My Favorite Game Followed Me!

Chapter 168

The elder vampire suddenly laughed and Anders and Lucas were startled.

“What are you laughing about?” Anders asked the vampire, irritated at the sudden sound.

“I’m happy that I didn’t make any mistake of tying myself to Sir Anton. The fact that Sir’s magic is unique and limitless meant that I tied myself to someone who will become a god someday!”

Anton just rolled his eyes at the vampire’s comment.

“I would still recommend that you choose the Druid Class so that people will not associate you with the Undead Coalition. It’s understandable for you to have vampire servants since you are a powerful wizard who defeated them in battle and instead of them dying, they just pledge themselves to you. But having the power of the currently hated necromancers is a bit much,” Lucas suggested.

“You know this, why do you still ask us for advice regarding the path that you will choose?” Anders asked his son.

Anton was about to say that he was much used to the necromancer class but held himself off since if he said that, he knew that it would sound weird so he just gave his father a shrug.

After that conversation, Anton told his father and Lucas that he would go back to his carriage to sleep. He then saw Anders and Lucas invite the vampire somewhere, probably to grill them with more information. Anton then thought of the fact that there was a good chance that Anders would purchase a separate carriage for the vampires since he was sure that no one would stay with them. Even he who owned the slave contract would be truly averse to staying in the same carriage as the undead monsters and thought of the fact that he should learn not to discriminate since after he maxed the Druid class, the next one would be a necromancer.

The next day, Anton joined his father at the breakfast table and saw Zenoxus following Anders. He knew that the vampires could walk in the daytime without any issue since he fought with them in the daytime before.

“Where are Lunetta and Ecturne?” Anton asked his father while he joined them on the table.

“I commanded them to patrol the surroundings to make sure that no monster would attack our caravan,” Anders said.

Anton noticed that while Lucas and Nemina were looking at Zenoxus with suspicion and trepidation, the others were behaving normally including Anna and Frederick.

“By the way Anton, this is Zenoxus. He is a powerful mage who applied to be my bodyguard and I accepted him,” Anders said to Anton.

Anton saw that Anna was looking at the elder vampire suspiciously and was a bit impressed by Anna’s intuition but her maid was looking at the elder vampire with calf eyes and he almost laughed out loud.

The vampire was indeed handsome but he was guessing that its attractiveness was part and parcel of being a vampire since it would allow them to hunt humans effectively but that was just his assumption based on the novels and television shows that he had consumed while he was still on Earth.

After breakfast, Anton returned to the carriage but before he did, he told his father that he would tell Anna about Zenoxus and his two progenies and Anders just nodded.

When Anton entered the carriage, he was joined by Anna, her two maids, and Colin.

“Anna, I have something to tell you.”

“Do you need us to leave the carriage, Sir Anton?” Colin asked indicating himself and the two maids.

“No, you can stay and listen.  Please don’t share this with anybody else, do I have your word?” Anton asked everyone inside the carriage, and with their nods, he continued.

“Zenoxus, Lunetta, and Ecturne are vampires. Zenoxus is an elder vampire that I defeated and Luminetta and Ecturne are his progenies. They pledged themselves as my slaves and my magic accepted them. Their lives are now tied to my whims meaning if I commanded them to die, they would die. The moment I die, they die and the moment harm comes to you or father, they’ll die. They’ll act as your bodyguard so if you saw them acting like a monster, you will now know why.”

“Why did you accept them?” Anna asked curiously.

“The only other recourse was from me to either drive them away or to kill them. If I drive them away, I will feel guilty if they committed something heinous and would blame myself that I didn’t kill them and I’m not cold-blooded enough to outrightly destroy them when they surrendered. Besides, my magic confirmed the absoluteness of the slave contract and I trust my magic completely.”

“Can I command them?” Anna asked.

“I told the vampires to follow father as if his commands were mine but I only told them to guard you with their lives. I can’t give you absolute authority over them since you’re still young and I don’t want you shouldering something like that.”

Anna just shrugged when Anton explained the situation. He saw though that the maids and Colin looked a bit worried but they’ll just get used to it.

After that, Anton told everyone that he would meditate and close his eyes. He entered the game and began the level grinding.

Several hours passed and his level increased by one so now he was level ninety-two. Seven levels more and he could then choose the druid class.

Anton heard someone calling his attention so he parked his character in the Rogue Encampment and minimized the game. He saw that Anna was calling his name and when she saw that he was awake she told him that they arrived in the last town before Zalnothel.

Colin told him that Anders announced that they still wouldn’t rest in the town. Anton could understand since he too was worried about the Undead Coalition especially with the elder vampire joining them.

The caravan parked just outside the town and even though the town chief invited the caravan to stay in the town to rest for a few days, Anders declined and told the man that he needed to go to Zalnothel as soon as possible so after a couple of hours, the caravan started their journey again.

No one complained that they were not allowed to rest in the town since everyone was still afraid of the undead and unsurprisingly, the refugees didn’t stay in the town as well but continued traveling to Zalnothel with the caravan.

The villagers were truly traumatized by the Undead Army so they were only willing to rest behind the safety of the walls of Zalnothel.

Five more days and they would arrive in Zalnothel. Anton hoped to have started leveling up his Druid character before arriving in the city because he wanted to become more powerful before he dealt with the mages of the city.

Anton’s father was glad that it was summer and that meant that there was plenty of game in the surrounding forest and the last town provided them a huge amount of grain. Of course, Anders informed them of the attacking Undead Army but the town leaders insisted that the undead would not attack them since they were near Zalnothel, and if any undead army reached them, the archmages of Zalnothel would arrive and destroy them.

Anton saw that his father was truly hoping that the town leaders were correct in assuming that but he did purchase the food that the town sold to them. At a very high price, of course.

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