My Favorite Game Followed Me!

Chapter 170

The next day after breakfast, the caravan continued their journey towards the wizard city of Zalnothel. Anton was impressed by the refugees’ resilience during the travel since most of them were traveling on foot. He did try to help by conducting healing sessions once in a while and the villagers who left their homes were truly grateful to him.

At first, Anton thought of offering his services to repair the refugees' things so they would have sturdier clothing and other things but Anders stopped him.

“You can’t do everything for them, Anton. Once you offer your services for free, they will begin to clamor for more and some of them will eventually think illogically that the reason why they were driven off from their home is because of you. Because of how you behave like someone guilty but soft-hearted. From now on, don’t deal with the villagers anymore and let me, Lucas or Nemina handle it. If somebody needs to be healed, then we’ll call you, understand?”

Of course, Anton had no choice but to obey his father since, to be honest about it, he did feel a little feel of guilt for displacing the villagers from their home even though it wasn’t his fault that the Undead Coalition suddenly decided to attack everyone. He was also truly inexperienced when it came to dealing with people since even though his true age was not seventeen but twenty-three, he was mostly by himself when he was on Earth.

Anton also stopped flying to check the undead army since he didn’t see them anymore and just asked his father to command the elder vampire and his two companions to do the scouting. The vampires also assisted them in hunting for food in the forest since they were experts in hunting for game. He briefly wondered what the vampires ate but he thought that he didn’t care as long as they didn’t hurt anyone for their food. He didn’t even ask his father about it and knew that he should have since knowledge was power but he was truly focused on leveling up so he could create his new Druid character so he put everything else at the back of his mind.

Anton entered the game and selected the option of creating a new character then chose the druid class. He briefly considered choosing the Necromancer and just focused on its curses and bone spell skills but considered the fact that it was truly a dangerous time for Necromancers so he chose Druid in the end.

He planned to level up his druid class for a bit and once he had enough druid spells, he would go back to the sorceress character and begin doing the quest for the unique charms. Anton then started playing Diablo II as a druid but this time, he went back to playing the game personally by entering the world of Sanctuary. He wanted to learn how to cast the druid spells personally and not through the on-screen option. Anton would stick to his plan of playing a new game and learning new spells by doing it virtually and would only use the on-screen option for leveling up and grinding.

Anton would still put a single point on every skill except the shapeshift skill tree but he would focus on the summon dire wolf and summon grizzly spells for leveling up the druid character.

Once the druid character was created and was in the Rogue Encampment, Anton briefly minimized the game and checked his real-life access to spells and was glad that he did still have access to his sorcerer spells and was still protected by the high-level equipment.

Before Anton went back to the game to continue playing, he went and did thorough research on how to level up a druid effectively. He changed his mind in concentrating on the summoning skill tree since what he wanted to do was to become very powerful at the soonest time possible and following the best-recommended build would be best. It was different this second playthrough because this time he could do a min-max build since his sorceress could support him in real-life situations.

Anton was glad that the recommended druid builds were elemental wind build and elemental fire build since he was used to being a caster. He reckoned that he would still focus on being a caster while playing the druid class and just become a summoner once he was able to choose a necromancer.

He actually spent an hour researching the best build and the play-through for fast leveling and survivability and was extremely glad that the Diablo II gamers provided extensive guides on how to play as a druid. It even contained specific stats and skills that you should choose per level up and he planned to follow it to the letter. According to one of the best guides that Anton found, he would have to play as a summoner during the early gameplay and then switch to the elemental wind build once he was above level thirty to forty. This made him throw out the first plan that he created for the druid out the window.

After saving the webpage that contained the guide that he would follow, he began playing the game. During the first few hours before lunch, he managed to level up to level eight and reached Tristram to rescue Cane. He still couldn’t do what the famous streamers did when playing the game, skipping unimportant parts. He still made sure to kill all monsters that he encountered and explored every nook and cranny. In a way, it was helpful and important since it allowed his body to get used to the power of the druid character.

He still decided to practice his spells for about an hour outside the Rogue Encampment to make sure that he could manipulate the mana used for the druid spells just like he did with the sorceress spells. After reaching level eight, he had two spells, level six Raven and level two Summon Spirit Wolves. His current gear was just the ones he found and the only item that he had from his stash was a weapon slotted with chipped gems to make his attack a bit more powerful than normal.

When the caravan stopped for rest when mid-day arrived, Anton joined his family for lunch.

“Father, Anna I learned two new spells!” Anton happily reported to his father and sister.

“What spell are those?” Anna asked and everyone looked at him expectantly.

The vampires were especially excited to see what new spells he learned so Anton immediately summoned the Ravens and commanded the bird summons to destroy a nearby tree which they did in a few seconds. After that, he summoned his spirit wolves and asked them to do the same thing and the spirit wolves destroyed a tree in a very short time.

Anna clapped during the demonstration and his father looked impressed. Anton didn’t care about what the others thought about his new spells and only cared about what Anders and Anna thought and since they were both impressed, he was content with that.

Anton supposed that he was immature for being happy as a kid presenting a completed kindergarten project to his parents but he didn’t care. The most important things in his life right now were his father, his sister, and their happiness. Anyone who threatens that would receive maximum enmity from him.

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