My Favorite Game Followed Me!

Chapter 182

The next day, everyone was truly busy. Anders together with some assistants they hired, guarded by the elder vampire Zenoxus who returned late the night before went to roam around the nearby merchants to check where they could purchase worn-out and broken weapons and armor.

Nemina, Lunette, Devon, and some other assistants from the caravan, guarded by Ecturne, one of Zenoxus's progeny check the local merchants to see the prices of items like weapons, armor, enchanted items, and other stuff.

Frederick and his assistants from the caravan guarded by Luminetta, one of the vampires, went out to hire a lot of people to fix the mansion that they recently purchased. He would also handle purchasing all the furniture that they would need in the manor.

Anna and her maids followed by several guards would roam around some of the shops to check the current prices of regular items. She assigned this job to herself even though Anders told her that it wasn’t needed but of course, Anton knew that it was just an excuse for her sister to go shopping. She truly adjusted her life as a rich young woman since she successfully persuaded their father to give her a lot of coins that she could use to purchase things that she found interesting.

Before Anna left though, she told everyone that she wouldn’t stop practicing her magic and Anders added that her father would hire a tutor to teach her etiquette and basic information that she would need to make sure that she wouldn’t sound and look like a country girl once she attended school.

Surprisingly, Anna wasn’t against the tutor but was actually in favor of it. She mentioned that she wanted to genuinely become a young lady in looks and behavior and the only way to achieve that was to hire a tutor as soon as possible. Since they didn’t know anyone, Frederick was assigned to look for one so Anton gave him the paper that had the name of the tutor that the Archmage Voduria recommended for him.

If the tutor that Archmage Voduria would not be able to teach Anna what she would need to learn how to become one of high society’s butterflies, at least the tutor could point them in the right direction.

Since Anton wasn’t assigned to do anything for the caravan yet, he secluded himself in his room to level up his Druid character since he knew that it would be very busy the following weeks. They didn’t even meet up during lunchtime since everyone was busy so Anton just ate one of the food that he stored in his inventory. After several hours of playing, he completed Act II of the normal difficulty of his Diablo II game for his Druid Character and reached level nineteen. He put the two skill points on Summon Spirit Wolves.

Several hours of personally adventuring inside the game exhausted Anton for a bit so he decided to exit out of the game to rest. He practiced his music using his newly bought guitar and was intoxicated by the sound that was coming out from the instrument. He was kind of impressed at himself since he was now starting to learn advanced guitar fingering and knew that if he was able to create his own videos, he would have posted videos of himself playing the guitar and checking the watcher comments but that was just something he thought of momentarily to feed his vanity a little.

Anton thought that it would have also been fun to take videos of the sceneries and the environment of the cities and post them on the internet to check the watchers guessing which places they were or if they were some sort of advanced graphics for a game.

After practicing his guitar and playing some music to entertain himself for an hour, Anton thought of what kind of enchantment he could enchant items with that would be perfectly all right to sell. His requirements were that the enchanted items should be easy to create and could be used by normal people in their daily lives. He didn’t want to sell any type of enchanted items that could be used as a weapon.

He then thought of creating some sort of heater that could water so they could place the wooden board on a tub so the user could safely heat their bathing water fast and safely so he immediately went to the Rogue Encampment and started the experiment to create the wooden tablet of water heater.  

While reviewing the spell structures and the man a pathway that he could use for the new enchantment, Anton thought of hiring someone to name their enchanted items since the names they were using were atrocious.

After a couple of hours, Anton didn’t complete the project yet so he paused it and decided to exit the game so he could join his family for dinner. He went to the inn’s restaurant and saw his family seated around a huge table but when he double-checked, they were just a few tables that were joined together by the inn’s staff.

When Anton sat between his father and his sister, the inn’s waiters just brought their dinner. While they were eating, Anders told him all the things that everyone did but when Anders saw that his son was only half listening he stopped.

“What are you thinking about? You’re not even listening to me?” Anders scolded his son.

“Sorry father. I was thinking about my next enchanted item that we could sell since I’m thinking that the wooden board of air conditioner and Lanter of Firebolt are not enough. My next project is also a wooden board but its function was to heat water. So you put the board inside the bathtub, it would heat your bath water. Of course, I made sure that it wouldn’t boil the water and would only heat it. It still needs a lot of work but I can probably complete it by tomorrow. I also suggest, Father that you hire a professional to name my enchanted items since it I feel like all of them sound…wonky,” Anton said to his father.

“Wonky? What does wonky mean?” Anna asked Anton.

“You need to learn how to understand the meaning of a word by looking at the context. Since I’m not satisfied with the names, it could only mean something not desired like, weird or goofy,” Anton replied.

“Then why didn’t you just say that!” Anna retorted.

“Country girl!” Anton teased his sister.

“Wonky!” Anna replied back causing Anton to laugh.

“You’re right. I think we will also need to hire a carpenter and a designer so your items are not simply wooden boards. We need a team that can help us design something aesthetically pleasing,” Anders said.

“I’m sorry Anton, we’re so busy with hiring people who would fix the mansion that I didn’t have any time to spare to go to the tutor. I’ll do it early tomorrow,” Frederick told Anton and he just nodded.

After that, Anders and everyone else talked about business while they were eating and Anton wasn’t interested so he rushed to complete his dinner and then after telling his father that he needed to go back to researching enchantment, fled the restaurant.

Once he was back in his room, Anton decided to rest a bit and watch some anime but then when his head hit his pillow, just like the other times, he immediately fell asleep.

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