My Favorite Game Followed Me!

Chapter 183

The next day, Anton woke up and saw that it was still dark outside and when he checked his browser for the time, it said that was only around four in the morning. He remembered lying on his bed the night before to watch an anime but then he fell asleep.

He took a shower to remove the feeling of grogginess on his body then proceeded to enter the game so he could continue leveling up his druid character.

After several hours, Anton finally cleared out all the tombs except for the one where Duriel was located and he leveled up from level nineteen to level twenty-one. He added one skill point to Summon Spirit Wolf and two skill points to Summon Dire Wolf. He didn’t kill Duriel yet since it was already seven in the morning and he wanted to join his family for breakfast.

When Anton exited his room, he was surprised to see that only Anna, her maids, and Colin were the only ones at the breakfast table.

“Where are Father and the others?”

“They already left. Father said that they would be busy the whole day and wouldn’t be able to join us for lunch so the whole day is ours. What are you planning to do today, brother?” Anna asked.

“I’ll stay in my room to meditate and research enchanted items,” Anton replied.

Anna just sighed and turned to her maids and told her that they were free to do what they wanted that day since she would also be staying in her room to practice magic. She then gave coins to her maids so they would have coins that they could spend and told her that if they went out, they would need to ask some of the guards to accompany them.

Suddenly, Belinda blushed which Anton also noticed.

“What! What happened!?” Anna asked.

“Nothing. We’ll probably ask Ruel to accompany us,” Ramona said innocently and Anna just shrugged.

Anton smiled and didn’t enlighten his sister. He was glad that his sister was still too innocent regarding matters of the heart. More than likely, Belinda is sweet on Ruel the guard. He also told Colin that he would be staying in the room all day and not going out even for lunch, so he told his assistant that he could do anything he wanted that day. He also gave the man several coins.

After breakfast, he returned to his room and practiced his guitar for a few minutes before entering the world of Sanctuary to continue his research on the new enchanted item which was the wooden board of water heater. After several gruesome hours of trial and error and minutely studying the complex design of the spell structure, Anton successfully created the wooden board of water heater. It had three temperature settings: mildly hot, hot, and very hot, and would work on any amount of water up until two bathtubs full of water. Magic is so wonderful and illogical since the wooden board of the water heater would only take a few seconds until the water reached the set temperature regardless of water volume, which clearly defied the laws of physics.

Since Anton wasn’t a scientist and magic itself defied physics, he just shrugged and continued creating a few wooded boards of water heater. He didn’t create too many since his father was still going to form a team to create a design for his enchanted items. The ones that he created were prototypes so the others could test it out and check if there would be a need to change anything.

The next item that Anton considered creating for sale was a modified version of the item that he already made which was the wooden board that produces water. This time, he would create a cup that would be filled with cold water by pressing a switch and since it would only be a cup, it would last a long time with its full mana storage as long as they use it for the intended purpose which was to drink cold water. Of course, if they used to fill out something large like a tub or a tank, the mana storage would be emptied immediately.

Fortunately, he had several large pieces of wood on hand that he could carve himself to create cups which was easy for Anton through the use of his Telekinesis so he immediately carved some. After doing so, the cups that he created were very rough but he only needed them to create prototypes.

After creating several wooden cups, Anton felt hungry and when he checked the time, it was already two in the afternoon so he stopped and exited the game to eat lunch. He immediately returned to the game to continue his enchanting research.

Anton imagined opening a store full of magical things that help people in their daily lives and thought that it could be enjoyable and interesting.

The most critical part of his enchantment projects for now was the variety since all of them were based on the sorceress's elemental skills which were very basic. All of his items were just applications of the sorceress spells and he couldn’t create any items that were too complex. He did have access to lightning and the internet and could probably invent gadgets like washing machines and stuff but thinking about the complexity of machines, capacitors, and other complicated technological things gave him a headache so he decided to forgo that route and concentrate on simple things.

Even though Anton called his enchanted items simple, the magic that goes into creating them was anything but and he was still very proud of them.

After several hours of experimenting and trial and error, he completed the cup of cold water item since it was only an application of the things that he already made which was the wooden tablet of air conditioner.

Then Anton remembered one important item that he could create which was a freezer or refrigerator. He then thought that it would probably be better to check the magic shops in the city to see what items were already in existence so he didn’t have to waste time inventing things that already existed.

Anton made several cups of cold water enchanted items so he could let the others test them and then he exited out of the game to join his family for dinner.

When he went to the living room, Colin was there waiting for him, and the man led him to the restaurant downstairs where the others were.

He sat beside his father and soon the waiters arrived bringing their food. They didn’t talk but concentrated on eating since they were in a public place and would talk when they were back in the suite.

After dinner, they all went upstairs to their suite to talk about what happened during that day.

“I managed to hire a lot of people and they were currently fixing the mansion. After three days, we should be able to transfer relocate to the mansion already,” Frederick opened up the discussion.

“Of course, after we transferred to the manor, all of us will still need to purchase a lot of things for personal use but we could undertake that while we’re already there,” Nemina added.

“I can’t wait for us to transfer there so I can decorate my room!” Anna said and even her maids were excited since they did have a room of their own besides Anna.

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