armor of Repulsion which meant that it would release some sort of magic that would repulse the attacker. The second armor is called Armor of Vitality which would increase the health or vitality of the wearer and the last one is called Armor of Regeneration which would regenerate the wearer’s injuries rapidly. Again, the users should be the ones experimenting on the armors so they would know for sure how they worked.”

Even Lucas was now interested while Anders's smile kept growing and even Nemina was now smiling since they knew that the value of the enchanted items was tremendous.

“Now the next set of items were the three enchanted swords and they were the Sword of Ice, Sword of Fire, and Sword of Lighting. Every attack of the sword will contain the said elements and they don’t have mana storage like the ones I’ve made meaning that the enchantment will work as long as they’re being used but they do have durability, meaning that they would wear out in every use until the swords are destroyed but remember that I could fix it. I don’t know if an ordinary blacksmith could fix it though. Again, the users would need to experiment on their own to learn what the damage of the swords is because me giving out numerical value is again meaningless.”

Lucas then mentioned something important.

“Regular blacksmiths couldn’t fix an enchanted sword, only magic blacksmiths but those are very rare and they tend to charge tremendous amounts of coins.”

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