My Favorite Game Followed Me!

Chapter 181

“I’m very happy to hear that you’re a very sensible young man and your power didn’t make you addle-minded. Normally, people who acquire power too much at a rapid pace become twisted. I’m impressed by your father to be able to bring you up as a responsible young man and the city would be blessed to have someone like you in it,” Archmage Voduria said.

Anton thanked the archmage for the compliment but Anders looked very proud.

“If I may ask Archmage, what is the city’s plan regarding the Undead Coalition? I was so angry at them at first because it felt like they were hounding us. We kept running and I even fought so many undead. My first plans were to join the army or some sort of organization that aimed to fight the coalition but when we reached the city, I changed my mind and decided to consolidate my foundation first.” Anton asked.

“I’m glad that you changed your mind. You don’t need to worry about the undead while you and your family are in the city. We are very well protected by magic since we have hundreds of archmages and countless high wizards living here and our city walls are surrounded by magical runes so powerful that even a god would think twice about attacking our city. You are very young and I hope that you focus on growing up first. Once you’re an adult you can then think about having your revenge. I know that your city has fallen and young people are hot-blooded but consider the fact that the Undead Coalition is truly very powerful and you don’t want to spend your life on the path of revenge. It’s meaningless and a waste of your talent,” Voduria said.

“My son would not do something idiotic like that. We’re not truly attached to our country anyway and we haven’t lost anyone important to the coalition so please rest assured, Madam Archmage. Anton’s decision to fight the coalition was a momentary stupidity and he changed his mind already,” Anders said which made Anton roll his eyes at his father.

The Archmage Voduria paused for a bit while studying the father and son.

“Aren’t you worried about your vampires? We could be torturing them now to get information.” The old archmage said.

“Not really. You can even kill them if you want to. They’re monsters,” Anton carelessly said.

“Anton!” Anders shouted and Anton wore an expression that said, “What, I didn’t say anything wrong.”

The Archmage Voduria laughed heartily.

“You don’t need to worry Mr. Anders. The vampires are safe. I suggest that you use the vampires well Archmage Anton. They are powerful and can be good bodyguards for your family.”

Anton nodded carefully to appease his father and the Archmage Voduria was right anyway, the vampires were a good protection for his father and sister so he decided to treat them as humans from then on.

“When are you planning to hire a tutor? I have someone that I can recommend,” The old archmage asked.

“I’m planning to do that once our manor is fixed and we’re staying there. Archmage Voduria, I have a question to ask,” Anton said then he brought out the wooden board of the air conditioner and Lantern of Fire Bolt and activated them.

Anton described what the items did, their activation process, and their duration and source of energy and asked the archmage if it was all right to sell something like these enchanted items.

“All the enchanted items that we’re planning to sell will be geared toward easing the lifestyle of a rich person. We’re not planning to sell any enchanted items geared toward battle. Are we going to encounter any issues selling these kinds of items?”

“Can I bring them with me and study them? I might not be able to bring them back and possibly even destroy them. After that, we’ll get back to you.”

“Sure, Madam. Please take them.”

After their conversation, Archmage Voduria said her goodbyes but then gave Anton a piece of paper that contained the tutor’s name and address then she left.

“Are you not afraid that your enchanted items would be copied and we would lose our advantage of selling those?” Anton asked his son.

“With the magic of this world, I doubt that they didn’t have enchanted items that resemble ours. You can even see some magic lights inside the magic stores. They could create something like that but I’m quite sure that they wouldn’t be able to exactly copy how I did mine since my magic system is truly different from the magic system of this world. Although, I do have the ability to study their magic system. The only advantage we have is how easy for me to make them and how cheap the materials would be. That’s the reason why I asked Nemina to check out the enchanted items in the city so we will know what price we can set them so we can earn tons of gold,” Anton replied and his father nodded.

Anders then went outside to join Nemina and Lucas in making sure that the mansion would be ready as soon as possible and so they could begin planning their next move business-wise. Anton went to his room so he could continue playing his Diablo II game to increase his power.

Before Anton did though, he remembered that he wanted to purchase a guitar so he called Colin who entered the suite immediately.

“Colin, can you accompany me to the nearest store that sells stringed instruments like lutes and guitars?”

Anton and Colin went outside the inn followed by a couple of guards that his father assigned them. Colin asked some questions to the patrol guards and some of the pedestrians and soon they entered a store that sells musical instruments.

Inside the store, there were a lot of instruments like lutes, violas, wind instruments, and more, and some of them Anton couldn’t identify. He forgot something very important though, he didn’t have any coins anymore so he asked Colin and one of the guards to return to Anders to get coins that he could spend so while they did Anton browsed the types of instruments available and asked the salesperson where the guitars were and he was led to a section where they were displayed.

Anton was a bit relieved since he thought that there were no guitars in this world but he was overthinking it. Again, he kept saying to himself that he shouldn’t compare this world to medieval Earth since this world wasn’t Earth’s past but a totally different one. He was also glad that the salesman was also a musician and very knowledgeable about the instrument that he was selling.

The salesperson’s recommendations were good and when Anton asked if he could try them, the salesman didn’t hesitate to allow him to do so. After trying several guitars, he found one that he fell in love with. The sound was mellow and robust and when he played ballad songs, the sound tickled his soul.

Since Colin wasn’t back yet, he decided to sell his old lute which looked brand new since he had Charsi repair it and got a good price for it. Soon, Colin arrived and Anton paid the salesman for the guitar and happily took his coin.

Anton couldn’t wait to get back to his room so he could practice with his new guitar for an hour or two.

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