My Favorite Game Followed Me!

Chapter 169

Anton focused on leveling up his sorcerer character and he even skipped practicing his lute. After breakfast, he would enter the game and would leave the game only when it was time for lunch. He also did the same during the afternoon and he even declined when Anders wanted to tell him what the vampires told his father information about the Undead Coalition and the vampires’ abilities and how they could best use them.

He informed his Father that he needed to concentrate on his magic since it was now on a critical stage and even Anna didn’t disturb him after learning that Anton’s magic was on the verge of a great breakthrough.

After a couple of days of gruesome leveling, Anton finally reached the maximum level for his Sorceress. He even skipped doing the hunt for the unique charms and decided to do it once he was able to select the next class.

The moment he reached level ninety-nine, he went to the Rogue Encampment to park his character since there was a flashing notification icon that appeared in the lower left corner of his view.

When Anton opened the Diablo II system announcement, it basically confirmed that he would be able to select a second class. It was just like the original Diablo II game wherein he could create a new character and the new character would then have access to the stash which contained all the equipment that he had already received from his first playthrough. It was the same as the regular game. The main difference was that his real-world self would have access to all the spells and skills that all of his characters would earn through leveling up and he now has a separate panel for weapons, armor, and accessories for his real-world identity.

Anton was a bit sad though that his stats would not be the stats of all the characters combined but would follow the highest stats of the characters that he had. It meant that Energy would follow the sorceress since it would definitely have the highest energy stats and his identity’s strength stat in the real world would follow a melee character like a barbarian which would have the highest strength stat.

It would make his stats truly well-rounded once he had created and maxed out all of the characters.

Aside from the real-world advantages, the second playthrough would be just the same as the classic gameplay of Diablo II and like the original game, the only advantage the second character would have was the items that the sorceress already received that the next character could wear once he reached the stat requirement.

Anton decided that he would focus on the summoning tree for his Druid but he would still put a single point of skill point on all of the skills so he would have a wide variety of spells that he would have access to in the real world.

However, he might skip the transformation skills since he felt icky at the thought of transforming into a werewolf or werebear even though they’re truly powerful. He decided to start the druid gameplay the next day since the caravan already settled for the night. Three more days and they would reach the wizard city of Zalnothel. He couldn’t wait to reach it since it meant that they could finally take a rest from all the traveling.

At the dinner table that his father's servants prepared, Anton joined his family in waiting for the dinner to be served. It still tickled him a bit to think of the fact that his family now had servants.

“What are plans once we reach the city, Father?” Anton asked Anders.

“We’ll stay at an inn first then hire a warehouse where we could store our carriages and items. We’ll then look for a manor that I could purchase where we would permanently stay but that would probably take a while since we need to make sure that the home that we will choose will be comfortable.”

“Do we have enough wealth for something like that?” Anton asked and his father and Nemina just smiled.

“I was going to say was that if we don’t have enough funds, I can repair more items for you and even create enchanted items that you could sell,” Anton said.

“You will still need to do that anyway since our capital is still not nearly enough for us to truly establish ourselves as a wealthy merchant family. We will hold off in selling any of your enchanted items though and we’ll only use them for ourselves since I don’t know if it would be dangerous if the city would know that someone in our family is capable of creating enchanted items,” Anders said.

“That’s true. A wizard who can cast spells is way different from an enchanter who can create an enchanted item,” Frederick added.

At first, Frederick was pressured when he learned that three mages joined their family and all three were powerful mages at that but when Anders noticed that Frederick was becoming haggard by focusing too much on his magic since he didn’t want Anders to expel him from the family due to his lack of power, Anton’s father had to tell the mage the truth. That the three powerful mages were vampires that became Anton’s slaves. That fact relieved the mage so much that he slept for more than ten hours each night since learning the truth.

“I thought you were planning to join the city’s army or an organization that would fight the undead?” Anders asked.

“I will take my time on that though since I want to make sure that our family is established first. I wanted to make sure that you and Anna are living comfortable lives,” Anton said.

“It would be more comfortable if you don’t do anything of that sort and just join me in school,” Anna muttered.

“Well, my plans are not yet definite. We still don’t know the situation in the city and all of our plans are still subject to change,” Anton smiled at Anna’s comment.

After dinner, Anton healed the animals and restored their stamina through the use of his auras. He also healed those who were wounded by accidents during travel and it was more common than he thought that it would happen. He was still glad though that the refugees’ children were still very active and that meant that although they were sad that they left their homes, most of the kids were looking forward to entering a powerful city for their safety since just like Anton, they probably had the idea that the city would be a source of endless adventure.

Anton truly hoped that it would be since he planned to live his life to the full and not return to being the useless passive being that he was when he was on Earth. After he was done with the healing session, he took a bath and provided mana water for his friends and family then he went to his carriage. He planned to unwind by watching a movie or an anime before sleeping and the next day, he would focus on leveling up his new character. He turned his attention to the panel dedicated to his real identity first and assigned all the items that his sorceress was currently wearing to the real-world inventory panel since those were the only powerful items that he currently had.

He imagined that once he had several powerful sets from different characters, he would then have to be more meticulous about which items would be more effective in real life.

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