My Favorite Game Followed Me!

Chapter 187

Anton joined his family for dinner in the inn’s restaurant and he invited Eric, the carpenter slash designer. He could see Eric holding on to his notebook like it was his biggest treasure and even though they were eating, the man didn’t take his eyes off the notebook.

He introduced the carpenter to everyone then they all focused on eating since they knew that the meeting would be in the suite and not in the restaurant, which was a public place.

After they were done with dinner, they all went up to the suite and Anton saw chests inside. He saw that there were about ten chests and Anton was impressed at his father’s diligence.

“I’m sorry Anton. Those are the items that we already purchased. I can’t help myself since they were so cheap and once you repair them, we will earn tons of gold coins,” Anders said.

When the vampires heard what Anton’s father said they looked flabbergasted.

“Are you going to ask Sir Anton, a powerful archmage, to repair things so you can sell them?” Zenoxus said as if the process of Anton repairing the items was a lowly and degenerate thing to do.

Anton and Anders ignored what the vampire had said and he just replied to his father that he would get them done as soon as possible. He didn’t join his father's meeting and instead invited Eric to show him the designs the man had made.

Looking at Eric’s design, Anton was impressed by the carpenter’s artistry. Anna joined them and looked at the designs as well.

“Ooh, they’re so pretty!” Anna said and even her maids agreed when Anna showed them Eric’s drawings.

There were about four designs for each enchanted item so four designs for the air conditioner, four for the lantern, four for the water heater, and four for the cup of cold water.

“Can you make them without any issues?” Anton asked Eric.

“Of course. While I’m designing, I never forget that I will have to make them using wood, and my main focus aside from them being aesthetically pleasing as you have said is the ease and speed of making them,” Eric replied.

Anton then brought Eric with him and interrupted his father’s meeting.

“Father, Eric completed the designs for the enchanted items. Please take a look for a minute.”

Anton then gave the notebook to Anders and his father and Nemina looked at the drawings. After several minutes of perusing the notebook, Anders and Nemina both agreed that the drawings looked good so Anton asked his father to finance Eric so the man could start creating the items so they could truly check if they were worthy to be enchanted and sold to customers. Anton then left Eric there while his father was asking the man questions regarding the design, the cost, the speed of creating them, and more.

In the meantime, Anton went to his room, took a bath, and practiced his guitar for an hour. Then he spent a couple of hours wasting his time on the internet. After that, he spent another two hours researching how to create an enchanted printing press that would make creating enchanted items faster.

The best thing that he could do was to create some sort of stamp for a standard mana pathway like the mana storage attached to the suite so he created that one using a wooden board. Of course, the stamp wouldn’t use ink but a mana pathway that would telekinetically etch the mana structure and pathway for the standard enchantment like the mana storage mana pathway.

After a couple of hours though, his prototype for the mana structure stamp was a failure. Anton knew that he would have to do a lot more testing and trial and error before he would be successful so he didn’t mind it but once he was successful, creating enchanted items would be semi-automatic and he could even ask someone to do it instead of him doing it. The only thing that he would need to do was to put mana on the mana storage of the stamp. Looking at the very late time, Anton decided to end the day and slept.

The next day after breakfast, Anton had to spend the morning repairing the items that Anders purchased. He was really glad that the vampires went with the others to guard them since Zenoxus was beginning to get annoying and vocal when he saw Anton repairing the weapons and armor.

The elder vampire kept muttering that it was beneath the dignity of an archmage to repair things. That only menial lowly workers should be doing what Anton was doing but everyone was just ignoring the vampire.

Frederick mentioned that a couple of people would come in during mid-day to apply as a tutor for Anna. One of them was the person that the Archmage Voduria recommended and the other one was a tutor for Anna. Apparently, the siblings needed to each have a tutor of their own.

“Why can’t one person teach the both of us? They could schedule me in the morning or Anna in the afternoon or vice versa,” Anton asked Frederick.

“I really don’t know. Ask your would-be tutor about that if you want to know,” Frederick shrugged after that the mage left.

Anton spent the next few hours repairing the items but soon he was done and Colin with the help of Anna’s maids was the one who made sure that everything was organized inside the chests.

After everything was done, including the ones that were brought in by Lunelle and Devon’s assistants which consisted of pieces of jewelry and other knick-knacks somebody knocked on their door.

Anton asked Colin to check who it was and after a while, Colin invited them in. Anton saw that it was a couple of old people who were dressed richly. They looked very dignified but for some reason, their haughtiness was different from the haughtiness one could find in the noble’s behaviors.

Colin led the old man and woman to him who was already seated in one of the sofa chairs in the suite. Anton stood up and greeted the dignified couple.

“Good afternoon, Sir Anton. I’m Alan Tenor, a friend of the Archmage Voduria and a tutor and this is Miss Violet Damby. She’s a tutor as well.” The old man said and after Anton greeted the tutors, he invited them to sit.

“May I know what you know about my situation?” Anton asked the tutors.

“The Archmage Voduria said that you’re a very young archmage but lacking the common knowledge a noble of Zalnothel should know. She mentioned that your family wants to establish yourselves here in the city and that you have the means to do that as well as the power to protect your own.”

“You are right Mr. Tenor. I’m very powerful, able to contend with powerful liches and vampires and who are in the midst of an undead army and I’d already done so. I won’t hide my strength since it would protect my family’s interest here in the city. Although I’m very powerful I lack common knowledge that a noble should know. Of course not the basic knowledge like mathematics or science but politics, noble etiquette, common knowledge that a citizen of Zalnothel should have, and even geography. If you need me and my sister to undergo a test, I would agree so you would know how to create a syllabus for us,” Anton told the tutors.

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