My Favorite Game Followed Me!

Chapter 165

At first, Anton thought of studying the magic of this world since it would also make him powerful and he could use them to disguise his Diablo II system but since he was now not planning to join any magic university, and just joined an organization be it the army or a private organization that would fight the Undead Coalition, a few spells from this world magic system would be enough as a disguise and based on the situation, he thought that the people would not concentrate on where his magic came from and would just be happy that someone would be willing to fight the undead.

But all of that was just his assumption so he still would need to be careful while he was with others, especially about his magic until he knew for sure.

After lunch, Anders allowed Anna to try out the Cape of Levitation, and when Anton’s sister did, she floated for about six feet and was able to control the levitation’s movement although the speed was only as fast as a man could sprint.

According to Anna, the cape would allow her to levitate for a maximum of ten minutes and then the magical item would slowly bring her down and then it had to rest for an hour. Anton was amazed at how the magic items in this world informed their user how their function worked. There was no screen or anything like that, they would just know instinctively how the items function, and to Anton, that was really magical.

Even the process of casting the spell from a wand and knowing how many spell charges a wand had remaining was instinctive for the user and it was truly magical to him and as of now, Anton still couldn’t copy it.

At first, Anton asked Anders to sacrifice one of the enchanted items so he could dismantle it and study it but Anders declined and said that he could buy cheap enchanted items once they arrived in Zalnothel since he would just destroy the items.

After testing out a few more of the new enchanted items like the Boots of Stealth and the Whistle of Bird Summoning, they continued on their travel to the city and Anders just told everyone that they would conduct the testing during their stops for their night camp.

When night arrived, Anton’s father and the others continued testing the enchanted items after dinner but Anton didn’t join them. After bathing, he immediately went to his carriage and entered the game. He would now concentrate on reaching the maximum level so he could choose the next class.

They would arrive in Zalnothel in less than two weeks and there was only one town left that they would pass through before arriving in the said city.

According to Colin, who learned from the other villagers, the next town was five days' travel from where they were. During the next few days of travel, Anton provided Lucas with a few more wands of Ice Bolts but stopped when the number of wands reached forty.

Basically, the caravan had two companies consisting of twenty wand wielders each group aside for those that weren’t lucky enough to receive the wands. Anton told Lucas that forty wands were enough and that he had to concentrate now on his meditation. Anton could see that Lucas would have preferred to receive more wands but since the maker now insisted on stopping, the head guard didn’t have any choice but to accept the fact that forty wands would have to be enough.

During the next few days of travel, Anton didn’t make any more enchanted items and decided to truly concentrate on playing the game. Of course, he didn’t stop watching animes, movies, or television shows or reading web novels for at least a couple of hours each day since they did help him unwind.

Anton also didn’t stop practicing his lute for an hour each day and had to check out some advanced guitar tutorials on the internet. Once they reached Zalnothel, he would search for a guitar since he wanted a guitar instead of a tiny lute.

Regarding healing the people and the animals, Anton still healed the horses every night but stopped healing the people except for his family and friends, and others only when needed.

Anna and Frederick also concentrated on their magic. Anna wanted to be able to cast a first-level spell before she joined any magic academy and Frederick wanted to increase the number of first-level spells that he could cast so he could be useful to Anders. He expressed to Anton that he didn’t want to go back to adventuring. He wanted to remain as the family’s wizard and focus on his magic.

Anton also kept his daily flight before they left the caravan campsite and was glad to note that he was the undead army was now so tiny in the distance and soon, he would not be able to see them anymore. There were also no more undead groups near their caravan so that was a load off from everybody’s mind and they hadn’t encountered any undead attack during the nights.

Two days before they arrived in the last town before the city of Zalnothel, Anton was woken up by one of the guards during the night.

“What happened?” Anton asked the guard.

“Sir, Mr. Ander’s commanded me to invite you. Someone dangerous and important arrived,” The guard replied.

He immediately followed the guards and was glad that Anna didn’t wake up since more than likely, she would have clamored to join him and would have had to spend several minutes telling her to not follow him since the guard was truly nervous when he informed him about the visitor who was “dangerous”.

When he arrived in his father’s carriage, Anders informed him that three vampires were loitering just outside their campsite but the guards didn’t attack since the vampire asked for him saying they wanted to talk to the caravan’s archmage and then just waited there.

According to his Father, Lucas told him that the vampires were truly powerful and could have wiped out the entire mercenary groups without any issue.

Anton immediately cast his Frozen Armor and Energy Shield then activated his Prayer and Meditation Aura. He didn’t activate his Vigor Aura since he didn’t switch weapons making sure that his power was at its peak. He immediately flew towards where Lucas bringing Anders with him.

They arrived after a few seconds with Anton’s father complaining that the next time Anton planned to lift him with his magic, he should warn him first.

Anton saw and recognized one of the vampires that was just outside the campsite perimeter. It was the elder vampire that he captured and interrogated. When he approached the monsters, he saw the two vampires beside the elder vampire tensed as if readying themselves for battle but with a word from the elder vampire, they relaxed and assumed a submissive stance.

Anton then thought of the reason why the vampire would come to him and thought of the possibility that maybe he made a mistake in letting the elder vampire live.

“What are you doing here?” Anton asked the vampire calmly.

He wanted to project calmness and not a suspicious or angry expression since based on the novels that he had read, which admittedly could be wrong, calmness was sometimes more effective than showing an angry or suspicious front.

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