My Favorite Game Followed Me!

Chapter 164

Anton told everyone he was done identifying and listing the wands, swords, and armor. The next items that he would list were all miscellaneous enchanted items and just like him, everyone seemed more interested in finding out what those were.

Wands, swords, and armor were excellent since they could use them to become more powerful and that meant that they could defend the caravan better but enchanted miscellaneous items were highly interesting and some old stories were based on enchanted items according to Frederick.

Anna even cited an example which was the sea shell that the sea witch Ursula used to capture the little mermaid Ariel’s voice. Anton rolled his eyes at that and told Anna that the little mermaid was just a fairy tale but then Anna said that it could be based on a true story, Anton didn’t dispute his sister anymore since this was a magical world and anything was possible.

“Based on a casual perusal, the items that the vampire collected were mostly based on controlling others through sex and seduction,” Anton told everyone.

“Should we let Anna hear what those enchanted items were?” Anders asked worriedly.

When Anna heard what her father had said, she protested loudly and argued that it would be better to know so she could have the chance to defend herself against such sort of things.

Anton was impressed at Anna’s logical argument since that made their father agree to let her stay.

“The first item is a mask and is called the Mask of Confusion. The wearer will have the power to cause confusion to beings who look at the wearer’s face while wearing the mask. I think this could be somewhat useful in battle since it did state that it would work on “beings” meaning animals and possibly monsters but I don’t know if it would work on undead,” Anton began.

“The second item is called The Ring of Powder Poison. It’s a malicious ring that has a tiny compartment that produces poison. The third item is called the Brooch of Seduction and the wearer will have the power to seduce their target victim. Number four is called the Colar of Male Vitality and it will only work on male wearer. It will allow the user to last for several hours in bed,” Anton continued but stopped on the fourth item since Lucas, Nemina,
Frederick and Anders laughed out loud.

Anton expected his sister to blush and stammer but she just had a questioning look on her face.

“What does it mean? Will the wearer sleep longer since his vitality is better?” Anna asked and her questions made everyone laugh harder.

Anna kept pestering everyone to explain it to her but Anders informed her that she didn’t need to know the details of that item.

“Lucas, would you like to try it?” Anton slyly asked.

“Don’t need it,” Lucas just stated and Nemina smiled.

Everyone laughed again and Anton continued listing all of the enchanted items.

“The fifth item is called a Tiara of False Beauty. Anyone who wears it would look extremely beautiful. The sixth item is called the Bracelet of Fear. The wearer would have the power to cast the fear spell. The next item is called the Hourglass of Fast Sleep. This one, I think, is beneficial and I would like to keep it. It would allow the user to fall asleep fast,” Anton paused for a bit to allow Nemina to complete listing the details of the items that he had listed so far.

While they were waiting for Nemina to finish, Anton talked to his father.

“Are you going to keep them father or sell them?”

“I’ll keep them. There are many ways for us to earn coins but magical items are rare,” Anders said and Frederick nodded in agreement

After Nemina was done, Anton continued to list the remaining items.

“Item number eight is called the Whistle of Bird Summoning. I don’t know if the user could control the summoned birds though. The ninth item is arguably one of the best items in the bunch and it’s called the Cape of Levitation. Wearer can levitate but I don’t know how high and how long so you have to test it out, Father. The last item is good as well and it’s called the Boots of Stealth. The wearer can enter stealth mode and again you will need to conduct some testing to check its capabilities. I cleansed all the items and they should be safe to use since I removed any curses that could harm the users.”

“Father, can I try the cape? I want to fly like Anton!” Anna suddenly asked.

“I’ll let you try it out during lunchtime when we stop,” Anders said to his daughter.

Anders kept all of the items in his storage ring and after that, Anton and Anna went to their carriage.

When they were inside their carriage, Anna said something that made Anton laugh.

“Once Father gave me the flying cape, I’ll be able to fly just like you, and with my two wands and my four cantrips, I’m now a powerful sorceress!”

While on the journey, Anton thought of the spellbooks that he had in his inventory and thought about memorizing them but then he thought that leveling up would be much more beneficial so he entered his game and continued grinding for levels.

Lunchtime arrived and Anton heard someone calling his attention so he stopped his grind and minimized the game after parking his character beside his private stash in the Rogue Encampment.

Anton then saw Colin calling him and when his assistant saw that his attention was now on him, Colin mentioned that his father was requesting his presence for lunch so he followed Colin outside and joined his family.

“We’ll try out some of the enchanted items after lunch,” Anders told his son while they were eating.

Lucas also asked if he had made more of the wands but he told the man that he was focused on meditating and would create more after lunch.

Anton would have preferred to continue grinding since the morning grind only brought him a single level. He was now level ninety-one but he couldn’t wait to reach max level since according to the last system update that he had received, he would be able to choose another class.

He didn’t know how it would work though. Would he start fresh on a new gameplay once he chose the Druid class? He guessed that he would still have access to his sorcerer items and spells in the real world but not in the new gameplay. With regards to class-specific spells, will he have access to all of them in the real world or would there be a switching mechanism? He guessed that he would have access to all of his spells.

Anton would have preferred to choose Necromances since aside from Sorceress, the other character that he had extensively played was the Necromancer but since the Undead Coalition was in the process of conquering all of the lands, if anybody found out that he had the power of a necromancer they might assume that he was a traitor.  He would also have preferred to choose the Paladin class for its anti-undead skills but according to the update, he would need to choose the magic-based class first so that meant Druid and then Necromancer.

He wasn’t worried about not getting the class skills of the warrior-based classes though since based on his Diablo II system update, it’s almost guaranteed that once he was done acquiring all of the magic-class-based characters, he would be able to get the warrior-based classes.

That meant that his Diablo II system was truly powerful and that there was really no need for him to study the magic of this world since based on his system’s skill tree alone, it would be enough to make sure that he would become very powerful.

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