My Favorite Game Followed Me!

Chapter 35

The men and women who were looking at them were strange in Anton’s eyes. They were all looking at Anton and his family as if they were fat juicy steaks and that they had been hungry for several days.

Anders whispered to his children to move slowly to the side away from the inn’s door and they did then he shouted at the group of people.

“Who are you and what do you want with us?”

Not one of the eight people answered Anton’s father but they grinned. Suddenly, the blacksmith and a woman came outside.

“Boys! Girls! We have dinner tonight!” The blacksmith told the group of people who were waiting outside for Anton and his family and as one they suddenly turned into wolflike monsters.

“Son, they’re Lycans! Go ahead and kill them!” Anders shouted.

Anton made his move by holding the blacksmith and the woman with Telekinesis then he cast Glacial Spike at the eight werewolves who were about to attack them. It took a total of three Glacial Spikes before all eight of the werewolves were frozen. Since his father commanded him to kill the monsters he cast Glacial Spike three more times and the werewolves all shattered into pieces. He was glad that Diablo II spells didn’t have any cooldown and could be spammed as long as he had mana.

The blacksmith-looking man and the woman who turned into werewolves howled when they saw their comrades die but they were unable to move and were easily held by Anton’s Telekinesis spell.

Anton then summoned an Ice Blast but let it hover above his hands and showed it to the two werewolves that were left.

“Turn back into human or I’ll shatter you too!”

The two remaining werewolves slowly turned back into humans and it was horrifying to watch that made Anton want to vomit. Due to their clothes ripping into pieces when they transformed into werewolves, the two people were naked.

The man and the woman had red eyes and were looking at Anton as if they were only waiting for a chance to shred him into pieces of meat.

“Wizard let us go and we will leave here!”

“Anton don’t listen to that monster. Lycans are savages who eat everything. They must have killed all the humans in this village to satisfy their hunger. This happens sometimes when a group of werewolves band together.”

“Yes, you’re right! We killed all of them and ate them! They were delicious,” The woman werewolf shouted at them.

“Are there any more of you here?” Anton asked the man.

When the werewolves didn’t answer, he cast the Ice Blast that was hovering above his hands to the woman werewolf and it instantly froze her. The man saw his companion froze and sweat beaded into his brows.

“Talk!” Anton commanded.

The werewolf still didn’t speak so he used an Ice Bolt to shatter one of the arms of the woman werewolf.

“There are no more! You have killed all of them! Go ahead and kill that woman and let me go. I’ll leave here wizard and never come back.”

Anton shattered the woman werewolf with another Ice Blast and asked the man where were their horses.

“They’re at the stable. We saved them to eat later after we have eaten you three.”

That statement from the man caused Anna to vomit.

“Do you have questions for the man Father?”

Anders asked logistic questions about the werewolves like where they were staying in the village, where they put the remaining bodies of the villagers, and also where they put their valuables. If the man didn’t answer Anton cast an Ice Bolt and struck the man’s limbs. He wasn’t hesitant in torturing the man since it was a monster who ate the villagers.

When all of Anders's questions were answered, he commanded his son to end the werewolf’s life and Anton cast a couple of Ice Blasts to freeze the man and shatter the monster into pieces.

“I’m sorry son that you have to learn how to kill so young.”

“I’m not that young Father and I didn’t now kill anyone. I eradicated some monsters who were a danger to us and the world in general.”

“You’re right Anton. If you have the power, never hesitate to use it to save yourself or your family.”

“That was truly scary Father, brother. When I saw them turning into werewolves I thought we would die,” Anna started crying and Anders consoled his daughter.

“Hey don’t be scared. I’m now a powerful mage,” Anton boasted which made Anna laugh a bit.

Anders and his children went inside the inn and went into the room where the leader of the werewolves indicated they were staying. There he found the monster's belongings but the only valuable things they found were a purse with fifty-three gold coins, another purse with thirty-three silver, and a third one with one hundred and twenty-four copper coins. Before the monsters died, he told them that these were all the coins of the villagers.

“Father, are the werewolves connected to the Undead Coalition?” Anton asked his Father.

“No, they were not. They’re monsters but they’re living monsters and they hate the undead with a vengeance. There was a thought in the mercenary band that Lycans hated undead because they couldn’t eat them.”

Anders and his children comb the whole inn to make sure no monsters were left and they also took all the things they thought they might need like all the spices and the nice clothes inside the wardrobes of the innkeeper and his family. Anna found a hand mirror that she liked and she also found several dresses that she thought were beautiful.

They also found some jewelry that Anders thought was worth keeping. It took them about an hour to go through the inn and collect all the things they wanted to keep. After that, they all went to the stables to check on the horses and their cart.

It was a bit silly but they never left each other sides.

When they found Maide and Bailey, they immediately comforted the horses and Anton activated the Prayer Aura which calmed them down. Anders then hitched them to the cart and brought the cart in front of the inn.

“Are we not going to stay here for the night Father? Anton asked.

“We are. I just want them ready so we can leave immediately if we need to. We’re going to sleep in the common room after we put some of the bedding there and we will continue to have someone awake at all times for guard duty. Anna go ahead and take your bath in the bathroom. I will go ahead and look around once last time just in case. Can you cast your spell that makes my sword enchanted with fire son?”

Anders unsheathed his sword and Anton cast Enchant to it. Then his father went around to check things out again to make sure they were alone. Anna busied herself by getting clothes and soap from the cart then went to the bathroom to take a bath. Anton was also planning to take one himself later since he felt unclean.

While waiting for Anna, Anton looked at the things they collected that were put on one of the inn’s tables. Anders told them that they would sort them out later. When Anna returned, he went to the bathroom to have a bath as well. When he was done, he saw that Anders and Anna were there waiting for him. He gave them the food stored in his inventory and they all started eating. After that, Anders took a bath himself and when he was done, he told his children to rest. They would sort out the things they looted tomorrow.

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