My Favorite Game Followed Me!

Chapter 189

After the movie ended, Ms. Damby started telling her review of the movie.

“The show was utterly charming and beautiful. The actors and actresses were all beautiful, the location teeming with the beauty and dignity of the nobility. Where was that show created? How was it created? Can I see it again?”

“The show was beautifully done but I wondered why there was not a single sign of magic anywhere. It’s as if in that world, magic doesn’t exist,” Mr. Tenor added.

“I cannot share with you the details of how it was done but could only tell you that that spell was one of the reasons why my sister and I seemed well-read, at least compared to the usual farmers who grew up in the countryside. Granted, my sister had only seen a few of those shows. Not only that, as you may have noticed, the location of that show was totally different from here so the etiquette is different as well,” Anton said to the two old tutors.

“How many shows do you have in your spell?” Mr. Tenor said with his eyes gleaming.

Anton understood immediately that the old male tutor was aware of the implication of him being able to show them the film so he didn’t answer but unfortunately, Anna butted in.

“According to my brother, the variety and quantity are endless!” Anna said absently.

“If you’re not an archmage, I would have asked you to keep this to yourself but even with your power, the very fact that you have this meant that your magic is connected to somewhere that has a robust entertainment system. I wondered why that location focused on entertainment instead of gearing toward power and war. It’s admirable in a way since it meant if it was true that their main focus was entertaining their citizens, they had evolved past conducting wars to increase their power,” Mr. Tenor said absently.

Anton didn’t answer any more questions regarding the source of the films since it would definitely reveal more about his magic system that he wasn’t prepared to share. He did answer Ms. Danby’s question regarding a chance to watch the film again.

“Ms. Danby, we could schedule a time for a movie showing but repeated showings of the same movie which was what they’re called would not be done since Anna already mentioned that I had a huge amount of shows in my collection. Unfortunately, because we are going to be busy, the showing of those “unique shows” will be very rare since I will need to focus on increasing my personal power and our family’s wealth.”

Impressively, Ms. Damby didn’t react too much to what Anton had said and he didn’t know if it was because of her status as a respected tutor or her upbringing but she didn’t show any sense of disappointment in her expression.

Anton invited the two old tutors for lunch even though it was very late and surprisingly they had accepted so they all went to the inn’s restaurant. After they ate, Mr. Tenor and Ms. Damby said goodbye and asked him to send news of when they should return so they could schedule the test for him and his sister.

Anton went back to his room while Anna followed him pestering him about showing the next movie. She said that she was surprised to see real people since she thought that all the shows he had were made using some type of drawings just like the first two movies that she had seen which were Disney’s The Little Mermaid and Beauty and The Beast.

“I promised we’ll see another show once we transfer to our manor to celebrate our living in our new home,” Anton finally promised his sister which made her cheer.

Anton saw that her maids were happy as well and celebrated with her. They couldn’t stop talking about the film they had just seen and Belinda kept saying that she’s in love with Mr. Darcy. He then thought silently, “You and generations of young women are in love with Mr. Darcy,”.

Once they arrived at the suite, Anton was surprised to see Eric waiting outside together with a couple of young men carrying a chest.

“Sir Anton, I brought you six wooden sculptures,” Eric said.

“You made six already!” Anton asked.

“Yes. Since my main focus aside from the wooden creations be aesthetically pleasing, they could be made easily. Once I get used to making them, it could even be faster,” The carpenter said.

When Eric showed Anton the six wooden crafted items, they were truly beautiful.

“Ooh, they’re so pretty!” Anna said and even her maids were looking at the sculpted wooden sculpture with smiles on their faces.

Eric pointed out again which were the sculptures for the air conditioner, which were for the lanterns, and which ones for the water heater.

Anton immediately enchanted the sculptures and it only took him an hour to enchant all of the items. When he activated the items, they all looked exceptionally beautiful.

While they were looking at the items, Anton asked Eric some questions.

“Do you think they need paint?”

“No. The only coating they will need is varnish. Painting them would make them look cheap and tacky,” Eric said decisively.

“Will it not affect the enchantment if somebody painted one?” Anna asked.

“Based on the logic behind the enchantment, paint shouldn’t affect the enchantment since the mana pathway and mana structure were carved into the item using magic but the best thing that we could do right now is to test it. Colin, can you get us a paint?” Anton asked for his assistance and Colin immediately went outside the suite to search for paint.

The next test that Anton wanted to do was to check the sturdiness of the items so with Eric’s permission, he picked them up one by one except for the two that they were planning to paint to test if painting the items would affect the enchantment then Anton threw them hard on the ground.

The result of the test showed that if the items just fell, they should not be broken immediately except if the height from which they fell was truly high or if the items were thrown hard. Next, the enchantment would still be working as long as the part where the enchantments were etched remained solid but if they were broken, the enchantment would cease. At least they didn’t explode or anything like that since for a moment, when they broke one in the section where the mana storage was etched, Anton nervously waited but thankfully nothing wild happened and the mana just dissipated.

Anna was looking sadly at the broken wooden sculptures but surprisingly Eric wasn’t affected and when Anna asked the carpenter, he pragmatically answered that he knew that testing would be conducted and that since he was planning to create thousands of the items, he didn’t form any emotional attachment to them. He further said that the most important item was his design notebook because it contained the items that he would need to create.

Colin arrived with a bucket of paint and Eric started painting the two remaining enchanted items. After painting them, they conducted several tests and in conclusion, painting the items wouldn’t affect the enchantment.

Anton was very satisfied with the items and proceeded to tell Eric to create as many as he could in the next few days. He also told Eric to talk to Anders or Nemina so they could talk about his compensation and the cost of making the sculptures. He also advised the carpenter to have someone along when they talked about cost and compensation to make sure that he would receive proper compensation but Eric just nodded.

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