My Favorite Game Followed Me!

Chapter 188

Anton studied the two old people and was a bit impressed by their demeanor and composure. They really looked dignified like old-world nobility that he had seen in movies.

“You are correct Sir Anton that we will need you to undergo a written and verbal test so we would know for sure the level of knowledge you will need to function among the upper society here in Zalnothel,” Mr. Tenor said.

“To be honest with you Sir Tenor, socializing amongst the upper citizen or the nobility here is not my priority. Currently, I will need to focus on my item enchantment so we can gather the wealth that my family needs. I also have my own magic system that would need me to meditate for hours every day by myself so I don’t have the time to socialize. My long-term plan was for me to focus on my magic and Anna would focus on politics but that was only my tentative plan since I hadn’t consulted my father and my sister yet and my sister is also a mage and was planning to attend a magic school here. That meant that I could only allow myself to be tutored by you for at most three hours a day for three days a week.”

“If you are an ordinary man or even only a high wizard, I would have suggested that you extend your social connection to make sure that you will have the influence to ask for assistance in case you will need it but by virtue of you being an archmage, you do have the right to skip that step. You mentioned that your sister plans to enroll in magic school, will she still need a tutor while studying?”

“Yes. Me and my sister grew up as farmers in an isolated village near Mendi and received the most basic of education so we will need extensive studying for us to be able not to embarrass ourselves in the upper society here. I was planning to attend the university here as well as receive tutoring at the same time but since my family needed me to focus on business first to stabilize our family here, I will enter the university next semester.”

“When will we be able to start?” Miss Danby asked.

“We will be transferring to our mansion probably tomorrow or the day after so once we’re settled there, we will start then. Let me introduce my sister to you,” Anton asked Colin who was waiting by the side to call his sister.

Colin went and knocked on Anna’s door. She came out and asked Colin what he needed and Anton’s assistant pointed at him and the two old tutors.

“Anna, this is Mr. Alan Tenor and this is Ms. Violet Damby. Mr. Tenor will be my tutor and Ms. Danby will be yours. Once we settled in the manor, they will give us written and oral tests to check our educational background so they could create a syllabus that would fit our needs,” Anton said to his sister.

“Good morning, Mr. Tenor, Ms. Danby, a pleasure to make your acquaintance. Although I didn’t understand what my brother said, I’m ready whenever you are,” Anna cheekily said.

Colin and Anna’s two maids laughed a little at what Anna said and even Mr. Tenor and Ms. Damby smiled. Anton rolled his eyes at his sister.

Anna and Ms. Damby talked a bit then Anton’s sister said goodbye and returned to her room to practice her magic.

“Regarding your compensation, I will need to ask you to talk to my father’s finance manager.”

“Sir Anton, you mentioned that you and your sister grew up as farmers but you’re very well-spoken compared to those of others with your same situation. May I ask the reason why?” Mr. Tenor asked.

“When I encountered the fortuitous phenomenon that gave me my power, it came with a little bit of knowledge and that was what I had been using up until now. Of course, it’s way different from the local knowledge that I will need to function properly here in Zalnothel.”

Anna’s maid interrupted their talk by serving the two old tutor cups of tea and Anton was grateful toward them since he forgot about that simple etiquette.

“I’m sorry that we only served you something to drink now. As you can see, We’re truly lacking when it comes to etiquette,” Anton said to the two tutors.

“That’s alright. Actually ever since I entered this room, it’s been very comfortable. The temperature is way different compared to outside. Is it a spell?” Ms. Damby asked while sipping the tea that Anna’s maids served.

“That is one of the enchanted items that our family is planning to sell. If you look at the table over there, you will see a wooden board with a floating globe of ice rotating. I call it a wooden board of air conditioner but we will change the name and the item design soon. Once activated, it will lower the temperature of a house or a room to the desired temperature to make sure that everyone is comfortable even during the height of summer. My enchantment focus will be on the convenience of people. I will not be selling any enchanted weapons or armor. Just items that would make a person’s life easier,” Anton said.

“I saw it earlier. I thought it was some sort of decorative magic lamp. So it was the one lowering the temperature here? It looked beautiful,” Mr. Tenor said.

“The orb of ice is truly pretty but the wooden bard leaves much to be desired so we hired someone to provide a better aesthetically pleasing items that I can enchant,” Anton commented.

Anton thought for a bit and decided to show the two old tutors some of his magic so they could better understand him and his family.

“Mr. Tenor, Ms. Danby, I would like to show you something. It’s one of my spells and it could answer some of your questions regarding our abilities and behavior,” Anton said to the two old tutors and they looked intrigued.

Anton then asked Colin to call Anna again and have him mention to his sister that they would be watching a show using a spell.

When Anna and her maids heard that Anton would be showing the unique “show” they actually squealed.

When everyone was ready and seated on the sofa in the living room, Anton explained to the audience what they were about to watch. He was planning to show the movie, Pride and Prejudice, the 2005 film starring Keira Knightly and Matthew Macfadyen. He thought of showing Titanic but there was a risqué scene in that movie that might bother his sister so he decided on Pride and Prejudice. When he briefly checked the internet, opinions were divided between the 2005 version and the 1995 version but decided to show the most recent one since it was the one he had seen and thought that the movie was charming.

Anton asked Colin to turn down the light then he activated his spell of Globe of Browser Sharing then played the movie Pride and Prejudice which was based on Jane Austen’s novel.

Everyone was focused on the movie and Anton could see that his sister and her maids were surprised at the film since he knew that they were expecting to see another animated film since those types of films were the only ones he had shown so far.

When the movie ended, Anton could see that there were tears in his sister, her maids, and even Ms. Damby’s eyes and he was a little surprised since he considered the movie charming but not a tearjerker.

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